

Chris Morris 2022-05-11


它一度被证明是正确的。但当口罩遮住了我们的口鼻,口红几乎变得没有必要。(甚至涂口红会弄脏口罩内部。)不过随着口罩禁令解除,化妆品行业开始复兴。经济学家又开始跟踪魅可(MAC)的Velvet Teddy、露华浓(Revlon)的Super Lustrous等口红的销量。

口红指数认为,在经济危机期间,人们会减少外出就餐、健身房会员等方面的开支,但会购买小型奢侈品,例如口红或曲奇饼干等。这个词来自雅诗兰黛(Estée Lauder)化妆品公司的荣誉董事长伦纳德·劳德,并且有该公司的销售数据作为依据。换言之,口红销量可以作为判断经济衰退即将来临或已经到来的主要线索。

NPD集团(NPD Group)发现,唇妆(包括唇釉和唇部滋润商品等)是2022年化妆品市场增长最快的品类。该类产品今年第一季度的销售收入较2021年同期增长了48%。






它一度被证明是正确的。但当口罩遮住了我们的口鼻,口红几乎变得没有必要。(甚至涂口红会弄脏口罩内部。)不过随着口罩禁令解除,化妆品行业开始复兴。经济学家又开始跟踪魅可(MAC)的Velvet Teddy、露华浓(Revlon)的Super Lustrous等口红的销量。

口红指数认为,在经济危机期间,人们会减少外出就餐、健身房会员等方面的开支,但会购买小型奢侈品,例如口红或曲奇饼干等。这个词来自雅诗兰黛(Estée Lauder)化妆品公司的荣誉董事长伦纳德·劳德,并且有该公司的销售数据作为依据。换言之,口红销量可以作为判断经济衰退即将来临或已经到来的主要线索。

NPD集团(NPD Group)发现,唇妆(包括唇釉和唇部滋润商品等)是2022年化妆品市场增长最快的品类。该类产品今年第一季度的销售收入较2021年同期增长了48%。





Face masks, many people thought, would be a death knell to the “lipstick index,” the theory that lipstick sales are inversely related to the health of the economy.

For a while, that proved true. With our mouths and noses hidden behind masks, lipstick became largely unnecessary. (And even if you wore it, it would just smudge on the inside of your mask.) But as mask mandates go away, the makeup industry is seeing a resurgence. And economists are once again tracking sales of MAC's Velvet Teddy, Revlon’s Super Lustrous, and more.

The lipstick index theorizes that while people cut back on things like eating out and gym memberships when the economy is in crisis, they flock to small luxuries, like lipstick or cookies. It was the brainchild of Leonard Lauder, chairman emeritus of Estée Lauder cosmetics and backed up by that company’s own sales numbers. In other words, lipstick sales could be a major clue about whether a recession is looming—or already underway.

The NPD Group notes that lip makeup (which includes lip gloss and other pucker enhancers) is the fastest growing area in the makeup category for 2022. Sales revenues in the first quarter were up 48% compared with the same period in 2021.

“Economic sentiment has been decreasing over the past year, with confidence in personal finances and making a major purchase falling to an all-time low in March, compared to last year,” says Natallia Bambiza, NPD’s makeup category analyst. “But lipstick sales keep growing, week over week. This steady growth illustrates consumers’ desire to splurge on this ‘nice to have’ makeup item, now that lipstick has a good reason to be worn again. Lipstick is once again becoming the ‘affordable luxury’ that consumers want—and can—turn to for emotional comfort.”

Certainly, the lipstick theory has detractors, who note that lipstick sales are hard to pinpoint, given how many companies manufacture the product and how few break the category out individually. But as inflation rages and fears of a recession continue to grow, expect more than a few analysts to keep at least a covert eye on the next batch of numbers from NPD.
