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上周,半导体设计商高通(Qualcomm)与包括沃尔沃(Volvo)和本田(Honda)在内的数家汽车品牌达成了进一步的交易,这些交易有望满足驾驶者不断增长的需求,也就是在车中享受三星(Samsung)的Galaxy S21手机能够给其带来的无缝连接性。


高通的首席执行官安蒙(Cristiano Amon)在今年的国际消费电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)上表示,高通只是在应用其在智能手机中大获成功的“相同策略”,以打造一系列价值约130亿美元的交易,而此时公司甚至还没有开展第一次收购。


图片来源:Courtesy of Qualcomm






高通欧洲(Qualcomm Europe)的业务负责人恩里科·萨尔夫托里在上周对记者说:“我们坚信,对于汽车架构师来说,数字底盘是未来[竞争]的差异化元素。”

不管是大众(Volkswagen)的ID.4增强现实型驾驶员抬头显示,横跨梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的EQS仪表板的有机形状超级屏幕,还是特斯拉的Model S Plaid的强大的中央显示屏,汽车向其用户传递信息的方式正在变得越来越具有创新力。这一趋势则要求汽车采用更加复杂的处理器来实现。

梅赛德斯-奔驰的EQS电动车超级屏幕,覆盖整个仪表板。图片来源:Courtesy of Mercedes-Benz



沃尔沃汽车(Volvo Cars)的用户体验业务负责人托马斯·斯托维切克称:“汽车将变得更加互联,而且将有更多的感应器,会搜集更多的信息,也会向用户展示更多的信息。所有这一切都将面向用户汇聚于驾驶舱中。”




法国的汽车制造商雷诺(Renault)已经充分认识到,公司需要对全系列车型的仪表板科技大动干戈。公司已经开始采购高通第三代骁龙Cockpit信息娱乐节目芯片,并在与高通签署新协议之前将其用于自家全新紧凑型电动轿跑Mégane E-Tech。

雷诺计划在其整个产品线中都采用全系列的高通汽车半导体产品,包括骁龙Ride高级驾驶员协助处理器。双方的交易显示,首款车型将于2026年年初面世。通用汽车(General Motors)在上周也表示,公司将从高通购买自动驾驶芯片,并将其用于即将推出的凯迪拉克(Cadillac)的Celestiq车型。

雷诺集团(Renault Group)的首席执行官卢卡·德·梅奥在上周的国际消费电子展上解释说:“如今,汽车行业格局的演变速度比以往任何时候都快。汽车体验正越来越数字化。因此,要跟上客户的期许,我们就得与高通这样的顶级科技公司保持密切合作。”(财富中文网)




上周,半导体设计商高通(Qualcomm)与包括沃尔沃(Volvo)和本田(Honda)在内的数家汽车品牌达成了进一步的交易,这些交易有望满足驾驶者不断增长的需求,也就是在车中享受三星(Samsung)的Galaxy S21手机能够给其带来的无缝连接性。


高通的首席执行官安蒙(Cristiano Amon)在今年的国际消费电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)上表示,高通只是在应用其在智能手机中大获成功的“相同策略”,以打造一系列价值约130亿美元的交易,而此时公司甚至还没有开展第一次收购。







高通欧洲(Qualcomm Europe)的业务负责人恩里科·萨尔夫托里在上周对记者说:“我们坚信,对于汽车架构师来说,数字底盘是未来[竞争]的差异化元素。”

不管是大众(Volkswagen)的ID.4增强现实型驾驶员抬头显示,横跨梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的EQS仪表板的有机形状超级屏幕,还是特斯拉的Model S Plaid的强大的中央显示屏,汽车向其用户传递信息的方式正在变得越来越具有创新力。这一趋势则要求汽车采用更加复杂的处理器来实现。



沃尔沃汽车(Volvo Cars)的用户体验业务负责人托马斯·斯托维切克称:“汽车将变得更加互联,而且将有更多的感应器,会搜集更多的信息,也会向用户展示更多的信息。所有这一切都将面向用户汇聚于驾驶舱中。”




法国的汽车制造商雷诺(Renault)已经充分认识到,公司需要对全系列车型的仪表板科技大动干戈。公司已经开始采购高通第三代骁龙Cockpit信息娱乐节目芯片,并在与高通签署新协议之前将其用于自家全新紧凑型电动轿跑Mégane E-Tech。

雷诺计划在其整个产品线中都采用全系列的高通汽车半导体产品,包括骁龙Ride高级驾驶员协助处理器。双方的交易显示,首款车型将于2026年年初面世。通用汽车(General Motors)在上周也表示,公司将从高通购买自动驾驶芯片,并将其用于即将推出的凯迪拉克(Cadillac)的Celestiq车型。

雷诺集团(Renault Group)的首席执行官卢卡·德·梅奥在上周的国际消费电子展上解释说:“如今,汽车行业格局的演变速度比以往任何时候都快。汽车体验正越来越数字化。因此,要跟上客户的期许,我们就得与高通这样的顶级科技公司保持密切合作。”(财富中文网)



After Tesla transformed the car into a smartphone on wheels, automakers lagging behind are now turning to a mobile handset chip provider to help narrow the widening technology gap.

Semiconductor designer Qualcomm inked further deals with a number of auto brands including Volvo and Honda at last week that will serve the growing demand by drivers to enjoy the kind of seamless connectivity they know from their Samsung Galaxy S21 when in their cars.

In the past, automakers were all too loath to reveal who provided parts for their vehicles. The growing importance of chipmakers, however, has upended the traditional industry pecking order. Overarching trends have catapulted semiconductor companies to the top of the food chain—making them a strategic partner to car companies rather than just a bottom-tier supplier.

Qualcomm chief executive Cristiano Amon told attendees at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that his company was simply applying the “same recipe” that saw it succeed in smartphones in order to build up a pipeline of deals worth some $13 billion even before it launched its first acquisition.

“There is no bigger disruption from a technology standpoint than automotive, when compared to every other industry,” the CEO said last week. “The car has been completely transformed—the experience of owning and driving a car is different. The relationship between car companies with their customers is different.”

The global semiconductor shortage has highlighted the importance of chips in keeping automotive assembly lines running. Yet Tesla has been able to skirt the chip crunch and grow volumes 87% last year by relying on advanced processors that centralize a vehicle’s computing power rather than distribute it among a large array of commodity microcontrollers using proven and robust yet obsolete circuitry.

It is precisely because of this approach that Tesla has pioneered the ability to improve a car’s performance and range, and unlock fun new features like video games and other Easter eggs, via over-the-air firmware updates, years ahead of its competition.

Converging in the cockpit

Elon Musk’s success has proved that telematics, infotainment, and advanced self-driving features are becoming every bit as important to car buyers in the future as horsepower and torque, if not more. It’s even prompting some consumer electronics groups like Sony to now consider building cars.

Qualcomm refers to these three rapidly developing disciplines collectively as a car’s “digital chassis,” the electronic equivalent to its mechanical counterpart underpinning the vehicle. Together they combine to enhance a consumer’s overall user experience, or UX, when driving.

“We strongly believe the digital chassis is the element of [competitive] differentiation for the architecture of a car in the future,” Qualcomm Europe boss Enrico Salvatori told reporters last week.

Whether it is the augmented-reality driver head-up display in the Volkswagen ID.4, the organically shaped Hyperscreen that stretches across the entire dashboard of the Mercedes-Benz EQS sedan, or the powerful central display in a Tesla Model S Plaid, information is being relayed to a car’s users in increasingly innovative ways. These in turn demand increasingly complex processors to power them.

Volvo and its affiliated performance brand Polestar have now agreed to use the third generation of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Cockpit in their upcoming electric vehicles to create a more appealing experience that can compete with that delivered by Tesla.

By properly conveying data in an easy and intuitive manner, automakers and their chip partners can also aid drivers in their decision-making process and improve traffic safety.

“Cars are getting more connected, there is more sensors, more information being collected and presented to the users,” said Thomas Stovicek, head of UX at Volvo Cars. “All of this is coming together at a converging point for the user within the cockpit.”

Power of a Sony PlayStation

Legacy carmakers have a lot of catching up to do, though. Most affordable cars come standard with old-school instrument clusters rather than digital ones. For Porsche it’s even by design: Each combustion engine car they build comes with at least an analog tachometer gauge so drivers can see the needle spin when the motor revs.

Tesla’s latest infotainment system known as MCU3 meanwhile features silky smooth and ultrafast responsiveness to touch-screen commands. In upgrading to next-generation hardware, Musk opted to swap out the previous, slower Intel Atom processor in favor of a Ryzen Embedded chip from rival semiconductor supplier AMD. This endows the MCU3 with computing power roughly equivalent to Sony’s newest PlayStation 5 gaming console.

French carmaker Renault didn’t need any further convincing that its range required a major overhaul in dashboard technology. It had already begun sourcing Qualcomm’s third-gen Snapdragon Cockpit infotainment chips for its new compact electric hatchback, the Mégane E-Tech, before signing up for a new deal with the chipmaker.

Renault plans to roll out the full portfolio of Qualcomm’s automotive semiconductors across its entire lineup, including the Snapdragon Ride advanced driver assistance processor, in a deal that will see the first vehicles launch in early 2026. (General Motors also said last week it would purchase self-driving chips from the company for its upcoming Cadillac Celestiq.)

“Today’s automotive landscape is evolving more rapidly than ever; the automotive experience is increasingly digital,” Renault Group CEO Luca de Meo explained at last week’s CES. “So keeping up with our customer expectations requires working closely with top tech companies like Qualcomm.”



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