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赛车手塞巴斯蒂安·维特尔夺冠新加坡大奖赛(Singapore Grand Prix)。图片来源:LARS BARON—GETTY IMAGES


苹果(Apple)、谷歌(Google)旗下的YouTube和亚马逊(Amazon)等流媒体公司都在体育领域下了重注。过去10年来,苹果公司每年要斥资2.5亿美元以获权播放美国职业足球大联盟(Major League Soccer)的所有赛事——该公司的首席执行官蒂姆·库克在最近的财报电话会议上三次提到足球巨星利昂内尔·梅西。据报道,亚马逊和YouTube每年分别花费10亿美元和20亿美元来购买美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)的赛事直播版权。

拥有最多订阅用户(2.38亿)的平台Netflix却似乎置身事外。今年11月,该平台将进行有史以来首个体育赛事直播:一场名人高尔夫锦标赛。这完全不能与精彩纷呈的《周一橄榄球之夜》(Monday Night Football)节目相提并论。


Netflix的用户可能会发现,近年来该平台的主页上出现了大量的体育内容,其中大多都遵循类似的模式:摄制组跟随一群运动员走过整个赛季,从镜头后观察他们的得与失和个人生活。Netflix的首部体育纪录片是《一级方程式:疾速争胜》(Formula 1: Drive to Survive),这部全五季的纪录片讲述了赛车手、经理和车队老板背后的故事。如今,Netflix已经扩展其非官方节目类型,现有的节目包括关于网球明星的《破发点:大满贯之路》(Break Point)、关于高尔夫的《全力挥杆:高尔夫大满贯之路》(Full Swing)、《明星四分卫》(Quarterback)、《啦啦队女王》(Cheer)和《环法自行车赛:逆风飞驰》(Tour de France: Unchained)等等。而且,Netflix并未减缓这一步伐。今年8月的早些时候,该公司宣布正在制作一部关于田径运动员的系列纪录片。





这个观点并不十分新奇。2001年,流媒体服务平台Max的一部分HBO首播《沉重打击》(Hard Knocks)。该系列纪录片讲述了美国国家橄榄球联盟团队在训练营的故事,目前仍然在播出。该竞赛类系列纪录片的制作公司Box to Box Films的联合创始人保罗·马丁称,Netflix的《一级方程式:疾速争胜》的制作团队参考了《沉重打击》的画面效果和整体感觉。

体育研究公司YouGov Sports的数据显示,《一级方程式:疾速争胜》每季播出时都一如既往地位列Netflix“播放量最高的十大剧集”(Top 10 Most Watched)榜单中,至今有超过680万人收看了这部纪录片。尼尔森(Nielsen)认为,该纪录片促使一级方程式赛车的观看量增加了2.3%,贡献了该指标自2019年以来10%的较大幅增长的一部分。据《体育商业期刊》(Sports Business Journal)报道,正因此,一级方程式赛车才能够在2022年以每年逾7,500万美元的价格将其转播权出售给娱乐与体育电视网(ESPN),较之前500万美元的转播权价值大幅增长。



苹果公司花大价钱拿下美国职业足球大联盟足球赛事的转播权。图片来源:STEPHEN NADLER/ISI PHOTOS/GETTY IMAGES

根据Statista在2021年发布的最新数据,体育赛事直播催生了庞大的观众群体,有5,800万美国人每月至少观看一次体育赛事。不过,直播赛事可能会很难盈利,因为赛事的版权十分昂贵,而且合作谈判既耗时又费力。据The Information报道,亚马逊在播放《周四橄榄球之夜》(Thursday Night Football)的第一年就损失了数亿美元。至于YouTube,专家预测其购买的周日门票(Sunday Ticket)独家权将会是一笔赔本买卖。据报道,此前拥有该版权的DirecTV公司每年因为该套餐而损失5亿美元。

由于不参与体育赛事直播竞争,Netflix还避免了直播的成本和后勤挑战,包括雇佣摄制组和播音员。今年4月,Netflix的《爱情盲选》(Love Is Blind)节目的重聚直播出现技术故障——如果在一场大型赛事的最后几分钟发生类似的事情,Netflix的品牌声誉就将遭受巨大的损害。


尽管有一些这类全方位风格的体育系列纪录片在其他流媒体平台上线——例如讲述职业冲浪选手故事的《与浪争锋》(Make or Break)在Apple TV+播出——但值得注意的是,大多数这类纪录片都是在Netflix播出的。

在谈到《破发点:大满贯之路》的制作时,马丁表示:“那些网球选手之所以想和Netflix合作,是因为Netflix拥有巨大的影响力和观众群体。”制作这部纪录片的想法是他和男子网球管理机构职业网球联合会(Association of Tennis Professionals)共同提出的。马丁说,他们后来找来了国际女子职业网球协会(Women’s Tennis Association),并向Netflix推销该纪录片。

马丁表示,至于即将推出的田径系列纪录片,这个想法诞生于他与Netflix团队共进的一次午餐,当时有人问:“我们为什么不制作百米赛跑的纪录片?”他说,每个人都认为这是个好主意,Netflix还请来了这项体育的专业协会国际田径联合会(World Athletics)。





苹果(Apple)、谷歌(Google)旗下的YouTube和亚马逊(Amazon)等流媒体公司都在体育领域下了重注。过去10年来,苹果公司每年要斥资2.5亿美元以获权播放美国职业足球大联盟(Major League Soccer)的所有赛事——该公司的首席执行官蒂姆·库克在最近的财报电话会议上三次提到足球巨星利昂内尔·梅西。据报道,亚马逊和YouTube每年分别花费10亿美元和20亿美元来购买美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)的赛事直播版权。

拥有最多订阅用户(2.38亿)的平台Netflix却似乎置身事外。今年11月,该平台将进行有史以来首个体育赛事直播:一场名人高尔夫锦标赛。这完全不能与精彩纷呈的《周一橄榄球之夜》(Monday Night Football)节目相提并论。


Netflix的用户可能会发现,近年来该平台的主页上出现了大量的体育内容,其中大多都遵循类似的模式:摄制组跟随一群运动员走过整个赛季,从镜头后观察他们的得与失和个人生活。Netflix的首部体育纪录片是《一级方程式:疾速争胜》(Formula 1: Drive to Survive),这部全五季的纪录片讲述了赛车手、经理和车队老板背后的故事。如今,Netflix已经扩展其非官方节目类型,现有的节目包括关于网球明星的《破发点:大满贯之路》(Break Point)、关于高尔夫的《全力挥杆:高尔夫大满贯之路》(Full Swing)、《明星四分卫》(Quarterback)、《啦啦队女王》(Cheer)和《环法自行车赛:逆风飞驰》(Tour de France: Unchained)等等。而且,Netflix并未减缓这一步伐。今年8月的早些时候,该公司宣布正在制作一部关于田径运动员的系列纪录片。





这个观点并不十分新奇。2001年,流媒体服务平台Max的一部分HBO首播《沉重打击》(Hard Knocks)。该系列纪录片讲述了美国国家橄榄球联盟团队在训练营的故事,目前仍然在播出。该竞赛类系列纪录片的制作公司Box to Box Films的联合创始人保罗·马丁称,Netflix的《一级方程式:疾速争胜》的制作团队参考了《沉重打击》的画面效果和整体感觉。

体育研究公司YouGov Sports的数据显示,《一级方程式:疾速争胜》每季播出时都一如既往地位列Netflix“播放量最高的十大剧集”(Top 10 Most Watched)榜单中,至今有超过680万人收看了这部纪录片。尼尔森(Nielsen)认为,该纪录片促使一级方程式赛车的观看量增加了2.3%,贡献了该指标自2019年以来10%的较大幅增长的一部分。据《体育商业期刊》(Sports Business Journal)报道,正因此,一级方程式赛车才能够在2022年以每年逾7,500万美元的价格将其转播权出售给娱乐与体育电视网(ESPN),较之前500万美元的转播权价值大幅增长。



根据Statista在2021年发布的最新数据,体育赛事直播催生了庞大的观众群体,有5,800万美国人每月至少观看一次体育赛事。不过,直播赛事可能会很难盈利,因为赛事的版权十分昂贵,而且合作谈判既耗时又费力。据The Information报道,亚马逊在播放《周四橄榄球之夜》(Thursday Night Football)的第一年就损失了数亿美元。至于YouTube,专家预测其购买的周日门票(Sunday Ticket)独家权将会是一笔赔本买卖。据报道,此前拥有该版权的DirecTV公司每年因为该套餐而损失5亿美元。

由于不参与体育赛事直播竞争,Netflix还避免了直播的成本和后勤挑战,包括雇佣摄制组和播音员。今年4月,Netflix的《爱情盲选》(Love Is Blind)节目的重聚直播出现技术故障——如果在一场大型赛事的最后几分钟发生类似的事情,Netflix的品牌声誉就将遭受巨大的损害。


尽管有一些这类全方位风格的体育系列纪录片在其他流媒体平台上线——例如讲述职业冲浪选手故事的《与浪争锋》(Make or Break)在Apple TV+播出——但值得注意的是,大多数这类纪录片都是在Netflix播出的。

在谈到《破发点:大满贯之路》的制作时,马丁表示:“那些网球选手之所以想和Netflix合作,是因为Netflix拥有巨大的影响力和观众群体。”制作这部纪录片的想法是他和男子网球管理机构职业网球联合会(Association of Tennis Professionals)共同提出的。马丁说,他们后来找来了国际女子职业网球协会(Women’s Tennis Association),并向Netflix推销该纪录片。

马丁表示,至于即将推出的田径系列纪录片,这个想法诞生于他与Netflix团队共进的一次午餐,当时有人问:“我们为什么不制作百米赛跑的纪录片?”他说,每个人都认为这是个好主意,Netflix还请来了这项体育的专业协会国际田径联合会(World Athletics)。




Netflix has built a multi-billion dollar streaming business by keeping viewers hooked with cliffhangers and unexpected plot twists. Now, the company is hoping it can carry out an offscreen surprise in its own business as its competitors pile into live sports programming.

Streaming companies like Apple, Google-owned YouTube and Amazon are all betting big on sports. Apple is paying $250 million per year to show every Major League Soccer match for 10 years (CEO Tim Cook name-checked soccer superstar Lionel Messi three times in the company’s most recent earnings call). And NFL rights are reportedly costing Amazon and YouTube a respective $1 billion and $2 billion annually.

Netflix—the platform with the highest number of subscribers at 238 million—appears to be stuck on the sidelines. In November, it will host its first ever live sporting event: a celebrity golf tournament. It’s a far cry from the razzle dazzle of Monday Night Football.

But Netflix’s sports strategy is not as lackluster as it might seem. The company is taking a different approach to cash in on viewer demand for sports programming. Instead of plunking down huge sums of money for broadcast rights to games—something that co-CEO Ted Sarandos has said Netflix hasn’t found a way to do profitably—Netflix is using its strength in storytelling to create a deep catalog of docu-series about various sports and athletes.

Netflix users might recognize the slew of sports content that has materialized on their home pages in recent years, much of which adheres to a similar format: A camera crew follows a set of athletes through their season for a behind-the-scenes look at their wins, losses and personal lives. The first for Netflix was Formula 1: Drive to Survive, a five-season show following race car drivers, managers and team owners. Netflix has expanded its unofficial genre to include Break Point about tennis stars, Full Swing for golf, Quarterback, Cheer, Tour de France: Unchained and more. It isn’t slowing down. Earlier August, the company announced it is developing a series following track and field athletes.

This strategy lets Netflix reach the same sports-loving audience without having to pay the steep price of showing live sports, says Dan Rayburn, an independent streaming industry analyst and consultant. He reckons the cost of sports documentaries is also significantly lower than the fictional scripted series that Netflix produces.

And unlike live sporting events, a highly perishable form of content, documentaries about athletes and sports can retain their appeal with viewers for a longer period of time.

It is difficult to determine how profitable these sports docu-series are for Netflix, because it doesn’t release figures for the genre. “But if it wasn’t working, they wouldn’t keep making more,” Rayburn told Fortune.

Why sports leagues love docu-series

The idea isn’t totally novel. HBO, part of streaming service Max, premiered Hard Knocks in 2001. The series follows NFL teams through training camp, and it is still on air. Hard Knocks was a reference point for the team that created Netflix’s Drive to Survive on what the show should look and feel like, according to Paul Martin, co-founder of Box to Box Films, which produced the racing docu-series.

Drive to Survive routinely sits on Netflix’s Top 10 Most Watched list when new seasons come out, with more than 6.8 million people having tuned into the show, according to YouGov Sports, a sports research company. Nielsen credits the show for creating a 2.3% increase in Formula 1 auto-racing viewership, as part of a larger 10% bump since 2019. Formula 1 was also able to sell its broadcasting rights to ESPN in 2022 for more than $75 million per year, skyrocketing from the previous $5 million they were worth, according to the Sports Business Journal.

“After the success of Drive to Survive, sports leagues looked around and realized they could do that kind of show and have a similar effect on their sport,” Martin told Fortune. Along with Drive to Survive, Martin produced Break Point, Full Swing and Tour de France: Unchained. He is also producing the new docu-series about runners for Netflix.

In other words, Netflix is tapping into the interest in individual sports and driving up the value of the sporting events, without shouldering the cost of the increased demand.

Live sports bring huge audiences, with 58 million Americans watching sporting events at least once per month, according to the most recent data from Statista in 2021. But it can be difficult to make money broadcasting live games. The rights are expensive, and negotiations are difficult and time-consuming. Amazon reportedly lost “hundreds of millions” of dollars its first year streaming Thursday Night Football, according to The Information. For YouTube, experts expect the Sunday Ticket will act as a loss leader. DirecTV, which formerly owned the rights, was reportedly losing $500 million on the package annually.

By sitting out of the live sports competition, Netflix also avoids the costs and logistical challenges of broadcasting live, including hiring camera crews and announcers. Netflix had technical trouble in April when the tech behind its live Love Is Blind reunion failed—if something like that happened during the final minutes of a big game, the damage to the Netflix brand could be massive.

Better than a true crime series

While some sports docu-series with this all-access style have found homes on other streaming platforms—like Make or Break about professional surfers on Apple TV+—it’s noteworthy that most have ended up on Netflix.

“The tennis guys were set in wanting to be with Netflix because of the reach and audience,” Martin said about producing Break Point. The idea for the show started with him and the Association of Tennis Professionals, the governing body of men’s tennis. They then brought in the Women’s Tennis Association and pitched the series to Netflix, he said.

For the upcoming track and field series, the idea came from a lunch with Netflix where someone said, “Why don’t we just do the 100 meters?” according to Martin. Everyone thought it was a great idea, and Netflix brought in World Athletics, the professional association behind the sport, he said.

“Everyone in the sports world understands there’s an appetite for these shows,” Martin said. It makes sense for Netflix to stay with this model rather than purchasing the rights to the sports games. Netflix isn’t in the business of creating value in something and then having to pay larger prices for rights, he said.

As for the future of the genre, consumers can expect to see more streaming companies shift their budgets to produce live sports docu-series, according to Rayburn, the streaming analyst. Companies are always moving money towards what’s hot, from police procedurals to reality dating series to true crime. And right now, he said, people are talking about the style of sports documentaries Netflix has its money on.



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