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大众经典巴士(VW Bus)的粉丝们迎来了好消息,充满传奇色彩的小面包车又回来了,而且这回实现了纯电动、碳中和、纯素三合一。然而,有人欢喜有人忧,美国用户或需等待更久才能够迎来该车型在本土上市。

3月9日,大众的ID Buzz概念车量产版本首发亮相,将于今年秋季登陆欧洲市场。


美版ID Buzz将于2024年上市,与欧版车型相比,拥有更长的轴距及多达7座的车内配置。

图片来源:Courtesy of Volkswagen

ID Buzz保留了大众经典巴士的嬉皮士精神,车内用到了众多的回收材料。希望选装高档皮革座椅的用户只得另寻他处了。不但是座椅,其它所有配置也均没有皮革版本。ID Buzz在德国制造,大众将负责抵消该车型全部无法消除的二氧化碳净排放。

大众汽车乘用车品牌的首席执行官贝瑞德(Ralf Brandstätter)在3月9日的发言中说:“它的魅力在于对经典的传承。20世纪60年代,巴士是自由和独立的象征,如今,我们只是以电动化和可持续的方式重现这两种精神。”

ID Buzz的续航里程数官方尚未公布,其销量可能不及体型更小的ID 4,ID 4是一款跨界电动汽车,2021年春季登陆美国市场。不过,ID Buzz是备受宠爱的大众经典小面包车的精神继承者,大众要在美国市场挽回柴油门事件造成的形象损失,ID Buzz的表现至关重要。大众汽车计划到2030年将其美国市场份额提高一倍以上,达到10%。

图片来源:Courtesy of Volkswagen

2001年,大众提出了微型巴士的概念,吊足了市场胃口,却一直未能获批投产,此次发布ID Buzz,至少对欧洲用户而言,算是兑现了年内实现巴士回归的承诺。

大众巴士的复刻计划历时如此之久,与规模经济不无关系。ID 4正在全球范围内降价出售,而ID Buzz销量又不及ID 4,为确保充足的盈利空间,ID Buzz采用了“同门师妹”ID 4跨界车的同款底盘。


图片来源:Courtesy of Volkswagen

这款底盘出自大众旗下的MEB平台,为大众集团(VW Group)众多车型所共有,包括奥迪(Audi)Q4 e-tron。到2025年,大众80%的电动汽车产品都会采用这款MEB底盘。意味着开发MEB平台的前期投入将由1900万辆汽车分摊,规模效益可观。

通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)针对自家三款车型也采用了相同的策略,分别是同出于Ultium平台的GMC悍马电动皮卡(GMC Hummer EV)、即将到来的凯迪拉克(Cadillac)Lyriq,以及将于明年面世、备受期待、价值3万美元的雪佛兰探界者(Chevrolet Equinox)跨界车。

因为师出同门,欧版的ID Buzz自然也沿用了ID 4的动力电池组(净容量77千瓦时),配备通用款电机和电子设备。而拥有更大电池容量的四驱车型仍然在研发当中。

大众汽车乘用车品牌的首席执行官贝瑞德如此概括ID Buzz在电动汽车市场的朴素定位:“电动汽车比比皆是,但只有大众集团才能够为市场奉献上ID Buzz这样的产品。”(财富中文网)



大众经典巴士(VW Bus)的粉丝们迎来了好消息,充满传奇色彩的小面包车又回来了,而且这回实现了纯电动、碳中和、纯素三合一。然而,有人欢喜有人忧,美国用户或需等待更久才能够迎来该车型在本土上市。

3月9日,大众的ID Buzz概念车量产版本首发亮相,将于今年秋季登陆欧洲市场。


美版ID Buzz将于2024年上市,与欧版车型相比,拥有更长的轴距及多达7座的车内配置。

ID Buzz保留了大众经典巴士的嬉皮士精神,车内用到了众多的回收材料。希望选装高档皮革座椅的用户只得另寻他处了。不但是座椅,其它所有配置也均没有皮革版本。ID Buzz在德国制造,大众将负责抵消该车型全部无法消除的二氧化碳净排放。

大众汽车乘用车品牌的首席执行官贝瑞德(Ralf Brandstätter)在3月9日的发言中说:“它的魅力在于对经典的传承。20世纪60年代,巴士是自由和独立的象征,如今,我们只是以电动化和可持续的方式重现这两种精神。”

ID Buzz的续航里程数官方尚未公布,其销量可能不及体型更小的ID 4,ID 4是一款跨界电动汽车,2021年春季登陆美国市场。不过,ID Buzz是备受宠爱的大众经典小面包车的精神继承者,大众要在美国市场挽回柴油门事件造成的形象损失,ID Buzz的表现至关重要。大众汽车计划到2030年将其美国市场份额提高一倍以上,达到10%。

2001年,大众提出了微型巴士的概念,吊足了市场胃口,却一直未能获批投产,此次发布ID Buzz,至少对欧洲用户而言,算是兑现了年内实现巴士回归的承诺。

大众巴士的复刻计划历时如此之久,与规模经济不无关系。ID 4正在全球范围内降价出售,而ID Buzz销量又不及ID 4,为确保充足的盈利空间,ID Buzz采用了“同门师妹”ID 4跨界车的同款底盘。


这款底盘出自大众旗下的MEB平台,为大众集团(VW Group)众多车型所共有,包括奥迪(Audi)Q4 e-tron。到2025年,大众80%的电动汽车产品都会采用这款MEB底盘。意味着开发MEB平台的前期投入将由1900万辆汽车分摊,规模效益可观。

通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)针对自家三款车型也采用了相同的策略,分别是同出于Ultium平台的GMC悍马电动皮卡(GMC Hummer EV)、即将到来的凯迪拉克(Cadillac)Lyriq,以及将于明年面世、备受期待、价值3万美元的雪佛兰探界者(Chevrolet Equinox)跨界车。

因为师出同门,欧版的ID Buzz自然也沿用了ID 4的动力电池组(净容量77千瓦时),配备通用款电机和电子设备。而拥有更大电池容量的四驱车型仍然在研发当中。

大众汽车乘用车品牌的首席执行官贝瑞德如此概括ID Buzz在电动汽车市场的朴素定位:“电动汽车比比皆是,但只有大众集团才能够为市场奉献上ID Buzz这样的产品。”(财富中文网)



For fans of the original VW Bus, the good news is that Volkswagen’s legendary flower power minivan is back: It’s all electric and carbon-neutral, and it’s vegan. The bad news for American customers is that they may have to wait even longer than anticipated.

On March 9, the German carmaker finally unveiled the series production version of its ID Buzz concept that will hit European markets in autumn.

Five long years of development work went into the vehicle that soon will take its place next to the original VW Bus, which debuted back in 1950. Not even Tesla has anything on the drawing board that can compete.

But the U.S. version will only arrive in 2024, which, unlike its European counterpart, will have a wheelbase and a larger interior with up to seven seats.

True to its predecessor’s hippie image, the ID Buzz will feature a lot of recycled materials in the interior. Customers hoping to add Alcantara seats will have to look elsewhere; there won’t even be an option to order anything with leather. Built in Germany, all net CO2 emissions that cannot be abated will be offset by Volkswagen.

“Its emotional appeal stems from the legacy it inherits,” the brand’s CEO, Ralf Brandstätter, said in prepared remarks on March 9. “In the 1960s, the Bus symbolized freedom and independence, and now we’re transporting those feelings from the past into the present, only this time it’s electric and sustainable.”

The ID Buzz, whose official electric range has not been indicated in kilometers yet, may not generate the kind of sales volume as the smaller ID4, an electric crossover that launched in the U.S. market last spring. As the spiritual successor to the beloved van, it is however crucial to polishing the diesel-tarnished brand in the U.S. market, where it aims to more than double its share to 10% by 2030.

At least for European customers, VW will finally deliver on the promise of a Bus revival this year, having teased fans in 2001 with the popular Microbus concept that never got the green light for actual production.

The reason why it took so long for the VW Bus to be revived has to do with economies of scale: In order to be profitable enough with lower volumes compared with the ID4, the Buzz uses the same chassis as that of its crossover sibling already on sale across the world.

By using as many common parts under the hood that they can, carmakers can save costs across different models. Ideally only the visible bits that differentiate cars from one another are changed—their look and design, exterior body style, interior passenger cabin, and surface materials customers see and touch.

This common chassis shared across various VW Group models, including the Audi Q4 e-tron, is known by its German initials MEB and will underpin more than 80% of all EVs the parent company sells by 2025. Altogether the upfront investments it spent to develop the MEB will be split by 19 million cars, giving VW considerable scale effects.

GM is adopting a similar approach with its Ultium platform that forms the basis for the GMC Hummer EV pickup, the upcoming Cadillac Lyriq, and the much anticipated $30,000 Chevrolet Equinox crossover due to arrive next year.

As a result of their shared heritage, the battery pack of the ID4 has also been carried over for the European ID Buzz. It offers the same 77 kWh net usable capacity, and features common motors and electronics. A larger battery and an all-wheel drive version, however, is in the works.

Brandstätter summed up the vehicle’s simple positioning in the EV market as such: “There are a lot of electric vehicles, but only Volkswagen can bring a vehicle like the ID Buzz to the road.”



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