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Meta CEO马克·扎克伯格正在将Facebook Marketplace发展成一个电商帝国。图片来源:DAVID PAUL MORRIS/BLOOMBERG—GETTY IMAGES

29岁的内容创作者伊桑·加斯基尔每天都以同样的方式开始: “每天早上起床后,大多数人都会打开手机查看Instagram,而我却会查看Facebook Marketplace。”

加斯基尔在洛杉矶的家用的几乎全是二手物品,在TikTok上有超过22万粉丝对他节俭的生活方式很感兴趣。加斯基尔相信Facebook Marketplace这个购物平台是他淘到宝贝的可靠来源:他用 400美元淘到了价值上千美元的赫曼米勒(Herman Miller)灯具和吊饰;用原价的20%买到了同一位设计师设计的价值5,000美元的床;用800美元买到了价值4,000美元的Founders中世纪梳妆台。



Facebook Marketplace不仅成为洛杉矶一个倍受信赖的二手商品交易平台。它还让自己真正具备了与老牌电商平台一较高下的能力。截至2023年底,Facebook的月活跃用户(MAU)已增至30.7亿,同比增长3%。根据Capital One Shopping公司3月份的一份报告,其中高达40%或12亿用户是经常在Marketplace上购物的活跃用户。

Meta的在线二手市场已经在向行业巨头发起挑战。几年前,Marketplace的月活跃用户就已经超过了Craigslist,Meta首席执行官马克·扎克伯格在2018年表示,Marketplace有8亿月活跃用户,而2017年Craigslist的访问量只有5,500万。相比之下,据Tech Report报道,亚马逊(Amazon)在2023年的月活跃用户为3.1亿,约为Marketplace的四分之一。Statista在2022年的一份报告显示,Marketplace是仅次于Ebay的第二大二手交易网站。

纽约州立大学水牛城分校管理学院(University at Buffalo School of Management)市场营销副教授查尔斯·林赛对《财富》杂志表示:“这是一个增长领域。如果三年或五年后,它真得超过了Ebay,我也不会感到意外。”




他说道:”因为它与Facebook的关系,因此存在信任因素。它的界面易于使用。它与Facebook Messenger整合在一起,所以切换很方便。”

Marketplace于2016年推出,最初是一种促进邻里之间销售的方式,大多数用户以合理的价格出售二手物品,买家选中商品后通过Facebook Messenger与卖家协调收货和付款事宜。但Marketplace发展成为一个强大的电子商务平台,到2018年,每三个美国Facebook用户中就有一个使用该平台。在疫情期间,随着对电商的依赖增加以及供应链和运输延迟给传统购物带来了不便,Marketplace出现了爆炸式增长。

2021 年,Marketplace创始人、时任副总裁德布·刘告诉《现代零售》:”我们看到,从手工艺人、木工到汽车销售商,每个人都在茁壮成长。”

当时,Marketplace不仅让节俭的购物者受益,也成为寻求独特销售渠道的小企业的福音。Beautiful Fight Woodworking公司总部位于密苏里州斯普林菲尔德,该公司在2020年的营收为26.6万美元,其中有16.8万美元完全来自通过Marketplace带来的销售收入。


Meta发言人瑞安·丹尼尔斯对《连线》表示:”线下发生的事情往往会进入线上环境,不幸的是,这其中也包括诈骗。” Meta 表示将 “积极开展工作,快速识别、禁用和封禁骗局及与之相关的账户”。






他表示:“它具有支持在短时间内进行多次互动的能力,我可以在Facebook Marketplace上搜索一辆自行车,然后联系七到十个人,同时进行所有这些对话。”



对于每天查看Marketplace 5到10次的二手行家加斯基尔来说,这个平台对年轻人很有吸引力,因为它迎合了年轻人对独立、省钱和保护环境的愿望,使其免于承受大规模生产和货运的压力。



不过,Meta公司自诩其 Marketplace平台的粉丝越来越多,这并不意味着它是该公司一个有利可图的部门。Meta公司并未回应《财富》杂志关于它如何通过Marketplace赚钱的置评请求,但市场营销教授林赛认为,该公司可以获得卖家交易费,并且其网站上的广告浏览量增多。

林赛表示:“总的来说,人们使用Facebook Marketplace的可能性越高,他们就越有可能每个月多次登录Facebook。然后,Facebook就可以利用这一点,让公司为广告付费,然后这些广告就会出现在推送给用户的信息当中。”


市场研究公司弗雷斯特(Forrester)的零售业分析师苏查雷塔· 柯达里认为,Marketplace在某种程度上是Facebook解决财务难题的重要一环,因为它基于本地交易,成本较低,尤其是与需要庞大国际基础设施的Ebay相比。


虽然Facebook Marketplace不需要一个复杂的系统来管理本地交易,但这也意味着它很可能不会像其他电商竞争对手那样赚钱。事实上,柯达里甚至称Marketplace是一个“反商务”平台,因为它有太多“不买东西”的群组和P2P交易。她的立场与林赛相似,认为该平台的财务价值在于可以更好地针对活跃用户投放广告。






Meta CEO马克·扎克伯格正在将Facebook Marketplace发展成一个电商帝国。

29岁的内容创作者伊桑·加斯基尔每天都以同样的方式开始: “每天早上起床后,大多数人都会打开手机查看Instagram,而我却会查看Facebook Marketplace。”

加斯基尔在洛杉矶的家用的几乎全是二手物品,在TikTok上有超过22万粉丝对他节俭的生活方式很感兴趣。加斯基尔相信Facebook Marketplace这个购物平台是他淘到宝贝的可靠来源:他用 400美元淘到了价值上千美元的赫曼米勒(Herman Miller)灯具和吊饰;用原价的20%买到了同一位设计师设计的价值5,000美元的床;用800美元买到了价值4,000美元的Founders中世纪梳妆台。



Facebook Marketplace不仅成为洛杉矶一个倍受信赖的二手商品交易平台。它还让自己真正具备了与老牌电商平台一较高下的能力。截至2023年底,Facebook的月活跃用户(MAU)已增至30.7亿,同比增长3%。根据Capital One Shopping公司3月份的一份报告,其中高达40%或12亿用户是经常在Marketplace上购物的活跃用户。

Meta的在线二手市场已经在向行业巨头发起挑战。几年前,Marketplace的月活跃用户就已经超过了Craigslist,Meta首席执行官马克·扎克伯格在2018年表示,Marketplace有8亿月活跃用户,而2017年Craigslist的访问量只有5,500万。相比之下,据Tech Report报道,亚马逊(Amazon)在2023年的月活跃用户为3.1亿,约为Marketplace的四分之一。Statista在2022年的一份报告显示,Marketplace是仅次于Ebay的第二大二手交易网站。

纽约州立大学水牛城分校管理学院(University at Buffalo School of Management)市场营销副教授查尔斯·林赛对《财富》杂志表示:“这是一个增长领域。如果三年或五年后,它真得超过了Ebay,我也不会感到意外。”




他说道:”因为它与Facebook的关系,因此存在信任因素。它的界面易于使用。它与Facebook Messenger整合在一起,所以切换很方便。”

Marketplace于2016年推出,最初是一种促进邻里之间销售的方式,大多数用户以合理的价格出售二手物品,买家选中商品后通过Facebook Messenger与卖家协调收货和付款事宜。但Marketplace发展成为一个强大的电子商务平台,到2018年,每三个美国Facebook用户中就有一个使用该平台。在疫情期间,随着对电商的依赖增加以及供应链和运输延迟给传统购物带来了不便,Marketplace出现了爆炸式增长。

2021 年,Marketplace创始人、时任副总裁德布·刘告诉《现代零售》:”我们看到,从手工艺人、木工到汽车销售商,每个人都在茁壮成长。”

当时,Marketplace不仅让节俭的购物者受益,也成为寻求独特销售渠道的小企业的福音。Beautiful Fight Woodworking公司总部位于密苏里州斯普林菲尔德,该公司在2020年的营收为26.6万美元,其中有16.8万美元完全来自通过Marketplace带来的销售收入。


Meta发言人瑞安·丹尼尔斯对《连线》表示:”线下发生的事情往往会进入线上环境,不幸的是,这其中也包括诈骗。” Meta 表示将 “积极开展工作,快速识别、禁用和封禁骗局及与之相关的账户”。






他表示:“它具有支持在短时间内进行多次互动的能力,我可以在Facebook Marketplace上搜索一辆自行车,然后联系七到十个人,同时进行所有这些对话。”



对于每天查看Marketplace 5到10次的二手行家加斯基尔来说,这个平台对年轻人很有吸引力,因为它迎合了年轻人对独立、省钱和保护环境的愿望,使其免于承受大规模生产和货运的压力。



不过,Meta公司自诩其 Marketplace平台的粉丝越来越多,这并不意味着它是该公司一个有利可图的部门。Meta公司并未回应《财富》杂志关于它如何通过Marketplace赚钱的置评请求,但市场营销教授林赛认为,该公司可以获得卖家交易费,并且其网站上的广告浏览量增多。

林赛表示:“总的来说,人们使用Facebook Marketplace的可能性越高,他们就越有可能每个月多次登录Facebook。然后,Facebook就可以利用这一点,让公司为广告付费,然后这些广告就会出现在推送给用户的信息当中。”


市场研究公司弗雷斯特(Forrester)的零售业分析师苏查雷塔· 柯达里认为,Marketplace在某种程度上是Facebook解决财务难题的重要一环,因为它基于本地交易,成本较低,尤其是与需要庞大国际基础设施的Ebay相比。


虽然Facebook Marketplace不需要一个复杂的系统来管理本地交易,但这也意味着它很可能不会像其他电商竞争对手那样赚钱。事实上,柯达里甚至称Marketplace是一个“反商务”平台,因为它有太多“不买东西”的群组和P2P交易。她的立场与林赛相似,认为该平台的财务价值在于可以更好地针对活跃用户投放广告。






Ethan Gaskill, a 29-year-old content creator, begins everyday the same way: “When I wake up in the morning—most people get on their phone and start checking Instagram—I check Facebook Marketplace.”

With his Los Angeles home furnished almost exclusively with second-hand items and a TikTok with over 220,000 followers interested in his thrifty hauls, Gaskill trusts the shopping platform to be a reliable source for hidden gems: a thousand-dollar Herman Miller light and pendant he nabbed for $400; a $5,000 bed from the same designer he bought for 20% of the original price; and, a Founders mid-century dresser worth $4,000 that Gaskill got for $800.


the upgrade from 4 drawers to 12 is life changing #bedroomdecor #bedroomaesthetic #homedecor #facebookmarketplace #bedroommakeover

♬ original sound – Ethan Gaskill

“It gives an opportunity for people to possibly bring in really rare items or just one-of-a-kind items into their home that otherwise they wouldn’t have had if they couldn’t make it out to a flea market or estate sale,” Gaskill told Fortune.

Facebook Marketplace has not only become a trusted source for LA’s second-hand scene. It’s made itself a real contender to go toe-to-toe with well-established e-commerce sites. Facebook has grown to 3.07 billion monthly active users (MAUs) as of the end of 2023, a 3% year-over-year increase. Of those, up to 40%, or 1.2 billion, are active users shopping on Marketplace, according to a March report from Capital One Shopping.

Meta’s online second-hand market is already challenging the sector’s goliaths. Marketplace eclipsed Craigslist’s MAUs years ago, with Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saying in 2018 that there were 800 million Marketplace MAUs, compared to the 55 million visitors on Craigslist in 2017. In contrast, Amazon had 310 million monthly users in 2023, per Tech Report, about one-fourth of Marketplace’s MAUs. Marketplace is the second most popular site for second-hand purchases behind Ebay, according to a 2022 Statista report.

“This is a growth area,” Charles Lindsey, associate professor of marketing at University at Buffalo School of Management, told Fortune. “It wouldn’t surprise me if in three years, five years, it actually overtakes Ebay.”

Amazon and Ebay did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

From online garage sale to e-commerce giant

Marketplace’s astronomical growth is in large part because the platform is simply easy to use and already linked to a site where so many people are pre-existing members, Lindsey argued.

“There’s a trust factor because it’s associated with Facebook,” he said. “It has an easy-to-use interface. It’s integrated with Facebook Messenger, so it’s easy to kind of go back and forth.”

Launched in 2016, Marketplace was originally a way to facilitate sales among neighbors, with most users offering up a used item for sale at a reasonable price, and buyers picking up the item and coordinating with the seller over Facebook Messenger about collection and payment. But Marketplace grew into a formidable e-commerce platform, with one-in-three U.S. Facebook users on the platform by 2018. Through the pandemic, Marketplace exploded thanks to increased reliance on e-commerce and supply chain and shipping delays that inconvenienced traditional shopping.

“We’re seeing everyone from artisans hand making goods, to wood workers to car sellers thrive,” Deb Liu, founder and then-Marketplace vice president, told Modern Retail in 2021.

By then, Marketplace had become a boon not only for thrifty shoppers, but small businesses looking for unique sales avenues. Springfield, Missouri-based Beautiful Fight Woodworking generated $168,000 of its $266,000 revenue in 2020 exclusively through Marketplace sales.

To be sure, the platform isn’t without significant problems, particularly as scammers and bot accounts have proliferated the site, giving well-intentioned buyers a tough time. One South Carolina user claimed in February he was scammed out of $18,000 after putting his 2016 Audi up for sale on Marketplace. A 2022 thinkmonkey survey of 1,000 Brits found that one in six had been scammed on the platform.

“What happens offline often makes its way into online environments, and that unfortunately includes scams,” Ryan Daniels, a Meta spokesperson, told Wired. Meta said it works “aggressively to quickly identify, disable, and ban scams and accounts associated with them.”

Gen Z’s new favorite social media

Through its ascension, Marketplace has won over a generation of young people who had largely turned away from Facebook.

“I look at it like it’s like a social media app,” Dre Vez, a 25-year-old content creator, told Fortune.

Vez spends about six to 12 hours a day on Marketplace, where he makes a living “trolling” sellers by asking them over voice memos to test the product, before uploading the interactions to TikTok for his 755,000 followers.

He finds Marketplace not just fodder for entertaining videos but also as a real social media tool for Gen Z and millennials because it’s fast-paced and highly stimulating.

“It’s the ability to have several interactions in a short duration of time, where I could go on Facebook marketplace, and I could search up for a bike, and I could reach out to seven to 10 different people and have all these conversations going on at the same time,” he said.

Even on days when he can’t find a good deal, Vez finds some laughs on the site. Sellers have gotten away with listing used toe nail clippers, toilet brushes, plungers—even a Dorito in the shape of a face going for $10,000, he recalled.

Meta has taken notice of its enthusiastic young users. While Facebook’s popularity among teens has dwindled in the wake of TikTok’s rise, Facebook now has over 40 million daily young adult users aged 18 to 29 in the U.S. and Canada, a three-year high, with one in four using Marketplace, Meta told Fortune.

To second-hand connoisseur Gaskill, who checks Marketplace five to 10 times a day, the platform is compelling to young people because it appeals to their desire for independence, to save money, and protect the environment against the strains of mass production and freight.

“Just given the circumstances with the economy, but also just the mindset of like Gen Z, they love uniqueness, and they love self expression,” he said. “But they also really like finding things for a good price.”

Finding room to grow

But just because Meta boasts a growing fandom for its Marketplace platform doesn’t mean its a lucrative arm of the company. Meta did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment on how it makes money through Marketplace, but marketing professor Lindsey suggests the company benefits from seller transaction fees, as well as more eyes on the website’s advertisements.

“Just overall, the more likely someone uses Facebook Marketplace, probably the more likely they also log into Facebook so many times per month,” he said. “Then Facebook capitalizes on that by being able to have companies pay for advertising that then hits my feed, hits your feed.”

The EU’s European Commission alleged in December 2022 that Facebook and Marketplace tie together and use data in a way that infringe on the EU’s competition rules, according to a December 2023 SEC filing.

Marketplace is, in part, an important facet of Facebook’s financial puzzle because its locally based exchanges are low-expense, according to Sucharita Kodali, retail industry analyst for market research firm Forrester—especially, compared to Ebay, which requires a massive international infrastructure.

“It’s an enormous transaction volume,” she told Fortune. “With that transaction volume comes a kind of a necessary investment in a lot of automation, customer service, seller management, seller tools, etc.”

While Facebook Marketplace doesn’t need an elaborate system to manage local transactions, it also means it’s likely not making as much money as its e-commerce competition. In fact, Kodali went so far as to call Marketplace an “anti-commerce” platform because it has so many “buy nothing” groups and peer-to-peer exchanges. She took a similar stance as Lindsey, arguing the financial merit of the platform is to help better target ads for active users.

“It’s not really about, like, ‘Let’s make money off of the volume of posts that we see on the marketplace section,’” she said.

Marketplace’s virtual garage sale vibes and community feel of the platform may not be raking in billions of dollars for Meta, but they’re exactly what keeps users coming back to the site.

“You never know when that next amazing thing is gonna pop up,” Gaskill said. “That’s the fun of it. That’s kind of what keeps it addicting.”



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