

Shelley DuBois 2011-04-02


    巴菲特继任者意外辞职:伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的经理大卫•索科尔突然宣布辞职,让许多人颇感意外。尽管伯克希尔现任CEO沃伦•巴菲特表示自己在短期内没有退休的计划,不过在索科尔辞职前,很多人都深信他很有可能是巴菲特继任者的候选人之一。

    伯克希尔公司两周前宣布,将与路博润公司(Lubrizol)进行一项价值90亿美元的交易。伯克希尔公司披露道,索科尔在交易公布前购买了数千股路博润公司的股票。巴菲特在本周三的一份声明中称,在他看来,索科尔买入这些股票并不存在任何法律问题。[来源:《纽约时报》(New York Times)]

    科技公司秘闻即将曝光:微软公司(Microsoft)的共同创始人保罗•艾伦出书了。这本书将在今年4月19日上架。本书描写的是微软的创业史,《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)带你先睹为快。这本书的名字叫:《谋士:微软共同创始人的回忆录》("Idea Man: A Memoir by the Co-founder of Microsoft.")。显然,对于高中老友比尔•盖茨,艾伦有些猛料要爆。[来源:《华尔街日报》]



    越来越糟:自从百视达(Blockbuster)公司去年九月宣布破产,百视达一直处于混乱状态。最近,该公司宣布它想把一份在其商店里销售Dreyer’s牌冰淇淋的合同转让给一位潜在买家。不过只有一个问题——Dreyer’s公司声称,这份合同已经失效,在百视达申请破产保护前就终止了。 [来源:《华尔街日报》]

    星巴克(STARBUCKS)想进军印度,方法是与印度的塔塔咖啡公司(Tata Cofee)建立一家合资企业,其中星巴克占26%的股份。印度的中产阶级正在崛起,而且比起茶来,印度中产更青睐咖啡,因此印度也就成了星巴克的重要市场。[来源:《华尔街日报》]


    A SURPRISE RESIGNATION at Berkshire Hathaway as manager David Sokol leaves the company. While current CEO Warren Buffett has said he has no plans to retire any time soon, many believed that Sokol would be a likely candidate for Buffett's successor.

    Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) also disclosed that Sokol bought thousands of shares in Lubrizol before Berkshire announced a $9 billion deal with the company two weeks ago. Buffett said in a statement Wednesday that he saw no legal problem with Sokol's purchase of those shares. [New York Times]

    DIRTY TECH LAUNDRY to be aired soon, as Microsoft (MSFT) co-founder Paul Allen is publishing a book that will be released April 19 about the history of the company. The Wall Street Journal took a look at an early draft of the publication, called "Idea Man: A Memoir by the Co-founder of Microsoft." Apparently, Allen has some rather unflattering things to say about his old high school buddy Bill Gates. [Wall Street Journal]

    SPEAKING OF COMPLAINING AND MICROSOFT, Microsoft is going to the European Union with an anti-trust complaint against Google. Microsoft claims that Google (GOOG) is using its search dominance to limit the growth of Microsoft services such as Bing. [BBC]

    GOOGLE, FOR ITS PART is offering a search algorithm with a social media component that allows users to recommend searches to their friends. Google's plan with the new social media service, called "+1," is to get in on the ad dollars going to Facebook and other social-networking companies. [Wall Street Journal]

    IT JUST GETS WORSE Blockbuster has been kind of a mess since it declared bankruptcy last September. Recently, Blockbuster announced that it wanted to transfer its contract to sell Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream in its stores to a potential buyer. There's just one problem--Dreyer's claims the contract no longer exists. It ended, the ice cream company claims, before Blockbuster (BLOAQ) filed Chapter 11. [Wall Street Journal]

    STARBUCKS WANTS IN ON INDIA by way of a joint venture with Indian company Tata Coffee that would give Starbucks (SBUX) a 26% stake. A growing middle class that prefers coffee to tea is making India an important market for the coffee company. [Wall Street Journal]

