

Prarthana Prakash 2022-09-27
Liberum Capital的约阿希姆·克莱门特在一份报告中写道,阿根廷将夺得冠军。

2022年卡塔尔世界杯主办地。图片来源:DAVID RAMOS—GETTY IMAGES


9月20日,Liberum Capital的约阿希姆·克莱门特在一份报告中写道,阿根廷将夺得冠军。



克莱门特预测的根据来自诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham)的一项研究,该研究主要分析各国人均国内生产总值(GDP)、人口和温度等经济和气候因素。从理论上来说,由于相关数据能够影响到体育基础设施和足球人才库,所以有助于预测各国在国际足球比赛中能否成功。模型也考虑了东道国的主场优势,因为体育场内东道国的球迷最多。



银行通常也会预测世界杯赢家。瑞士银行(UBS)、高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)和麦格理银行(Macquarie Bank)等都曾经尝试预测2014年和2018年世界杯,但没有一家可以准确预测连续两届冠军。克莱门特在笔记中写道,在预测2014年德国获胜和2018年法国获胜后,自己的“记录目前保持100%准确”。(财富中文网)




9月20日,Liberum Capital的约阿希姆·克莱门特在一份报告中写道,阿根廷将夺得冠军。



克莱门特预测的根据来自诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham)的一项研究,该研究主要分析各国人均国内生产总值(GDP)、人口和温度等经济和气候因素。从理论上来说,由于相关数据能够影响到体育基础设施和足球人才库,所以有助于预测各国在国际足球比赛中能否成功。模型也考虑了东道国的主场优势,因为体育场内东道国的球迷最多。



银行通常也会预测世界杯赢家。瑞士银行(UBS)、高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)和麦格理银行(Macquarie Bank)等都曾经尝试预测2014年和2018年世界杯,但没有一家可以准确预测连续两届冠军。克莱门特在笔记中写道,在预测2014年德国获胜和2018年法国获胜后,自己的“记录目前保持100%准确”。(财富中文网)



An Investment strategist who accurately predicted the winners of the two previous World Cups has announced which team he expects to take the trophy at the upcoming 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

And that winner will be Argentina, Joachim Klement, from Liberum Capital, wrote in a note on September 20.

If the forecast is correct, it would be that football-crazy country’s first World Cup victory in 36 years. At the 1986 World Cup in Mexico, it beat West Germany in the final shortly after defeating England in an infamous quarterfinal game that included Diego Maradona’s “Hand of God” goal.

According to Klement, Argentina, in the 2022 tournament, will beat Spain in the semi-finals and meet England in the finals. It would be a rematch of their famous battle more than three and a half decades earlier.

Klement’s prediction is drawn from a University of Nottingham study that takes into consideration economic and climatic factors such as each country’s per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP), population, and temperature. In theory, the data helps with predicting the success of countries in international football matches because of the implication on sports infrastructure and the pool of soccer talent. The model also factors in a bonus for the host country, which benefits from having the most fans present in stadiums.

Klement warned that there is still an “element of chance” involved and that some results can be based on luck. When predicting outcomes at the group stage, Klement says the model relies on probabilities. “Just because a team has a low probability of making it into the knockout stage doesn’t mean it will,” he said.

If the outcomes don’t turn out as forecasted, Klement has his defense ready. “I have been working in the financial services industry for more than 20 years and if I have perfected one thing, it is how to find excuses for faulty predictions.”

Banks routinely make predictions on who they think will win the World Cup. The likes of UBS, Goldman Sachs, and Macquarie Bank tried to predict victors in both the 2014 and 2018 World Cups, but none of them were accurate for two consecutive tournaments. Klement wrote in the note that his “track record is 100% accurate,” after predicting that Germany would win in 2014 and France would win in 2018.
