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Amanda Gerut



美国加州卢斯费利斯的居民翠西·西埃和她已故的宠物鸡卢比。图片来源:COURTESY OF TRISH SIE


这只宠物鸡的主人苏·克里斯坦特表示:“我们不得不解释这种状况——一只鸡改了密码,我们不知道密码是什么,他也不肯告诉我们。”她把宠物鸡带到自己上班的地方,把它们扮成大黄蜂的样子,帮助加拿大安大略省的五金店Peavey Mart做广告,向顾客宣传他们现在可以购买蜂箱。“他们在一段时间之后才反应过来。”


在美国,市值达到300亿美元的零售商Tractor Supply,希望充分抓住宠物鸡热所带来的商机。虽然养鸡通常被认为是一种更可持续的生活方式,而且能够保证早餐有新鲜的鸡蛋,但人们逐渐爱上了饲养宠物鸡。

4月25日,Tractor Supply的首席执行官哈尔·劳顿对美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)表示:“鸡变成了第三类新宠物。我们的绝大多数顾客选择养鸡,并把它们作为宠物对待——他们会给它们命名,以饲养宠物的方式照顾它们,而且在过去五年左右的时间里,宠物鸡一直是我们新的业务增长来源。”




2023年,该公司售出1,100万只鸡雏,比10年前增长了一倍以上。2022年,该公司推出了一个品牌Impeckables,专门服务这些家禽爱好者。该品牌下的商品包括木琴、手鼓等宠物鸡玩具,还有混有黄粉虫的果味饲料,Tractor Supply公司的综合商品销售高级副总裁尼科尔·罗根称,这些商品“在今年风靡一时”。



但这暴露出养鸡的缺点之一——它们的排便习惯。克里斯坦特说:“如果你抱着鸡坐在沙发上看电视,它就一定会在你身上排便。”克里斯坦特在Etsy上经营一家名为Chickenwear by Sue的店铺,出售五颜六色的手工缝制的鸡尿布,而且接受定制。她表示,那些时尚的鸡服装吸引了来自芝加哥、洛杉矶、纽约市的客户,几乎遍布美国各州。有一位来自英国的客户想让一只宠物鸡出现在婚礼上,于是克里斯坦特为它缝制了一件白色缎面背带,小巧的面纱和珍珠,并在后背设计了一个酒红色的蝴蝶结,以搭配新郎的装扮。她说:“这是一个非常有趣的项目。”一位纽约市的客户定制了一套万圣节服装,克里斯坦特设计了吸血鬼套装,配有可以拆卸的斗篷和蝙蝠翅膀。


53岁的翠西·西埃是来自洛杉矶卢斯费利斯社区的一名电影导演。她最开始从威廉姆斯-索诺玛公司(Williams-Sonoma)购买了半打鸡雏和一个鸡舍。她表示,后来“将它们作为宠物饲养的乐趣远超预期”,于是鸡群数量不断扩大。 “它们有不同的脾气和性情。它们知道自己的名字,也会给你命名。”西埃执导过《完美音调3》(Pitch Perfect 3)和《爱情大玩家》(Players)等电影。她还会拍摄宠物鸡的内容,包括舞蹈和音乐视频。




Tractor Supply的劳顿指出,饲养宠物鸡流行的部分原因是,城市千禧一代和Z世代的可负担能力总体不足。这些群体唯一能够买得起房的地区是城市远郊、近郊和农村地区。美国农业部(U.S. Department of Agriculture)的经济研究局发现,与新冠疫情之前相比,2020年至2022年,向农村地区迁移的人口增长了45倍。







这只宠物鸡的主人苏·克里斯坦特表示:“我们不得不解释这种状况——一只鸡改了密码,我们不知道密码是什么,他也不肯告诉我们。”她把宠物鸡带到自己上班的地方,把它们扮成大黄蜂的样子,帮助加拿大安大略省的五金店Peavey Mart做广告,向顾客宣传他们现在可以购买蜂箱。“他们在一段时间之后才反应过来。”


在美国,市值达到300亿美元的零售商Tractor Supply,希望充分抓住宠物鸡热所带来的商机。虽然养鸡通常被认为是一种更可持续的生活方式,而且能够保证早餐有新鲜的鸡蛋,但人们逐渐爱上了饲养宠物鸡。

4月25日,Tractor Supply的首席执行官哈尔·劳顿对美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)表示:“鸡变成了第三类新宠物。我们的绝大多数顾客选择养鸡,并把它们作为宠物对待——他们会给它们命名,以饲养宠物的方式照顾它们,而且在过去五年左右的时间里,宠物鸡一直是我们新的业务增长来源。”




2023年,该公司售出1,100万只鸡雏,比10年前增长了一倍以上。2022年,该公司推出了一个品牌Impeckables,专门服务这些家禽爱好者。该品牌下的商品包括木琴、手鼓等宠物鸡玩具,还有混有黄粉虫的果味饲料,Tractor Supply公司的综合商品销售高级副总裁尼科尔·罗根称,这些商品“在今年风靡一时”。



但这暴露出养鸡的缺点之一——它们的排便习惯。克里斯坦特说:“如果你抱着鸡坐在沙发上看电视,它就一定会在你身上排便。”克里斯坦特在Etsy上经营一家名为Chickenwear by Sue的店铺,出售五颜六色的手工缝制的鸡尿布,而且接受定制。她表示,那些时尚的鸡服装吸引了来自芝加哥、洛杉矶、纽约市的客户,几乎遍布美国各州。有一位来自英国的客户想让一只宠物鸡出现在婚礼上,于是克里斯坦特为它缝制了一件白色缎面背带,小巧的面纱和珍珠,并在后背设计了一个酒红色的蝴蝶结,以搭配新郎的装扮。她说:“这是一个非常有趣的项目。”一位纽约市的客户定制了一套万圣节服装,克里斯坦特设计了吸血鬼套装,配有可以拆卸的斗篷和蝙蝠翅膀。


53岁的翠西·西埃是来自洛杉矶卢斯费利斯社区的一名电影导演。她最开始从威廉姆斯-索诺玛公司(Williams-Sonoma)购买了半打鸡雏和一个鸡舍。她表示,后来“将它们作为宠物饲养的乐趣远超预期”,于是鸡群数量不断扩大。 “它们有不同的脾气和性情。它们知道自己的名字,也会给你命名。”西埃执导过《完美音调3》(Pitch Perfect 3)和《爱情大玩家》(Players)等电影。她还会拍摄宠物鸡的内容,包括舞蹈和音乐视频。




Tractor Supply的劳顿指出,饲养宠物鸡流行的部分原因是,城市千禧一代和Z世代的可负担能力总体不足。这些群体唯一能够买得起房的地区是城市远郊、近郊和农村地区。美国农业部(U.S. Department of Agriculture)的经济研究局发现,与新冠疫情之前相比,2020年至2022年,向农村地区迁移的人口增长了45倍。






The call to IT was a strange one. A cochin rooster had accidentally changed a password on a cash register, and someone needed to come and unlock it.

“We had to explain the situation—a chicken changed the password, and we don’t know what it is and he’s not giving it up,” said Sue Cristante, the fluffy bird’s owner. She had brought her pet chickens into work and dressed them up as bumblebees to help advertise that shoppers at the Ontario, Canada, hardware outlet Peavey Mart could now purchase beehives. “It took them a while to respond.”

At the store, Cristante, 56, lends her expertise to customers who are building their own flocks. Pre-pandemic, the company probably sold one chicken coop per year. “Now we can’t keep them in stock,” she said. “Chickens have really caught on.”

In the U.S., the $30 billion retailer Tractor Supply is hoping to capitalize on how much people have grown to treasure their chickens. While they often come to chicken-keeping as a way to live a more sustainable lifestyle and get a guaranteed source of fresh eggs for breakfast, people have fallen in love with them.

“Chickens are really the new third pet out there,” Tractor Supply CEO Hal Lawton told CNBC on April 25. “The vast majority of our customer base partake in the category and they think of them as pets—they name them, take care of them that way, and it’s been a great new source of growth for us over the last five years or so.”

Among the company’s 34 million customers who are involved in its loyalty program, one in five owns chickens, he added.

Chicks themselves cost $3 or $4 apiece—but once a customer starts to build a flock, they need chicken coops, heaters, feeders, and waterers. The average flock size for customers is 14 birds, though nearly 30% of the company’s customers who raise chickens have 20 birds or more.

“In America, the new companion animal is the chicken,” CFO Kurt Barton said in a statement to Fortune.

In 2023, the company sold 11 million chicks, which was more than double the number sold 10 years ago. In 2022, the company launched a brand, Impeckables, to cater to poultry hobbyists. Branded items include chicken toys like a xylophone, tambourine, and fruity treats mixed with mealworms—and they’ve been “all the rage this year,” said Nicole Logan, senior vice president of general merchandising at Tractor Supply.

The company has also expanded its “chick days” events. What used to be a six-week project with live birds in the store for families to take in on a Saturday outing is now an eight-month event with clusters of fluffy baby chicks on display in stores under heat lamps with feed and water. The company is aiming to be a one-stop shop for anyone who wants to bring chickens home and set up a backyard flock.

A 2024 study of attitudes toward chickens found that 13% of U.S. households now own a collective 85 million backyard chickens, with an average of five per owner. A survey of 2,000 chicken carers as part of the study found that nearly 90% were women. Among the 20% who reported that they cared for chickens with health or other issues, such as special needs or disabilities, flock owners said they had used chicken wheelchairs, walking frames, or a hammock to support birds with broken backs. Some 82% of owners said they arrange for a chicken-sitter when they go away for a weekend, and 12% said they let their chickens come in the house whenever they want to.

That, however, introduces one of the only drawbacks of chickens—their bathroom habits. “If you’re sitting on the couch watching TV with your chickens, you’re definitely going to get pooped on,” said Cristante. She runs an Etsy shop, Chickenwear by Sue, where she sells colorful hand-sewn chicken diapers and takes custom orders. She’s shipped fashionable chicken apparel to clients in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, and nearly every state in the U.S., she said. For one customer in England who included a pet chicken in her wedding party, Cristante made a dress with a white satin harness, small veil, and tiny pearls, with a burgundy bow on the back to match the groomsmen. “It was a very interesting project,” she said. In New York City, a client asked for a Halloween costume, and Cristante sent vampire outfits with detachable capes and bat wings.

“Chickens—if you’ve never been around them and don’t know—have their own personalities, and some of them are quite affectionate and smart,” said Cristante. She described one popular breed of fluffy chickens known as silkies “like huge cotton balls. They’re very docile and easy to take care of and, honestly, they make very good house pets.”

Trish Sie, 53, a film director in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles, started with half a dozen chicks and a coop from Williams-Sonoma. The flock grew after the chickens “exceeded all expectations for how fun they are to keep as pets,” she said. “They all have different temperaments and personalities. They learn their names and they’ll name you.” Sie, who directed films such as Pitch Perfect 3 and Players, also makes video content with her chickens, including dances and music videos.

“I’m so bonded to our dogs, and they really are like man’s best friend for a reason because they love people,” said Sie. “But with chickens, you have to earn their trust because you’re a big thing that can eat them.” Currently, her family has 11 chickens plus a rooster named Brian.

Sie first thought she was imagining things when she realized that the chickens all made the same sound when they saw her. But after looking into it, she learned that chickens have names for a number of things in their lives. After being gone for three months on a film set, she came home late at night after the chickens had already put themselves to bed. Just before midnight, she crept over to the coop to see them in the roost and whispered, “Hi chickens.” Three woke up and sleepily clucked the sound that is their “chicken name” for Sie.

Sie’s favorite, Ruby, sadly passed away last summer. The bird had a long life with Sie. Once, after suffering a prolapsed cloaca, a common issue for female birds, Ruby let Sie hold her for several hours while her husband gently “reset” the organ with his hands. Ruby lived another three years after that. “That’s the stuff they’ll let you do when they just trust you,” she said. A jeweler friend is recreating Ruby’s foot in sterling silver inlaid with onyx stones; Sie plans to wear the piece around her neck to honor Ruby.

According to Tractor Supply’s Lawton, part of what’s undergirding the chicken boom is the overall lack of affordability for Millennials and Gen Zers in urban areas. One of the only areas those demographic cohorts can afford to buy homes is in exurban, suburban and rural parts of the country. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s economic research service found that migration to rural areas kicked up by a factor of 45 between 2020 and 2022, compared to pre-pandemic.

“It is our view that the sense of community found in our markets, perhaps more importantly, the ability to secure a piece of property at a reasonable price, has ensured that rural migration trend is one that is here to stay for the time being,” said Lawton during the company’s earnings call last week.

Once there, the Millennial and Gen Z generations seek to live a cleaner life, gardening fruits and vegetables and keeping chickens, said Logan. The poultry category is a gateway to a more sustainable living lifestyle, she said. Plus, that demographic is willing to spend more for organic ingredients. A decade ago, organic chicken feed made up 1% of the company’s sales in the poultry feed space; now it’s over 10%, she added.

“I wake up every day thinking, ‘How do I get more people interested in this?’” said Logan.



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