










未来将会有更多像SBF、迈克尔·罗森博格、夏莉·贾维斯这样的骗子被挖出本来面目,对整个系统而言,这是件好事。还会有更多人掉下神坛,包括那些像WeWork CEO一样“行为合法”却试图利用时代的贪婪谋取私利的家伙。——罗根·亨德森,Gridline首席执行官兼联合创始人

对初创企业的风险投资将自2017年以来首次跌到1000亿美元以下。——杰弗里·格拉博,安永会计师事务所(Ernst & Young)美国风险投资部门负责人

那些没有根据全新利率环境调整财务模型的科技独角兽企业将陷入资金枯竭困境,并逐渐走向倒闭。此类企业对美国国内生产总值的贡献很大,由它们倒闭引发的连锁反应将对整个市场造成重大影响。——拉斐尔·达奥纳诺,D'Ornano + Co.创始人兼执行合伙人

经过世代交替,新一代家族办公室领导层将对风险投资策略产生更大兴趣。作为千禧一代,他们成长于科技崛起的时代,有着与前辈不同的生活经历,将会采取不一样的投资策略,并会对自己感兴趣的领域(如气候、国防、医疗保健、家庭护理、基础设施)进行长期私人投资。——玛德琳·达西,Kaya Ventures创始人兼管理合伙人

2024年,A轮融资市场将大幅回暖。——雷克斯·索尔兹伯里,Cambrian Ventures创始人兼普通合伙人

对风险投资市场来说,2024年将是喜忧参半的一年。在现有的投资项目中,我们认为将会出现更多的“降价融资”,也就是说,各轮融资的估值将会出现下降。——特雷莎·哈杰尔,Cambridge Associates美国风险投资研究主管



只要资本充足,顶级企业想以高估值吸引资本不会遇到任何问题。人才将从破产的“独角兽”企业转投下一代初创企业。——梅里特·汉默,贝恩资本风险投资公司(Bain Capital Ventures)合伙人

现在已经到达估值底部,加上也已到达终点利率,我们即将进入上升周期。但由于有大量公司进入市场,未来可能仍是买方市场。——布拉德·伯恩斯坦,FTV Capital 管理合伙人


2024年,90/10法则将继续占据主导地位,长于最初预期的时间,私募股权基金在募资方面仍将面临挑战。——弗雷泽·范伦堡,Asante Capital联合创始人兼管理合伙人

随着买家持续涌向优质资产,退出倍数(exit multiples)将呈杠铃分布。——詹姆斯·比奇, Morrison & Foerster合伙人


顶级私募股权基金管理公司投放净资产收益率贷款的方式将会日益透明,并能通过为相关投资组合公司的进一步增资和成长计划提供资金支持,为投资者创造价值。——斯蒂芬·斯温策尔,Hunter Point Capital董事总经理兼GP融资解决方案联席主管

随着2024年新一轮投资周期的开启,去杠杆化需求或将成为中型市场私募股权投资领域最显著的特征。——埃罗尔·乌苏梅里,Searchlight Capital创始合伙人


2024年,随着CEO们开始对股票价格进行评估,比较公开市场和私募市场创造价值所需的时间,越来越多已上市企业或将走上“私有化”道路。债务价格将变得更加低廉,私募市场对许多上市公司CEO也将变得更具吸引力。——丹·琳恩,Lead Edge Capital合伙人

我认为,在阵亡将士纪念日到来之前,将有几家大型企业勇敢地选择在公开市场上市……这或许可以为其他规模稍小的企业效仿上市铺平道路,并通过这种方式为其员工/投资者寻求流动资金……尤其是如果近期美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)继续坚持这种僵化的并购审批程序的话。——克里斯滕·莫林,HighVista Strategies合伙人

2024年,风投支持的IPO将迎来复苏,并将在随后的2025年掀起一股热潮。随着风投资本的增加和创新商业模式的兴起,IPO市场的活动预计将会迎来爆发,进而在2025年掀起一股新的公开募股浪潮。——普拉迪普·塔加雷,National Grid Partners投资主管

企业在IPO期间将会“双管齐下”,加上许多企业已在评估退出机制效果和非ZIRP股票市场的不稳定性,并购路径将受到更多偏爱。——安巴尔·巴塔查里亚,Maverick Ventures董事总经理


迪斯尼出售了ESPN 80%的控股权,但买家不是Netflix或亚马逊这样的战略投资者,而是以2007年流行的那种“俱乐部交易”模式卖给了巨型私募股权基金联合体。——杰夫·柯林斯,Cloverlay管理合伙人

把并购当作出路并不可行。一方面,一些企业可能面临新一轮的规模调整,另一方面,潜在买家越来越少,因为从表面上看,在企业向社会输送许多优秀人才的当下,很难证明并购交易的合理性。——西蒙·吴,国泰创新(Cathay Innovation)合伙人

由于收购方对初创企业创新的耐心有限,收购市场或将先于IPO市场复苏。塔斯尼姆·多哈德瓦拉,Excelestar Ventures创始合伙人

所有声称“并购市场将归于沉寂”的言论都是夸大其词。2023年,市场的基调是稳定和“稳健”,我们预计,2024年,市场交易量将保持稳定,不过也许巨额交易会有所减少,也不会像2021年那样出现那么多的疯狂交易。——斯科特·米勒,苏利文·克伦威尔律师事务所(Sullivan & Cromwell)联席主席

“整合”将是2024年的一大主题。在一些竞争比较激烈的领域,供应商数量过多,需要在2024年完成整合,或找到战略归宿。独角兽太多,位置不够用。——艾弗里·罗辛,Lead Edge Capital合伙人

据我估计,按照目前的情况,交易低迷状态在2024年将得到延续。尽管市场上有浓厚的交易兴趣,但在完成交易或筹集资金方面,金主和战略投资者都面临着重重阻力。坦率地说,2024年给我的感觉有点像2003到2004 年互联网泡沫破灭后的复苏阶段。——杰森·格林伯格,杰富瑞(Jefferies)科技、媒体和电信投资银行联席主管


20世纪90年代风行的工装裤将会王者归来!——托马斯·通古兹,Theory Ventures创始人

这将是我一段时间以来首次期待好消息的数量能大幅超过坏消息。在2019年和2019年以前,好消息和坏消息的比例是四比一。在过去七个季度的大部分时间里,情况则正好相反,甚至更糟。——赖安·欣克尔,Insight Partners董事总经理 (财富中文网)











未来将会有更多像SBF、迈克尔·罗森博格、夏莉·贾维斯这样的骗子被挖出本来面目,对整个系统而言,这是件好事。还会有更多人掉下神坛,包括那些像WeWork CEO一样“行为合法”却试图利用时代的贪婪谋取私利的家伙。——罗根·亨德森,Gridline首席执行官兼联合创始人

对初创企业的风险投资将自2017年以来首次跌到1000亿美元以下。——杰弗里·格拉博,安永会计师事务所(Ernst & Young)美国风险投资部门负责人

那些没有根据全新利率环境调整财务模型的科技独角兽企业将陷入资金枯竭困境,并逐渐走向倒闭。此类企业对美国国内生产总值的贡献很大,由它们倒闭引发的连锁反应将对整个市场造成重大影响。——拉斐尔·达奥纳诺,D'Ornano + Co.创始人兼执行合伙人

经过世代交替,新一代家族办公室领导层将对风险投资策略产生更大兴趣。作为千禧一代,他们成长于科技崛起的时代,有着与前辈不同的生活经历,将会采取不一样的投资策略,并会对自己感兴趣的领域(如气候、国防、医疗保健、家庭护理、基础设施)进行长期私人投资。——玛德琳·达西,Kaya Ventures创始人兼管理合伙人

2024年,A轮融资市场将大幅回暖。——雷克斯·索尔兹伯里,Cambrian Ventures创始人兼普通合伙人

对风险投资市场来说,2024年将是喜忧参半的一年。在现有的投资项目中,我们认为将会出现更多的“降价融资”,也就是说,各轮融资的估值将会出现下降。——特雷莎·哈杰尔,Cambridge Associates美国风险投资研究主管



只要资本充足,顶级企业想以高估值吸引资本不会遇到任何问题。人才将从破产的“独角兽”企业转投下一代初创企业。——梅里特·汉默,贝恩资本风险投资公司(Bain Capital Ventures)合伙人

现在已经到达估值底部,加上也已到达终点利率,我们即将进入上升周期。但由于有大量公司进入市场,未来可能仍是买方市场。——布拉德·伯恩斯坦,FTV Capital 管理合伙人


2024年,90/10法则将继续占据主导地位,长于最初预期的时间,私募股权基金在募资方面仍将面临挑战。——弗雷泽·范伦堡,Asante Capital联合创始人兼管理合伙人

随着买家持续涌向优质资产,退出倍数(exit multiples)将呈杠铃分布。——詹姆斯·比奇, Morrison & Foerster合伙人


顶级私募股权基金管理公司投放净资产收益率贷款的方式将会日益透明,并能通过为相关投资组合公司的进一步增资和成长计划提供资金支持,为投资者创造价值。——斯蒂芬·斯温策尔,Hunter Point Capital董事总经理兼GP融资解决方案联席主管

随着2024年新一轮投资周期的开启,去杠杆化需求或将成为中型市场私募股权投资领域最显著的特征。——埃罗尔·乌苏梅里,Searchlight Capital创始合伙人


2024年,随着CEO们开始对股票价格进行评估,比较公开市场和私募市场创造价值所需的时间,越来越多已上市企业或将走上“私有化”道路。债务价格将变得更加低廉,私募市场对许多上市公司CEO也将变得更具吸引力。——丹·琳恩,Lead Edge Capital合伙人

我认为,在阵亡将士纪念日到来之前,将有几家大型企业勇敢地选择在公开市场上市……这或许可以为其他规模稍小的企业效仿上市铺平道路,并通过这种方式为其员工/投资者寻求流动资金……尤其是如果近期美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)继续坚持这种僵化的并购审批程序的话。——克里斯滕·莫林,HighVista Strategies合伙人

2024年,风投支持的IPO将迎来复苏,并将在随后的2025年掀起一股热潮。随着风投资本的增加和创新商业模式的兴起,IPO市场的活动预计将会迎来爆发,进而在2025年掀起一股新的公开募股浪潮。——普拉迪普·塔加雷,National Grid Partners投资主管

企业在IPO期间将会“双管齐下”,加上许多企业已在评估退出机制效果和非ZIRP股票市场的不稳定性,并购路径将受到更多偏爱。——安巴尔·巴塔查里亚,Maverick Ventures董事总经理


迪斯尼出售了ESPN 80%的控股权,但买家不是Netflix或亚马逊这样的战略投资者,而是以2007年流行的那种“俱乐部交易”模式卖给了巨型私募股权基金联合体。——杰夫·柯林斯,Cloverlay管理合伙人

把并购当作出路并不可行。一方面,一些企业可能面临新一轮的规模调整,另一方面,潜在买家越来越少,因为从表面上看,在企业向社会输送许多优秀人才的当下,很难证明并购交易的合理性。——西蒙·吴,国泰创新(Cathay Innovation)合伙人

由于收购方对初创企业创新的耐心有限,收购市场或将先于IPO市场复苏。塔斯尼姆·多哈德瓦拉,Excelestar Ventures创始合伙人

所有声称“并购市场将归于沉寂”的言论都是夸大其词。2023年,市场的基调是稳定和“稳健”,我们预计,2024年,市场交易量将保持稳定,不过也许巨额交易会有所减少,也不会像2021年那样出现那么多的疯狂交易。——斯科特·米勒,苏利文·克伦威尔律师事务所(Sullivan & Cromwell)联席主席

“整合”将是2024年的一大主题。在一些竞争比较激烈的领域,供应商数量过多,需要在2024年完成整合,或找到战略归宿。独角兽太多,位置不够用。——艾弗里·罗辛,Lead Edge Capital合伙人

据我估计,按照目前的情况,交易低迷状态在2024年将得到延续。尽管市场上有浓厚的交易兴趣,但在完成交易或筹集资金方面,金主和战略投资者都面临着重重阻力。坦率地说,2024年给我的感觉有点像2003到2004 年互联网泡沫破灭后的复苏阶段。——杰森·格林伯格,杰富瑞(Jefferies)科技、媒体和电信投资银行联席主管


20世纪90年代风行的工装裤将会王者归来!——托马斯·通古兹,Theory Ventures创始人

这将是我一段时间以来首次期待好消息的数量能大幅超过坏消息。在2019年和2019年以前,好消息和坏消息的比例是四比一。在过去七个季度的大部分时间里,情况则正好相反,甚至更糟。——赖安·欣克尔,Insight Partners董事总经理 (财富中文网)



In a longstanding tradition for this newsletter, we ask readers to weigh in on what the coming year will bring for the private markets. This year, I’ve received an unprecedented number of responses—more than 170 predictions. So we’ve decided to allocate the whole first week of January to the Crystal Ball (yay!).

To kick things off, we’re going to take an overarching look at the private markets. Will private funds consolidate this year? When will the IPO markets reopen? And how many unicorns will go extinct? Then later in the week we’ll zero in on specific sectors such as AI, crypto, cybersecurity, and more.

Enough from me: Here’s what you had to say.

Note: Many answers have been shortened for clarity and/or brevity. The deals section will be back next week!

Venture capital market + startup funding: Mass extinction

There will be a mass extinction event for startups, as two·thirds of startups have less than a year’s worth of runway. This will be a major reset for the industry, and result in a continued flood of available talent for the next wave of companies to be created. —Jack Abraham, managing partner and CEO, Atomic

2024 will be when the power balance shifts back to LPs. I expect that we’ll see managers across the VC stage spectrum retrenching their fundraising strategy and lowering their expectations by raising the same size—or smaller—funds than their predecessors. —Sarah Tomolonius, partner, M13

There will be more SBFs, Michael Rothenbergs, Charlie Javices, and other frauds that are unearthed, which ultimately will be good for the system. More shoes are going to drop, including WeWork CEO types who were “legal” but who nevertheless exploited the greed era for personal profit. —Logan Henderson, CEO and cofounder, Gridline

VC investment into startups will fall below the $100B level for the first time since 2017. —Jeffrey Grabow, U.S. venture capital leader, Ernst & Young

Tech unicorns that have not adapted their financial models to the new rate environment will begin to run out of capital and fail; this group contributes to a significant portion of the U.S. GDP, so failures will create powerful ripple effects felt throughout the market. —Raphaëlle d’Ornano, founder and managing partner, D’Ornano + Co.

Generational transfers of leadership within family offices will spur greater interest in venture capital strategies. Millennials who came to age with the rise of tech will diversify holdings into long·term private investments in sectors of interest to their generation’s lived experiences (e.g., climate, defense, healthcare, family care, infrastructure). —Madeline Darcy, founder and managing partner, Kaya Ventures

In 2024, the Series A market is going to pick back up dramatically. —Rex Salisbury, founder and general partner, Cambrian Ventures

The VC market will be a mixed bag in 2024. Among existing investments, we believe there will be an increase in ‘down rounds,’ meaning valuations will decrease across financings. —Theresa Hajer, head of U.S. venture capital research, Cambridge Associates

I believe 2024 will go on to be one of the best venture deployment vintages ever, particularly at the early stage. —Rob Biederman, managing partner, Asymmetric

The tougher fundraising environment for VCs will be felt over the next two years when a lot of these VCs will need to raise their next generation of funds. If some funds do not manage to raise a follow·up fund in the next several years, this will open up more discussions of mergers and acquisitions in the industry, which I think will happen. We are already hearing of quite a few funds that are struggling or have stopped fundraising altogether. —Oliver Holle, CEO and managing partner, Speedinvest

Against the backdrop of ample dry powder, the best companies will have no problem attracting capital at premium valuations. Talent will migrate from “unicorpses” to the next generation of startups. —Merritt Hummer, partner, Bain Capital Ventures

We’ve reached the bottom in valuation, and we’ll see an upswing now that the terminal rate has been achieved. However, the substantial supply of companies coming to market may still make it a buyer’s market. —Brad Bernstein, managing partner, FTV Capital

Private equity market: Fundraising lull

The 90/10 rule will continue with another challenging year for PE fundraising in 2024, extending longer than initially expected. —Fraser van Rensburg, cofounder and managing partner, Asante Capital

Exit multiples will have a barbell distribution as buyers continue to flock to top·quality assets. —James Beach, partner, Morrison & Foerster

There will likely be two key areas of focus for private equity managers—capital to support bolt·on acquisitions as longer hold periods continue and reassessing portfolio company capital structures given macro challenges, higher debt costs, and upcoming debt maturities. —Stephen Quinn, managing director, 17Capital

Best·in·class private equity managers will implement NAV loans in an increasingly transparent manner to create value for investors by funding further add·ons and supporting growth initiatives at underlying portfolio companies. —Stephen Swentzel, managing director and cohead of GP financing solutions, Hunter Point Capital

The need for deleveraging will be perhaps the most defining characteristic of middle market private equity investing as we begin this new cycle in 2024. —Erol Uzumeri, founding partner, Searchlight Capital

IPOs and Take·privates: The dual track

The public markets will see more ‘take privates’ in 2024 as CEOs begin to make decisions about their stock prices and weigh the time needed to create value in public markets versus private markets. Debt will be cheaper and the private markets will become more attractive to a number of public company CEOs. —Dan Lynn, partner, Lead Edge Capital

I expect a few hearty companies with significant scale will brave the public markets before Memorial Day…perhaps paving the way for other slightly smaller offerings following suit as a means to seek liquidity for their employees/investors…particularly if the stodgy FTC M&A approval process of late persists. —Kirsten Morin, partner, HighVista Strategies

2024 will mark the emergence of green shoots for venture·backed IPOs, which will then lead to a deluge in 2025. With the increase in venture capital funding and the rise of innovative business models, the IPO market is expected to experience a surge in activity, resulting in a wave of new public offerings in 2025. —Pradeep Tagare, head of investments, National Grid Partners

Companies will run “dual tracks” during their IPOs and show preference towards the M&A route, as many evaluate exits and the potential unsteadiness of a non·ZIRP equity market. —Ambar Bhattacharyya, managing director, Maverick Ventures

M&A: On the up and up

Disney sells an 80% controlling stake of ESPN—not to a Netflix or Amazon·like strategic, but to a 2007·esque Club Deal of mega·cap private equity funds. —Jeff Collins, managing partner, Cloverlay

M&A will not be a viable exit. With a new wave of right·sizing potentially on the horizon for some incumbents, the buyer pool is getting smaller and smaller as, optically, it will be hard to justify an M&A transaction while letting go of great people at this point. —Simon Wu, partner, Cathay Innovation

The acquisition market may recover before the IPO market, driven by the limited patience of acquirers reliant on startup innovation. —Tasneem Dohadwala, founding partner, Excelestar Ventures

All the chatter about the demise of M&A is overblown. We saw a steady and ‘stable’ 2023 and we expect to see a steady flow of deals in 2024, perhaps with fewer megadeals, and less of the craziness we saw in 2021. —Scott Miller, cochair, Sullivan & Cromwell

Consolidation will be a big theme in 2024. There are a number of competitive categories where there are too many vendors and many will join forces in 2024 or find strategic homes. Too many Unicorns, not enough homes. —Avery Rosin, partner, Lead Edge Capital

I expect under current conditions that the deal environment will remain depressed well into 2024. Despite substantial interest in transacting, sponsors and strategics are facing headwinds to closing deals or raising money. Frankly, I think 2024 will feel a bit like the 2003–4 recovery following the dotcom bubble. —Jason Greenberg, cohead of tech, media and telecom investment banking, Jefferies

Etc.: Bring back the cargo pants

The cargo pants of the 1990s will return! —Tomasz Tunguz, founder, Theory Ventures

I’m looking forward to good news meaningfully outnumbering bad news for the first time in a while. In 2019 and earlier, you’d have a four·to·one ratio of good news to bad. For most of the past seven quarters, it’s been the opposite, if not worse. —Ryan Hinkle, managing director, Insight Partners
