



 作者: Seth Weintraub    时间: 2011年02月28日    来源: 财富中文网
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首批Android蜂巢平板电脑将不会搭载Adobe Flash(这也许是好事!)。
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    日前,科技博客Engadget表示, Verizon版XOOM的广告海报右下角标明,首批上市的Android平板电脑XOOM将不会搭载Adobe Flash。


    Adobe将为一些平板电脑预装Flash Player 10.2,而对于Android 3(蜂巢)平板电脑,Adobe将在其上市后的几个星期里,为其提供空中下载支持。预计摩托罗拉(Motorola)XOOM将是第一款下载Flash Player 10.2的产品。


    “摩托罗拉XOOM将全面支持Adobe® Flash® Player®,以访问互联网海量视频及动画,这一切在产品上市后就会实现。”

    为何会推迟搭载Flash?我们对此并不确定,不过很可能是谷歌(Google)的Android团队“毙”了Adobe。Adobe的公关部门并未明确表示Flash延期的原因,不过最有可能的是性能问题。新一批的Android平板电脑拥有1280x 800的高清显示屏,假如Flash视频在此分辨率下高清播放,可能会大量消耗英伟达(Nvidia)图睿(Tegra)2处理器的性能,电池续航也会受到影响。



    过去一年,Adobe在Flash性能发面做了大量优化(在摩托罗拉的Atrix手机上试试Flash吧,效果好得惊人,该手机使用的也是图睿2处理器,和蜂巢平板电脑一样。)最初的Flash 10.1 测试版发布在为Nexus One提供升级的Froyo系统里,此后,Flash取得了长足进步。


    我们对与摩托罗拉等合作伙伴一道,在Flash的平板电脑优化方面取得的进展非常高兴,我们希望这一势头能继续下去。我们上周曾宣布,有超过2000万部智能手机在2010年安装或升级了Flash Player产品;有超过15万的用户在Android市场里将此产品评为4.5星(总共5星)。我们已经提高了2011年的预期,我们预计到年底,将有超过1.32亿部设备安装上Flash。消费者显然希望平板电脑能支持Flash,现在的好消息是他们不需要等太久。我们预计在2011年,将有超过50款支持互联网全部功能的平板电脑上市(包括Flash支持),XOOM用户将会首先获得真正的互联网体验。

    所以Adobe还需要时间在搭载图睿2的Android 3.0系统中优化Flash。Flash在手持设备上的全屏运行速度令评测者们印象深刻。当最终版Flash在蜂巢上优化成功,其性能也许会更加优越。


    First spotted yesterday in the lower right hand corner of Verizon's (VZ) XOOM ad, Adobe's Flash will not be shipping on the first Android tablets to hit the market this week.

    Adobe (ADBE) this morning acknowledged that it wouldn't be shipping Flash in some of the initial Honeycomb tablets.

    Adobe will offer Flash Player 10.2 pre-installed on some tablets and as an OTA download on others within a few weeks of Android 3 (Honeycomb) devices becoming available, the first of which is expected to be the Motorola (MMI) Xoom.

    Motorola also confirmed the missing Flash component:

    "Motorola XOOM will include full support for Adobe® Flash® Player® for accessing the rich video and animations of the web, to be available after launch."

    What's the hold up? We're not sure here but Google's (GOOG) Android team are probably the ones who sent Adobe back to the drawing board. Adobe wasn't able to articulate the delay in PR-speak but it is most likely a performance issue. The new round of Andorid tablets have 1280x 800 HD displays which Flash videos, when viewed at full resolution, could really tax the Nvidia Tegra 2 processor and by extension, the battery.

    If Motorola is to meet the 10+ hours of battery live they've listed in their specs, a battery-hogging Flash player isn't going to help. By leaving Flash out, the early reviewers are going to get results like Apple's iPad (or better - the XOOM has a bigger battery).

    However, the lack of Flash might improve the initial performance of Android tablets and at the same time still give most users access to Flash "soon!" A common criticism of Flash by Apple CEO Steve Jobs and his disciples is that Flash is slow, power hungry, unreliable and a security threat.

    Adobe has made numerous improvements over the year in Flash's performance (try it on a Motorola Atrix, which uses the same Tegra 2 processor as the Honeycomb Tablets - it blazes!). It has also come a long way from the original 10.1 Beta version that shipped with the Froyo update on the Nexus Ones.

    Adobe also announced some pretty impresive number in the post today:

    We are excited about the progress we've made optimizing Flash for tablets, alongside partners including Motorola, and expect our momentum to continue. As we announced last week, over 20 million smartphones were shipped or upgraded with Flash Player in 2010 and over 150,000 consumers on the Android Market are rating it 4.5 out of 5 stars. We have raised our estimates for 2011 and expect to see Flash installed on over 132 million devices by the end of this year. Consumers are clearly asking for Flash support on tablet devices and the good news is that they won't have to wait long. We are aware of over 50 tablets that will ship in 2011 supporting a full web experience (including Flash support) and Xoom users will be among the first to enjoy this benefit.

    So Adobe may require additional time to optimize Flash for Android 3.0 on the Tegra 2. Hands on reviewers were impressed by the speed at which full screen Flash played on the handhelds. Perhaps we'll see even better performance when the final version of Flash is ready for Honeycomb.



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