

Scott Cendrowski 2011-06-28

    上世纪90年代的科技繁荣时期,我们都以为世界会就此改变。但有意思的是:实体企业并没有就此淡出历史舞台,而是与电子企业快乐地共存了许多年。例如美国的图书零售商鲍德斯公司(Borders)虽然面临来自亚马逊(Amazon)的竞争,但它在2000至2005年间的销量却上升了。不过现在看来,这种日子似乎就要结束了。如今,电子企业规模庞大,增长迅猛,正在将传统型企业“拍死在沙滩上”。下面的四个例子可见一斑:美国邮政(U.S. Postal Service)称,如果政府不对其进行紧急救助,该公司最晚在今年末就会破产;百视达(Blockbuster)和鲍德斯已经申请破产;许多音乐制品零售商店接连关门大吉。



    We all knew that the 1990s tech boom would change the world. But then a funny thing happened: For years brick-and-mortar companies happily coexisted with their e-rivals. Borders, for instance, actually increased sales from 2000 to 2005 as it dueled Amazon (AMZN). Now those days seem to be ending. Digital companies are so big, and growing so fast, that they're obliterating old businesses. Consider these four examples: The U.S. Postal Service says it will be insolvent by the end of 2011 without a bailout. Blockbuster and Borders have filed for bankruptcy. And music stores keep closing.

Texts vs. Mail

    The U.S. Postal Service is on track to lose $6 billion this year, as e-mails and texting reduce mail volumes faster than postage fees can rise.


    从事DVD租赁业务的百视达公司在20年里发展了4,000多家门店。1997年,里德•哈斯廷斯由于没有按时归还电影《阿波罗13号》 (Apollo 13)的录像带,被百视达门店罚了40美元的滞纳金。哈斯廷斯意识到商机所在,随后创办了网飞(Netflix)公司。后来的事就人尽皆知了。

Netflix vs. Blockbuster

    Blockbuster hit 4,000 stores in two decades. Then, in 1997, Reed Hastings got charged a $40 late fee on Apollo 13 and founded Netflix (NFLX). The rest is history.


    在不到10年的时间里,亚马逊几乎仅凭一己之力,就将美国第二大连锁书店鲍德斯逼至破产。另一家连锁书店巴诺(Barnes & Noble)正在凭借最近推出的Nook电子书与亚马逊相抗衡。

Amazon vs. Borders

    Amazon almost single-handedly bankrupted the No. 2 bookseller in a decade. Barnes & Noble (BKS) is fighting back with its Nook.

iTunes VS CD

    iTunes在2003年才首次面世,但它对音乐制品零售商造成了毁灭性的打击。淘儿唱片行(Tower Records)和Musicland先后于2004年和2006年破产,另一家音乐制品零售商FYE也一蹶不振。

iTunes vs. CDs

    ITunes made its debut in 2003, with devastating effects on music retailers. Tower Records went bust in 2004. Musicland folded in 2006. FYE has shriveled.

