

Dan Mitchell 2011-09-05


    私人投资者虽然也好不到哪儿去,但他们至少愿意给阿姆斯特朗一个机会,让他实现自己的浪漫梦想:打造全球首家互联网媒体帝国。2年前,阿姆斯特朗带领美国在线脱离时代华纳公司(Time Warner),他当时宣称,要将该公司打造成21世纪的迪士尼(Disney);对了,同时还要成为21世纪的美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)。不少传奇性的老牌杂志一度纷纷裁员,人数以数百计;但他却不吝投入,斥资发展严肃的新闻报道。真不愧是浪漫派。

    可悲的是,时代并未眷顾阿姆斯特朗的美好愿景。美国在线今年第二季度损失了1,180万美元。尽管这家独立不久的公司广告营收额首次实现增长(5%),但与投资者的预期仍然相差十万八千里。该公司的股票曾在2010年4月创下最高,达到28.45美元,如今的交易价却只有15美元。上周三,有消息称,美国在线已经开始一系列洽谈,欲转为私有公司。《纽约邮报》(New York Post)对此进行了报道,称有消息人士对该报透露:“即使现在作为上市公司开始赢利,也未必有用。因为这样一来,他们有可能更胆大妄为,从而承受更大的风险。”



    Patch的运营范围覆盖美国的850个城市。如果关闭这块业务,美国在线转眼就能赢利。但是,那样做就违背了阿姆斯特朗的梦想。他坚持认为,从长远角度看,网络是本地新闻的未来。同时,《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)一直干得有声有色,自美国在线今年2月收购该网站以来,它的流量增加了12%。该网站长期依赖廉价内容吸引流量,但是用于员工的开支也颇为高昂,这点与Patch如出一辙。



    Tim Armstrong, the CEO of AOL (AOL), is a romantic. That's laudable, not to mention rare in modern American business. Unfortunately, modern American investors don't look favorably on romantics if they can't bring profits along with their lofty ideals -- especially modern American public investors.

    Private investors aren't much better, but they'd probably at least give Armstrong a better chance of realizing his romantic dream: to build the first great Internet media empire. As he was shepherding AOL through its public spinoff from Time Warner (TWX) two years ago, Armstrong said he meant to turn the company into the 21st century's Disney (DIS). Oh, and also the 21st century's CNN. He invested in real reporting at a time when storied magazines were shedding jobs by the hundreds. Romantic.

    Sadly, times have not been hospitable to Armstrong's vision. AOL lost $11.8 million in its second quarter, and while ad revenues were up for the first time in the young spinoff's history (by 5%), they aren't anything close to what investors want or expect. The stock, which peaked in April 2010 at $28.45, is trading just north of $15 –- and that's up on the news Wednesday that AOL is in talks for a private takeover. The New York Post reported those talks, with one source telling the paper: "It doesn't help to be doing a turnaround in public. They could be more bold and take more risks."

    Armstrong's dream, indeed, is also a giant risk –- one that is unlikely to ever gain favor with public shareholders. With Patch, he's trying to build a national network of local news sites. It's an incredibly expensive, highly uncertain undertaking, but Armstrong still seems determined to make it a cornerstone of AOL's strategy. In reporting the company's dismal second-quarter numbers earlier this month, Armstrong said a turnaround would take until 2013. He might as well have said: "Sticking with our strategy while remaining a public company just isn't going to work." AOL can do one or the other, but not both.

    Besides going private and relying on the patience of, say, private-equity shop KKR (KKR) (which is reported to be interested), AOL could sell itself in whole or in part to a company like Yahoo (YHOO) (which could work, or could simply be adding trouble to trouble), break the company up and sell off the pieces, or close down Patch. It could also sell off its dialup business, which provides cash flow, but is nearing the end of its useful life. As Felix Salmon notes at Reuters, the dialup business is perfect for private equity. It's still generating lots of cash and margins are thick. It's "ripe for a managed decline," Salmon writes.

    Closing Patch, which operates in 850 towns around the country, would make AOL instantly profitable. But that wouldn't hew to Armstrong's dreams. He insists that in the long term, local news will work online. The Huffington Post, meanwhile, is doing well, with traffic up 12% since AOL acquired it in February. But that site, which long relied on inexpensive content to draw high volume, is spending big on staff now just like Patch.

    Web-media success stories up to now have nearly always involved low-cost, small-staff operations. Armstrong believes that spending for quality content will eventually pay off. It's the most uncertain aspect of his dream -- and also the most expensive.
