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已经20岁的iPhone可能已经不再是最热门的科技产品,不过,自平面媒体之后,还有哪一项发明在激励人们的读写方面发挥过比iPhone更大的作用吗?得益于iPhone,文字以无与伦比的速度和频率从掌上跃入我们的大脑。这个设备还催生了我已经为之奋斗了四年的数字媒体行业。我2022年初加入《财富》杂志,从事新数字新闻编辑部的组建工作,并了解了iPhone-adjacent模式在《商业内幕》(Business Insider)杂志的效果(我在今年的一本书中也稍稍提到了这一内容),以及手机阅读的黏性如何让《财富》实现了跨越式增长,哪怕《财富》是一家已然93岁的初创企业。虽然算法如今似乎正在改变,然而有一件事是肯定的:文字在21世纪是如此的唾手可得,以至于我们几乎认为这是一件理所当然的事情。我们每日都畅游在文字的海洋中(这些文字中有一小部分源于《财富》的故事,不过其比例在不断增长),而且书虽不起眼,但永不会过时,倒是可能会披上数字的外衣。


《流量:数十亿美元病毒式传播竞赛中的天才、竞争和幻灭》 (Traffic: Genius, Rivalry, and Delusion in the Billion-Dollar Race to Go Viral) 作者:本·史密斯(Ben Smith),企鹅出版社

“是否有被骗的感觉。”随着Sex Pistols这支乐队在朋克摇滚的首次劲爆现场表演中发挥失常,美国民众便深深记住了该乐队的这句话。不过,它也可能是本·史密斯对媒体行业朋克摇滚时刻的反思:20世纪初期数字流量的暴增。然而,史密斯并没有提及约翰尼·罗腾和席德·维瑟斯这类人物,而是罗列了尼克·邓顿和乔纳·佩雷蒂(其前老板),也就是那些掌握了互联网2.0变现秘诀的人士:疯狂传播然后赚取大量的流量。当然,这些人的初创企业都已经风光不再。博客先驱Gawker Media被前摔跤运动员胡克·霍根起诉到了崩溃的边缘,而这起案件有一位显而易见的幕后推手——亿万富翁彼得·蒂尔。随后,这家公司被拆分成多个部分,基本都出售给了有着私募股权背景的GO Media,并在这个过程中失去了自身的特质。Buzzfeed News在今年关停,不过Buzzfeed这个品牌与《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)一道,因背靠大树而活了下来,其市值一落千丈,较其峰值时期蒸发了数十亿美元。史密斯这本报道详实、文笔尚佳的书作使人想起了莎士比亚对《哈姆雷特》一书中罗森克兰茨和吉尔德斯特恩这两名角色的处理方式,只不过史密斯在提及这二位的时候采用的是斯托帕德式手法。这种手法命名自汤姆·斯托帕德,他是一位伟大的英国剧作家,于1966年通过《罗森克兰茨和吉尔德斯特恩已死》(Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead)而声名鹊起。该剧本讲述了哈姆雷特的大学朋友和准杀手为什么会认为自己是主角,最后发现自己在这部伟大的作品中始终只是个小角色。不过我无法忽视的是,朋克摇滚对音乐的改变是永久性的,即便它仅持续了数年的时间。所有的革命都是如此。——Nick Lichtenberg,新闻执行主编

《基金:瑞·达利欧,桥水基金和华尔街传奇揭秘》图片来源:COURTESY MACMILLAN

《基金:瑞·达利欧,桥水基金和华尔街传奇揭秘》(The Fund: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates, and the Unraveling of a Wall Street Legend),作者:罗布·科普兰(Rob Copeland ),出版社:Macmillan


《光鲜亮丽:美丽、野心以及Glossier公司的内幕》图片来源:COURTESY OF ATRIA/ONE SIGNAL PUBLISHERS

《光鲜亮丽:美丽、野心以及Glossier公司的内幕》(Glossy: Beauty, Ambition, and the Inside Story of Emily Weiss’s Glossier) 作者:马丽莎·梅尔策(Marisa Meltzer ),出版社:Atria/One Signal Publishers

记者马丽莎·梅尔策所撰写的Glossier公司兴衰录,是一本文笔不俗同时又发人深省的警示录。在2010年代末,直销品牌Glossier借助其极简主义营销以及对“素颜妆产品”的专注,成为了化妆品行业的主导力量。该公司的掌门人是艾米丽•韦斯,曾参演MTV真人秀《Hills》,也曾供职于《VOGUE》杂志,亦是美妆网站Into the Gloss创始人,后来又成为了目前已经销声匿迹的“女老板”时代的多产型领导者。梅尔策对韦斯这位神秘人物的描述赋予了此书精致感和可读性。书中对Glossier这个濒危帝国的描述似乎印证了2010年代到20年代期间整体的“氛围转变”:在这段时间,消费者厌倦了千禧粉,TikTok毫不遮掩的真实性替代了Instagram精心打造的华美,而且投资者开始逐渐警惕所谓的“独角兽”。本书文笔优美、内容丰富,且带有怀旧色彩,我在短短数天内便读完了整本书。——Ashley Lutz,编辑发展部执行总监


《潘多拉之盒:本能、狡猾和贪婪如何颠覆电视》(How Guts, Guile, and Greed Upended TV),作者:彼得·毕斯肯德(Peter Biskind),哈珀柯林斯出版社

20世纪70年代出现了杰克·尼科尔森式反英雄。90年代独立电影革命,代表人物昆汀·塔伦蒂诺。始于21世纪之交的巅峰电视时代涌现了托尼·索普拉诺、唐·德雷珀,随后是漫长缓慢的衰落。这就是长期观察好莱坞(也是丑闻揭发者)的彼得·毕斯肯德娓娓道来的故事,他已完成所谓娱乐“运动”的非官方三部曲,分别是《逍遥骑士》( Easy Riders)、《愤怒的公牛》(Raging Bulls),然后是《低俗电影》(Down and Dirty Pictures),现在推出了《潘多拉之盒》。对于像我这样的毕斯肯德粉丝来说,读到《首映》(Premiere)杂志前执行主编,《名利场》(Vanity Fair)现任特约编辑对于电视革命的看法就像呼吸到新鲜空气,这场革命先是在HBO爆发,然后蔓延到有线电视,又波及流媒体。他独具匠心地将文化批评与犀利报道相结合,书中HBO前负责人迈克尔·福克斯苦乐参半地讲述上世纪90年代被迫退出如何“伤透了心”,而他的新书副标题透露了对流媒体革命的真实感受:“本能、狡猾和贪婪如何颠覆电视。”剧透提醒:调查结束后他发现内容不是王道,钱才是王道。——N.L.

《离职面谈:我雄心勃勃的职业生涯生与死》图片来源:COURTESY MACMILLAN

《离职面谈:我雄心勃勃的职业生涯生与死》(Exit Interview: The Life and Death of My Ambitious Career),作者:克里斯蒂·库尔特(Kristi Coulter),法勒、斯特劳斯和吉鲁出版社

如果说疫情后所谓的“大改组”和“静默辞职”让员工体验到一股赋权的气息,那么《离职面谈》及时地审视了人们曾拒绝的拼命文化。这本回忆录读起来经常让人有疲惫感,记录了库尔特在亚马逊西雅图总部工作的经历,但亚马逊并不是真正的主角:库尔特身陷用企业术语包装的不断升级的需求迷宫中,雄心壮志屡遭打击才是本书重点。本书有点类似企业界的《恐怖谷》( Uncanny Valley),每个人都能从中有所收获:既简陋混乱得像初创公司(员工有时坐着木板凳在“桌”边工作),又有美国第二大公司令人厌烦的官僚作风(库尔特介绍了周日晚上就开始加班为周三全公司会议做准备;有的会议上,管理者会随意给下属排名,决定谁先走人。)这出戏时而荒谬,时而令人愤怒,任何曾混迹男性占主导的科技圈的女性都会有共鸣。——Irina Ivanova,新闻副主编

《即将到来的浪潮:技术、权力和21世纪最大困境》图片来源:COURTESY CROWN

《即将到来的浪潮:技术、权力和21世纪最大困境》(The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century’s Greatest Dilemma),作者:穆斯塔法·苏莱曼(Mustafa Suleyman)和迈克尔·巴斯卡(Michael Bhaskar),出版社:Crown

尽管书名提到困境,DeepMind和Inflection AI联合创始人穆斯塔法·苏莱曼这本里程碑式著作并不完全悲观。他认为,人工智能可以解决人类最大的挑战,也有可能导致灾难性事件,而由于变革性技术的既有特点,人类没法抢占先机。


想正确对待作者的严厉警告和田园诗般的承诺,请记住这些并非科技企业家对最新技术的看法,而是来自发现身处于技术革命前线,或者所谓权力转移前线的道德和政策极客。——Mohamed El Aassar,编辑,评论部

《破解资本主义:市场激进分子与无民主世界之梦》图片来源:COURTESY MACMILLAN

《破解资本主义:市场激进分子与无民主世界之梦》(Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy),作者:奎恩·斯洛博迪恩(Quinn Slobodian),出版社:Macmillan

首先有“全球主义者”,然后才会“崩溃”。这是加拿大历史学家奎恩·斯洛博迪恩描绘的景象,他是韦尔斯利学院(Wellesley College)教授,很快将前往波士顿大学(Boston University)。他上一本书主要介绍新自由主义的诞生,以及听起来像007电影反派的朝圣山学社真实故事,该学社实际上由传奇历史学家弗里德里希·哈耶克在瑞士一处村庄创立。本次他的新书则是关于让人难以发现的经济大发展。他问道,为什么资本主义发展想要脱离民主国家?他认为,国家更愿意在“经济特区”开展业务。举出了上世纪70年代,90年代和21世纪初蓬勃发展的香港、新加坡和迪拜当例子,当时大企业希望减轻税收负担,规避诸多令人生厌的法规。但也有洪都拉斯的案例,以及斯坦福大学经济学家保罗·罗默推动的名为“Prospera”的潜在特区。有一点可以肯定:这一特区不会是最后一个——N.L.

《无瑕:韩国美妆之都的美容与文化课》图片来源:COURTESY PENGUIN

《无瑕:韩国美妆之都的美容与文化课》(Flawless: Lessons in Looks and Culture from the K-Beauty Capital),作者:爱丽丝·胡(Elise Hu),出版社:Dutton

韩国化妆品是全世界最好的——至少我听说过这种说法。但这一观察结果并不让我惊讶:长期以来,韩国在创新、文化影响力和软实力方面都超越了自身体量。不过“K-Beauty”行业——不仅包括化妆品,还有K-pop和整容手术——实际什么样?这对韩国女性和男性意味着什么?在《无瑕》一书中,爱丽丝·胡以担任美国全国公共广播电台(National Public Radio)驻首尔记者期间的报道为基础,拓展到对商业、性别政治和技术的广泛调查——Nicholas Gordon,香港编辑

《地下的战争:锂、铜和争夺电源的全球战争》图片来源:COURTESY SIMON AND SCHUSTER

《地下的战争:锂、铜和争夺电源的全球战争》(The War Below: Lithium, Copper, and the Global Battle to Power Our Lives),作者:欧内斯特·谢德(Ernest Scheyder),出版社:Atria/One Signal Publishers


听起来几乎有些讽刺。为了摆脱化石燃料,人类必须转而依靠不太靠谱的领域:有着暴力和污染历史的采矿业。由于全球各国竞争对未来电动汽车和电子设备中关键金属,没什么好选择。美国要在关键矿产方面依赖中国,还是接受大规模开采可能对美国土地和社区造成的破坏?鼓励采用清洁技术的《通胀削减法案》(Inflation Reduction Act)执行非常不顺时,政府是否清楚知道在做什么?如果关键项目面临严重挫折,未来的企业能否兑现崇高承诺?

《财富》读者会发现有几章当中介绍了蒂芙尼(Tiffany & Co.)首席执行官迈克尔·J·科瓦尔斯基20年前在遵守道德采购方面的革命性立场,以及埃隆·马斯克为确保对特斯拉未来特别重要的关键矿产做出的努力——M.E.

《脱稿:媒体帝国与红石家族遗产的史诗之战》图片来源:COURTESY PENGUIN

《脱稿:媒体帝国与红石家族遗产的史诗之战》(Unscripted: The Epic Battle for a Media Empire and the Redstone Family Legacy),作者:詹姆斯·斯图尔特(James Stewart)和雷切尔·艾布拉姆斯(Rachel Abrams),企鹅出版社

过去几年家族大戏层出不穷,一方面电视和小报对卡戴珊家族、默多克家族和英国王室连篇累牍,另一方面在小屏幕上,HBO的《继承之战》(Succession)和Netflix的《王冠》(The Crown)中各大世家与虚构对手也好戏不断。这一背景下,《纽约时报》记者詹姆斯·斯图尔特和雷切尔·艾布拉姆斯推出了《脱稿》一书,讲述了媒体界的阴谋、操纵和极其厚颜无耻的几乎难以置信的真实故事。书中介绍了萨姆纳·雷德斯通晚年经历,2020年去世前是维亚康姆(Viacom)和哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)大数股东,从中可看到一位影响力超过心智能力的大亨逐渐衰落的过程,以及他的女儿莎丽与公司董事会里年长男性(和一名女性)的战争。书中背景在女性反性骚扰运动之前,所以偶尔会出现令人瞠目结舌的场景。其中一个案例中,一名警察队长接到哥伦比亚广播公司高管性骚扰的报告,立刻向公司通风报信,几乎成了他的副业。没过多久,董事会一名成员调查了有关性骚扰的谣言,询问被指控的嫌疑人骚扰是否存在,将回应当成事实。将几个误判自身影响力的有权势男性打倒,有些无情也会让人不适,也许唯一永恒的教训是:权力和金钱总是导致腐败。——I.I.


《北京特快:劫持火车,震惊西方,破坏中华民国的土匪》(The Peking Express: The Bandits Who Stole a Train, Stunned the West, and Broke the Republic of China),作者:詹姆斯·齐默尔曼(James Zimmerman),出版社: Public Affairs


中国美国商会(American Chamber of Commerce in China)前会长詹姆斯·齐默尔曼这本书提醒人们,两次世界大战之间的中国多么不稳定


《掠夺:私募股权掠夺美国的计划》(Plunder: Private Equity’s Plan to Pillage America),作者:布兰登·巴卢(Brendan Ballou),出版社:Public Affairs



《财富集市:香港的形成》(Fortune’s Bazaar: The Making of Hong Kong),作者:沃丁·英格兰(Vaudine England),出版社:Scribner

每个资本主义经济体都纪念自己的大亨,香港也不例外。就像美国到处都是纪念卡内基和洛克菲勒的建筑一样,这座中国城市里到处都是渣打、嘉道理和霍顿家族的建筑。19世纪,来自世界各地的移民纷纷前往新成立的英国殖民地寻找发财机会。记者出身的历史学家沃丁·英格兰在《财富集市》(Fortune’s Bazaar)一书中讲述了香港的“狂野西部”史——或者应该说“狂野东部”。该书提醒世人,香港的历史不能简单归于英国或中国,而是各方影响、世界主义和创业精神大杂烩。——N.G.


《哥斯拉与哥斯拉的反击》(Godzilla and Godzilla Raids Again),作者:香山滋(Kayama Shigeru),翻译:杰弗里·安格尔(Jeffrey Angles),明尼苏达大学出版社

哥斯拉回来了。《哥斯拉-1.0》(Godzilla Minus One)是日本东宝(Toho Studios)的最新电影,也是日本国内票房最高的真人电影。明年华纳兄弟也将镜头对准怪兽,推出《哥斯拉大战金刚:新帝国》(Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire)。这部系列电影始于1954年日本作家香山滋的《哥斯拉》(Godsilla)。杰弗里·安格尔首次翻译了香山滋这部电影及其续集小说,也传达了强烈的反核武器信息。安格尔还介绍了香山滋写《哥斯拉》系列的重要背景,其中包括作者越发不满人们忽略不受控制的科技进步发出的警示,而是任由怪兽变成受人喜爱的吉祥物。——N.G.(财富中文网)



已经20岁的iPhone可能已经不再是最热门的科技产品,不过,自平面媒体之后,还有哪一项发明在激励人们的读写方面发挥过比iPhone更大的作用吗?得益于iPhone,文字以无与伦比的速度和频率从掌上跃入我们的大脑。这个设备还催生了我已经为之奋斗了四年的数字媒体行业。我2022年初加入《财富》杂志,从事新数字新闻编辑部的组建工作,并了解了iPhone-adjacent模式在《商业内幕》(Business Insider)杂志的效果(我在今年的一本书中也稍稍提到了这一内容),以及手机阅读的黏性如何让《财富》实现了跨越式增长,哪怕《财富》是一家已然93岁的初创企业。虽然算法如今似乎正在改变,然而有一件事是肯定的:文字在21世纪是如此的唾手可得,以至于我们几乎认为这是一件理所当然的事情。我们每日都畅游在文字的海洋中(这些文字中有一小部分源于《财富》的故事,不过其比例在不断增长),而且书虽不起眼,但永不会过时,倒是可能会披上数字的外衣。


《流量:数十亿美元病毒式传播竞赛中的天才、竞争和幻灭》 (Traffic: Genius, Rivalry, and Delusion in the Billion-Dollar Race to Go Viral) 作者:本·史密斯(Ben Smith),企鹅出版社

“是否有被骗的感觉。”随着Sex Pistols这支乐队在朋克摇滚的首次劲爆现场表演中发挥失常,美国民众便深深记住了该乐队的这句话。不过,它也可能是本·史密斯对媒体行业朋克摇滚时刻的反思:20世纪初期数字流量的暴增。然而,史密斯并没有提及约翰尼·罗腾和席德·维瑟斯这类人物,而是罗列了尼克·邓顿和乔纳·佩雷蒂(其前老板),也就是那些掌握了互联网2.0变现秘诀的人士:疯狂传播然后赚取大量的流量。当然,这些人的初创企业都已经风光不再。博客先驱Gawker Media被前摔跤运动员胡克·霍根起诉到了崩溃的边缘,而这起案件有一位显而易见的幕后推手——亿万富翁彼得·蒂尔。随后,这家公司被拆分成多个部分,基本都出售给了有着私募股权背景的GO Media,并在这个过程中失去了自身的特质。Buzzfeed News在今年关停,不过Buzzfeed这个品牌与《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)一道,因背靠大树而活了下来,其市值一落千丈,较其峰值时期蒸发了数十亿美元。史密斯这本报道详实、文笔尚佳的书作使人想起了莎士比亚对《哈姆雷特》一书中罗森克兰茨和吉尔德斯特恩这两名角色的处理方式,只不过史密斯在提及这二位的时候采用的是斯托帕德式手法。这种手法命名自汤姆·斯托帕德,他是一位伟大的英国剧作家,于1966年通过《罗森克兰茨和吉尔德斯特恩已死》(Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead)而声名鹊起。该剧本讲述了哈姆雷特的大学朋友和准杀手为什么会认为自己是主角,最后发现自己在这部伟大的作品中始终只是个小角色。不过我无法忽视的是,朋克摇滚对音乐的改变是永久性的,即便它仅持续了数年的时间。所有的革命都是如此。——Nick Lichtenberg,新闻执行主编

《基金:瑞·达利欧,桥水基金和华尔街传奇揭秘》(The Fund: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates, and the Unraveling of a Wall Street Legend),作者:罗布·科普兰(Rob Copeland ),出版社:Macmillan


《光鲜亮丽:美丽、野心以及Glossier公司的内幕》(Glossy: Beauty, Ambition, and the Inside Story of Emily Weiss’s Glossier) 作者:马丽莎·梅尔策(Marisa Meltzer ),出版社:Atria/One Signal Publishers

记者马丽莎·梅尔策所撰写的Glossier公司兴衰录,是一本文笔不俗同时又发人深省的警示录。在2010年代末,直销品牌Glossier借助其极简主义营销以及对“素颜妆产品”的专注,成为了化妆品行业的主导力量。该公司的掌门人是艾米丽•韦斯,曾参演MTV真人秀《Hills》,也曾供职于《VOGUE》杂志,亦是美妆网站Into the Gloss创始人,后来又成为了目前已经销声匿迹的“女老板”时代的多产型领导者。梅尔策对韦斯这位神秘人物的描述赋予了此书精致感和可读性。书中对Glossier这个濒危帝国的描述似乎印证了2010年代到20年代期间整体的“氛围转变”:在这段时间,消费者厌倦了千禧粉,TikTok毫不遮掩的真实性替代了Instagram精心打造的华美,而且投资者开始逐渐警惕所谓的“独角兽”。本书文笔优美、内容丰富,且带有怀旧色彩,我在短短数天内便读完了整本书。——Ashley Lutz,编辑发展部执行总监

《潘多拉之盒:本能、狡猾和贪婪如何颠覆电视》(How Guts, Guile, and Greed Upended TV),作者:彼得·毕斯肯德(Peter Biskind),哈珀柯林斯出版社

20世纪70年代出现了杰克·尼科尔森式反英雄。90年代独立电影革命,代表人物昆汀·塔伦蒂诺。始于21世纪之交的巅峰电视时代涌现了托尼·索普拉诺、唐·德雷珀,随后是漫长缓慢的衰落。这就是长期观察好莱坞(也是丑闻揭发者)的彼得·毕斯肯德娓娓道来的故事,他已完成所谓娱乐“运动”的非官方三部曲,分别是《逍遥骑士》( Easy Riders)、《愤怒的公牛》(Raging Bulls),然后是《低俗电影》(Down and Dirty Pictures),现在推出了《潘多拉之盒》。对于像我这样的毕斯肯德粉丝来说,读到《首映》(Premiere)杂志前执行主编,《名利场》(Vanity Fair)现任特约编辑对于电视革命的看法就像呼吸到新鲜空气,这场革命先是在HBO爆发,然后蔓延到有线电视,又波及流媒体。他独具匠心地将文化批评与犀利报道相结合,书中HBO前负责人迈克尔·福克斯苦乐参半地讲述上世纪90年代被迫退出如何“伤透了心”,而他的新书副标题透露了对流媒体革命的真实感受:“本能、狡猾和贪婪如何颠覆电视。”剧透提醒:调查结束后他发现内容不是王道,钱才是王道。——N.L.

《离职面谈:我雄心勃勃的职业生涯生与死》(Exit Interview: The Life and Death of My Ambitious Career),作者:克里斯蒂·库尔特(Kristi Coulter),法勒、斯特劳斯和吉鲁出版社

如果说疫情后所谓的“大改组”和“静默辞职”让员工体验到一股赋权的气息,那么《离职面谈》及时地审视了人们曾拒绝的拼命文化。这本回忆录读起来经常让人有疲惫感,记录了库尔特在亚马逊西雅图总部工作的经历,但亚马逊并不是真正的主角:库尔特身陷用企业术语包装的不断升级的需求迷宫中,雄心壮志屡遭打击才是本书重点。本书有点类似企业界的《恐怖谷》( Uncanny Valley),每个人都能从中有所收获:既简陋混乱得像初创公司(员工有时坐着木板凳在“桌”边工作),又有美国第二大公司令人厌烦的官僚作风(库尔特介绍了周日晚上就开始加班为周三全公司会议做准备;有的会议上,管理者会随意给下属排名,决定谁先走人。)这出戏时而荒谬,时而令人愤怒,任何曾混迹男性占主导的科技圈的女性都会有共鸣。——Irina Ivanova,新闻副主编

《即将到来的浪潮:技术、权力和21世纪最大困境》(The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century’s Greatest Dilemma),作者:穆斯塔法·苏莱曼(Mustafa Suleyman)和迈克尔·巴斯卡(Michael Bhaskar),出版社:Crown

尽管书名提到困境,DeepMind和Inflection AI联合创始人穆斯塔法·苏莱曼这本里程碑式著作并不完全悲观。他认为,人工智能可以解决人类最大的挑战,也有可能导致灾难性事件,而由于变革性技术的既有特点,人类没法抢占先机。


想正确对待作者的严厉警告和田园诗般的承诺,请记住这些并非科技企业家对最新技术的看法,而是来自发现身处于技术革命前线,或者所谓权力转移前线的道德和政策极客。——Mohamed El Aassar,编辑,评论部

《破解资本主义:市场激进分子与无民主世界之梦》(Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy),作者:奎恩·斯洛博迪恩(Quinn Slobodian),出版社:Macmillan

首先有“全球主义者”,然后才会“崩溃”。这是加拿大历史学家奎恩·斯洛博迪恩描绘的景象,他是韦尔斯利学院(Wellesley College)教授,很快将前往波士顿大学(Boston University)。他上一本书主要介绍新自由主义的诞生,以及听起来像007电影反派的朝圣山学社真实故事,该学社实际上由传奇历史学家弗里德里希·哈耶克在瑞士一处村庄创立。本次他的新书则是关于让人难以发现的经济大发展。他问道,为什么资本主义发展想要脱离民主国家?他认为,国家更愿意在“经济特区”开展业务。举出了上世纪70年代,90年代和21世纪初蓬勃发展的香港、新加坡和迪拜当例子,当时大企业希望减轻税收负担,规避诸多令人生厌的法规。但也有洪都拉斯的案例,以及斯坦福大学经济学家保罗·罗默推动的名为“Prospera”的潜在特区。有一点可以肯定:这一特区不会是最后一个——N.L.

《无瑕:韩国美妆之都的美容与文化课》(Flawless: Lessons in Looks and Culture from the K-Beauty Capital),作者:爱丽丝·胡(Elise Hu),出版社:Dutton

韩国化妆品是全世界最好的——至少我听说过这种说法。但这一观察结果并不让我惊讶:长期以来,韩国在创新、文化影响力和软实力方面都超越了自身体量。不过“K-Beauty”行业——不仅包括化妆品,还有K-pop和整容手术——实际什么样?这对韩国女性和男性意味着什么?在《无瑕》一书中,爱丽丝·胡以担任美国全国公共广播电台(National Public Radio)驻首尔记者期间的报道为基础,拓展到对商业、性别政治和技术的广泛调查——Nicholas Gordon,香港编辑

《地下的战争:锂、铜和争夺电源的全球战争》(The War Below: Lithium, Copper, and the Global Battle to Power Our Lives),作者:欧内斯特·谢德(Ernest Scheyder),出版社:Atria/One Signal Publishers


听起来几乎有些讽刺。为了摆脱化石燃料,人类必须转而依靠不太靠谱的领域:有着暴力和污染历史的采矿业。由于全球各国竞争对未来电动汽车和电子设备中关键金属,没什么好选择。美国要在关键矿产方面依赖中国,还是接受大规模开采可能对美国土地和社区造成的破坏?鼓励采用清洁技术的《通胀削减法案》(Inflation Reduction Act)执行非常不顺时,政府是否清楚知道在做什么?如果关键项目面临严重挫折,未来的企业能否兑现崇高承诺?

《财富》读者会发现有几章当中介绍了蒂芙尼(Tiffany & Co.)首席执行官迈克尔·J·科瓦尔斯基20年前在遵守道德采购方面的革命性立场,以及埃隆·马斯克为确保对特斯拉未来特别重要的关键矿产做出的努力——M.E.

《脱稿:媒体帝国与红石家族遗产的史诗之战》(Unscripted: The Epic Battle for a Media Empire and the Redstone Family Legacy),作者:詹姆斯·斯图尔特(James Stewart)和雷切尔·艾布拉姆斯(Rachel Abrams),企鹅出版社

过去几年家族大戏层出不穷,一方面电视和小报对卡戴珊家族、默多克家族和英国王室连篇累牍,另一方面在小屏幕上,HBO的《继承之战》(Succession)和Netflix的《王冠》(The Crown)中各大世家与虚构对手也好戏不断。这一背景下,《纽约时报》记者詹姆斯·斯图尔特和雷切尔·艾布拉姆斯推出了《脱稿》一书,讲述了媒体界的阴谋、操纵和极其厚颜无耻的几乎难以置信的真实故事。书中介绍了萨姆纳·雷德斯通晚年经历,2020年去世前是维亚康姆(Viacom)和哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)大数股东,从中可看到一位影响力超过心智能力的大亨逐渐衰落的过程,以及他的女儿莎丽与公司董事会里年长男性(和一名女性)的战争。书中背景在女性反性骚扰运动之前,所以偶尔会出现令人瞠目结舌的场景。其中一个案例中,一名警察队长接到哥伦比亚广播公司高管性骚扰的报告,立刻向公司通风报信,几乎成了他的副业。没过多久,董事会一名成员调查了有关性骚扰的谣言,询问被指控的嫌疑人骚扰是否存在,将回应当成事实。将几个误判自身影响力的有权势男性打倒,有些无情也会让人不适,也许唯一永恒的教训是:权力和金钱总是导致腐败。——I.I.

《北京特快:劫持火车,震惊西方,破坏中华民国的土匪》(The Peking Express: The Bandits Who Stole a Train, Stunned the West, and Broke the Republic of China),作者:詹姆斯·齐默尔曼(James Zimmerman),出版社: Public Affairs


中国美国商会(American Chamber of Commerce in China)前会长詹姆斯·齐默尔曼这本书提醒人们,两次世界大战之间的中国多么不稳定

《掠夺:私募股权掠夺美国的计划》(Plunder: Private Equity’s Plan to Pillage America),作者:布兰登·巴卢(Brendan Ballou),出版社:Public Affairs


《财富集市:香港的形成》(Fortune’s Bazaar: The Making of Hong Kong),作者:沃丁·英格兰(Vaudine England),出版社:Scribner

每个资本主义经济体都纪念自己的大亨,香港也不例外。就像美国到处都是纪念卡内基和洛克菲勒的建筑一样,这座中国城市里到处都是渣打、嘉道理和霍顿家族的建筑。19世纪,来自世界各地的移民纷纷前往新成立的英国殖民地寻找发财机会。记者出身的历史学家沃丁·英格兰在《财富集市》(Fortune’s Bazaar)一书中讲述了香港的“狂野西部”史——或者应该说“狂野东部”。该书提醒世人,香港的历史不能简单归于英国或中国,而是各方影响、世界主义和创业精神大杂烩。——N.G.

《哥斯拉与哥斯拉的反击》(Godzilla and Godzilla Raids Again),作者:香山滋(Kayama Shigeru),翻译:杰弗里·安格尔(Jeffrey Angles),明尼苏达大学出版社

哥斯拉回来了。《哥斯拉-1.0》(Godzilla Minus One)是日本东宝(Toho Studios)的最新电影,也是日本国内票房最高的真人电影。明年华纳兄弟也将镜头对准怪兽,推出《哥斯拉大战金刚:新帝国》(Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire)。这部系列电影始于1954年日本作家香山滋的《哥斯拉》(Godsilla)。杰弗里·安格尔首次翻译了香山滋这部电影及其续集小说,也传达了强烈的反核武器信息。安格尔还介绍了香山滋写《哥斯拉》系列的重要背景,其中包括作者越发不满人们忽略不受控制的科技进步发出的警示,而是任由怪兽变成受人喜爱的吉祥物。——N.G.(财富中文网)


So much (digital) ink has been spilled about 2023 marking the end of a certain era of the internet: Elon Musk’s Twitter misadventure, Sam Altman’s creative destruction of the commons via artificial intelligence, Google’s dominant position in search assailed by multiple antitrust challenges, not to mention the AI forces mentioned above—as Max Read noted in a recent New York Times column, the millennials who formed the shape of the early internet are aging out of their dominance over the zeitgeist. In many ways (in my opinion, not Max’s), new technology is splintering the web back to its wild mid-1990s roots. Still, though it may be a poor era for the web, you can’t convince me it’s not a golden age of reading.

The iPhone, at nearly two decades old, may not be the hottest tech anymore, but has any invention since the printing press done more to encourage literacy? Words jump from our palms into our brains at unparalleled immediacy and frequency thanks to the device that also gave birth to the digital media industry that has employed me for going on four years now. I joined Fortune to build a new digital news desk in early 2022, having learned how the iPhone-adjacent model works at Business Insider (which makes a cameo in one of my books of the year), and the centrality of phone-based reading has allowed Fortune to grow by leaps and bounds, even if we are something of a 93-year-old startup. The algorithm appears to be changing now, but one thing is certain: Words are immediate in the 21st century in such a way that we take them almost for granted. We swim in a sea of words daily (a minor but increasing portion of those words being Fortune.com stories), and the humble book will never go out of style. It just might be a digital one.

That being said, I and other Fortune editors have picked our favorite, even the best books of the year, the non-fiction books that explain not only how the algorithm of life and business are changing, but who the humans are who created this algorithm world, this sea of words that we swim in every day. Here’s to a 2024 full of words, too.

Traffic: Genius, Rivalry, and Delusion in the Billion-Dollar Race to Go Viral by Ben Smith (Penguin)

“Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?” That was the Sex Pistols’ famous message to America as the Sex Pistols flamed out in punk rock’s first searing explosion onto the scene, but it might be Ben Smith’s reflection on the media industry’s punk rock moment: the explosion of digital traffic in the early 20th century. But instead of Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious, Smith gives us the figures of Nick Denton and Jonah Peretti (his former boss), the men who figured out the currency of internet 2.0: going viral and getting big traffic. Of course, neither of their startups quite exist in the same way anymore. Blogging pioneer Gawker Media was sued into oblivion by former wrestler Hulk Hogan, famously and secretly backed by billionaire Peter Thiel, before being sold for parts, largely to private equity-backed GO Media, losing its entire character in the process. Buzzfeed News shuttered this year, while Buzzfeed the brand lives on in a bigger company with Huffington Post that trades for pennies on the dollar, billions off its valuation at its peak. Smith’s beautifully reported and written book explicitly conjures a Shakepearean analogy to the Hamlet characters, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, except he brings them up in the Stoppardian sense. That would be Tom Stoppard, the great British playwright who burst onto the scene in 1966 with “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead,” about how Hamlet’s college friends and would-be assassins believed they were the main characters only to find out they had just a cameo in the greatest play of all time. But I can’t look beyond how punk rock changed music forever, even though it died after just a few years. All revolutions do. —Nick Lichtenberg, executive editor, news

The Fund: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates, and the Unraveling of a Wall Street Legend by Rob Copeland (Macmillan)

The unauthorized tell-all has a long and (sometimes in)distinguished history, but there can’t have been many like this scathing look inside the culture at the world’s biggest hedge fund. Rob Copeland has been covering the industry, and billionaire Ray Dalio in particular, for well over a decade at the top newsrooms in the U.S., first The Wall Street Journal and currently The New York Times, and his copious reporting on Connecticut’s richest man and his fund, Bridgewater Associates, yields astonishing fruits.From future Attorney General James Comey running a weekslong investigation (and mock trial!) into a case of a missing order of bagels, to Dalio instructing a top consultant that a “baseball card” ranking system designed to mimic his famous invented set of “principles” meant that Dalio himself needed to have the top score in “believability.” The reporting includes horrific accounts of sexual harassment, sprinkled amongst its many anecdotes of cultish behavior around Dalio’s “principles,” which bring to mind another word starting with the same letter: a panopticon of constant surveillance, with Dalio playing video of one (female) lieutenant that he humiliated, openly crying, for years afterward to staff in a ritual of cruelty. Dalio was still furious about the book when he addressed Fortune’s Global Forum in Abu Dhabi in late November, but so far he isn’t challenging any of its claims in any courtroom outside Bridgewater’s own Connecticut headquarters, which of course, isn’t a real one.—N.L.

Glossy: Beauty, Ambition, and the Inside Story of Emily Weiss’s Glossier by Marisa Meltzer (Atria/One Signal Publishers)

Journalist Marisa Meltzer’s chronicle of Glossier’s rise and fall is both an enjoyable read and a thought-provoking cautionary tale. In the late 2010s, direct-to-consumer brand Glossier dominated cosmetics with its minimalist marketing and “no-makeup makeup” focus. At its helm was Emily Weiss, the MTV Hills and Vogue alum and Into the Gloss founder who would go on to become a prolific leader of the now defunct “girlboss” era. Meltzer’s portrait of the enigmatic Weiss makes the book grippy and readable. The book’s portrayal of Glossier’s crumbling empire seems emblematic of the overall “vibe shift” from the 2010s to the 2020s: when consumers tired of millennial pink, TikTok’s raw authenticity replaced Instagram’s curated sheen, and investors became increasingly wary of so-called “unicorns.” Equal parts dishy, informative, and nostalgic, I found myself finishing Meltzer’s book in just a few days.—Ashley Lutz, executive director, editorial growth

Pandora’s Box: How Guts, Guile, and Greed Upended TV by Peter Biskind (HarperCollins)

The ‘70s gave us the Jack Nicholson-style antihero. The ‘90s gave us the indie movie revolution personified by, among others, Quentin Tarantino. The peak TV era that started at the turn of the 21st century gave us Tony Soprano, Don Draper and then a long slow decline. That’s the story told by the longtime Hollywood watcher (and muckraker) Peter Biskind, who has completed an unofficial trilogy of sorts on what he calls “movements” in entertainment, first with Easy Riders, Raging Bulls, then Down and Dirty Pictures, and now Pandora’s Box. To Biskind-heads like myself, it’s a breath of fresh air to have the take of the former Premiere magazine executive editor, and current Vanity Fair contributing editor, on what is now the well-trodden subject of the revolution that was televised, first on HBO, then basic cable, then the streamers. His distinctive mix of cultural criticism with hard-nosed reporting has former HBO head Michael Fuchs waxing bittersweet about how being forced out in the 1990s “broke my fuckin’ heart,” while the subtitle of his book gives away what he really feels about the streaming revolution: “How guile, guts and greed upended TV.” Spoiler alert: He finds by the end of his investigation that content isn’t king, it’s always been cash. —N.L.

Exit Interview: The Life and Death of My Ambitious Career by Kristi Coulter (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)

If the post-pandemic years brought a breath of worker empowerment with the so-called “Great reshuffle” and “Quiet quitting,” Exit Interview offers a timely examination of the hustle culture that they rejected. The often-exhausting memoir chronicles Coulter’s time working at Amazon’s Seattle headquarters in the aughts, but Amazon isn’t really the star: It’s Coulter’s frequently frustrated ambition as she tries to navigate a maze of ever-escalating demands presented in proprietary corporate jargon. A sort of Uncanny Valley for the corporate set, the memoir holds something for everyone: the chaos of a bare-bones startup (employees sometimes work on ‘desks’ mounted on sawhorses) with the mind-numbing bureaucracy of America’s now-second-largest employer (Coulter describes starting work Sunday night to be ready for a company-wide meeting on Wednesday; in other meetings, managers breezily ranked their direct reports according to the order in which they’d be tossed off a lifeboat.) The sometimes absurd, often infuriating drama will strike a chord with any woman who has spent time in the heavily male land of tech.—Irina Ivanova, deputy editor, news

The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century’s Greatest Dilemma by Mustafa Suleyman and Michael Bhaskar (Crown)

Despite its title, DeepMind and Inflection AI co-founder Mustafa Suleyman’s landmark book is not entirely pessimistic. The advent of artificial intelligence, he argues, can solve humanity’s greatest challenges–and there are chances it could lead to catastrophic events that we are unable to preempt due to the very nature of transformative technologies.

The real question is whether our systems can adapt fast enough. Immediately, Suleyman sees the threat of AI being used to manipulate elections, as he warned in a Fortune commentary piece in September. The coming months are set to test that theory as dozens of nations hold critical elections in 2024, heightening uncertainty around the world. Within a few years, the world as we know it will not exist, as our fortunes are upended by this transformation.

To take full stock of the author’s stark warnings and idyllic promises, bear in mind that these are not the words of another tech entrepreneur opining on the latest technology, but those of an ethics and policy geek who found himself at the frontline of a technological revolution–or as he calls it, a shift in power. —Mohamed El Aassar, editor, commentary

Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy by Quinn Slobodian (Macmillan)

First, there were the “globalists,” then came the “crack-up.” That’s the vision painted by Canadian historian Quinn Slobodian, a professor at Wellesley College soon moving to Boston University. Where his last book focused on the birth of neoliberalism and the somehow-true story of the Bond villain-sounding Mont Pelerin Society, which was literally founded by the legendary historian Friedrich Hayek in a village in Switzerland, his new book is about other earth-shaking economic developments hiding in plain sight. Why is it, he asks, that capitalist development wants to divorce the democratic nation-state? It would much prefer to make business in “special economic zones” instead, he argues. As evidence he offers up Hong Kong, Singapore, and Dubai as zones that flourished in the 1970s, ‘90s, and 2000s when big business wanted to lighten its tax burden and a lot of pesky regulations. But there’s also the example of Honduras and a potential zone there called “Prospera,” boosted by Stanford economist Paul Romer. One thing’s sure: That zone won’t be the last. —N.L.

Flawless: Lessons in Looks and Culture from the K-Beauty Capital by Elise Hu (Dutton)

Korean cosmetics are the world’s best—or, at least, so I’ve heard. But the observation doesn’t surprise me: South Korea has long punched above its weight in innovation, cultural influence, and soft power. But what does the “K-Beauty” industry—not just cosmetics, but K-pop and cosmetic surgery—look like in practice? What does it mean for South Korea’s women and men? In Flawless, Elise Hu turns her reporting during her time in the country as National Public Radio’s Seoul correspondent into a broad investigation of business, gender politics, and technology.—Nicholas Gordon, editor, Hong Kong

The War Below: Lithium, Copper, and the Global Battle to Power Our Lives by Ernest Scheyder (Atria/One Signal Publishers)

To uncover the inconvenient truths and the often overlooked tradeoffs of the energy transition, Reuters reporter Ernest Scheyder takes readers on a journey through American history, geopolitics, and the business world.

It’s almost ironic. To move away from fossil fuels, humanity must rely on an unlikely hero: the mining industry, with its history of violence and pollution. And in light of global competition over key metals to power tomorrow’s electric vehicles and electronic devices, there are no good choices. Does the U.S. rely on China for key minerals, or accept the havoc their mass mining could wreak on American landscapes and communities? Does the government know what it’s doing, when the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act, which encourages adoption of clean technologies, seems to be so uncoordinated? Can the businesses of the future deliver their lofty promises, when key projects are facing serious setbacks?

Fortune readers will find the chapters about Tiffany & Co. CEO Michael J. Kowalski’s revolutionary stand on ethical sourcing 20 years ago, and Elon Musk’s efforts to secure Tesla’s future supply of critical minerals of particular interest.—M.E.

Unscripted: The Epic Battle for a Media Empire and the Redstone Family Legacy by James Stewart and Rachel Abrams (Penguin)

The past few years have been a rich era of family drama, seen in TV and tabloid coverage of the Kardashians, the Murdochs, and the British royal family—as well as on the small screen with their fictionalized counterparts in HBO’s Succession and Netflix’s The Crown. Against that backdrop, New York Times journalists James Stewart and Rachel Abrams deliver Unscripted, a barely-believable true tale of intrigue, manipulation, and colossal amounts of chutzpah in the media world. A chronicle of the last few years of Sumner Redstone, who before his 2020 death was majority owner of Viacom and CBS, the book depicts the waning days of a mogul whose influence outlived his mental capacity—and the war that ensued between his daughter, Shari, and the older men (and one woman) on the companies’ boards. The pre-Me Too setting makes for occasionally jaw-dropping scenes. In one, a police precinct captain who received a report of an assault by a CBS executive immediately tips off the company, which is also his side hustle. Some pages later, a board member investigates rumors of assault by asking the alleged perpetrator whether he did it and taking the response as fact. This unsparing and often uncomfortable takedown of several powerful men who misjudged the extent of their influence ends with perhaps the only eternal lesson: Power and money always corrupt.—I.I.

The Peking Express: The Bandits Who Stole a Train, Stunned the West, and Broke the Republic of China by James Zimmerman (Public Affairs)

In 1923, Chinese bandits—or political freedom fighters, if you asked them—attacked a train between Shanghai and Beijing and took its many wealthy passengers, including a sister-in-law to John D. Rockefeller Jr., hostage. The “Lincheng Incident” soon sparks a crisis for the weak Republic of China: The local warlord wants to go in guns blazing, hostage safety be damned, while foreign diplomats demand Beijing to do everything in its power to keep the foreigners alive.

This book by James Zimmerman, former chair of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, is a reminder of how precarious the country was in between the two world wars–a situation that leaders in Beijing still complain about today.—N.G.

Plunder: Private Equity’s Plan to Pillage America by Brendan Ballou (Public Affairs)

It can seem like America’s social fabric, of late, is fraying. Everywhere you look, life costs more but seems to deliver less, with fees and fine print proliferating like mushrooms. Once-publicly funded emergency services, including ambulance care, fire departments, and even hospitals have abandoned large chunks of the country. The dream of homeownership seems ever more out of reach, with people relegated to paying more and more rent to faceless entities. And lest you think the consumer economy is healthy, a quick look at the many retail bankruptcies of recent years would convince you otherwise. In Plunder, antitrust attorney Brendan Ballou gathers the disparate strands of a troubled nation to point to a very convincing villain: Private equity, a once-niche corner of the financial world that this year has ballooned to more than $22 trillion in value, with a foot in every industry. Ballou works for the Department of Justice, and his prosecutorial bona fides shine through the writing, where methodical examples of the worst-managed companies add up to frequently blood-boiling results. Consider: Nursing-home residents with open wounds who are left untreated because the staff has “too much to do;” prison inmates served rotten meat “not fit for human consumption;” a town that jacks up residents’ water bills even as the treatment plant fails and the water becomes toxic. Ballou’s takedown ends with recommendations for fixing this societal decay—from beefing up the government’s enforcement authority to banning specific types of mergers.—I.I.

Fortune’s Bazaar: The Making of Hong Kong by Vaudine England (Scribner)

Every capitalist economy celebrates its tycoons, and Hong Kong is no exception. Much like how the U.S. is littered with buildings celebrating the Carnegies and Rockefeller, the Chinese city is littered with references to the Chaters, Kadoories, and Hotungs. In the 19th century, migrants from all over the world traveled to the newly-founded British colony to make their fortune. Journalist-turned-historian Vaudine England takes on Hong Kong’s Wild West—or, should I say, “Wild East”—days in her book Fortune’s Bazaar, a reminder that the city’s history isn’t exclusively British or Chinese, but a hodgepodge of influences, cosmopolitanism, and entrepreneurial grit. —N.G.

Godzilla and Godzilla Raids Again, by Shigeru Kayama, translated by Jeffrey Angles (University of Minnesota Press)

Godzilla is back. Godzilla Minus One, the latest movie from Japan’s Toho Studios, has the highest domestic box office for a live-action Japanese movie. And Warner Bros. will get its own shot at the monster movie with next year’s “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.” But this franchise got its start with 1954’s “Godzilla,” written by Japanese author Shigeru Kayama. Jeffrey Angles has put out the first English translation of Kayama’s novelizations of the film and its sequel, and their strong anti-nuclear messaging. Angles also gives important context behind Kayama’s time with Godzilla—including the author’s growing discomfort with how the kaiju became a beloved mascot, instead of a warning against uncontrolled progress.—N.G.



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