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Rachel King





图片来源:Courtesy of Simon & Schuster

《如何吃:勇敢的饮食新世界》(How We Eat: The Brave New World of Food and Drink), 作者:帕科·安德希尔(Paco Underhill)



图片来源:Courtesy of Viking

《菲奥娜与简》(Fiona and Jane), 作者:吉恩·陈·何(Jean Chen Ho)



图片来源:Courtesy of St. Martin’s Press

《鲁莽女孩》(Reckless Girls), 作者:蕾切尔·霍金斯(Rachel Hawkins)


去年《纽约时报》(New York Times)畅销小说家蕾切尔·霍金斯凭借《楼上的妻子》(The Wife Upstairs)同时赢得惊悚和经典小说粉丝的喜爱,该书相当于《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)的现代版。新的一年里,她将推出一群Z世代冒险游客前往神秘岛探险的新作,瞄准了著名侦探小说家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的粉丝群或喜欢HBO《白莲花度假村》(The White Lotus)的人。当然了,冒险肯定会失控,最终会有人死在乐园岛上。

图片来源:Courtesy of Simon & Schuster

《快钱之王:美联储如何破坏美国经济》(The Lords of Easy Money: How the Federal Reserve Broke the American Economy), 作者:克里斯托弗·伦纳德(Christopher Leonard)



图片来源:Courtesy of Dey Street Books

《崛起:我的故事》(Rise: My Stor), 作者:林赛·沃恩(Lindsey Vonn)



图片来源:Courtesy of Simon & Schuster

《知足常乐:自我接纳之路》(Already Enough: A Path to Self-Acceptance),作者:丽莎·奥利维拉( Lisa Olivera)



图片来源:Courtesy of Penguin Life

《平民理财法:将财务掌握在自己手中》(Finance for the People: Getting a Grip on Your Finances ),作者:帕科·德·莱昂(Paco de Leon)




图片来源:Courtesy of Viking

《美国黑人难民:逃离对美国梦的自我陶醉》(Black American Refugee: Escaping the Narcissism of the American Dream),作者:蒂凡妮·德雷顿(Tiffanie Drayton)



图片来源:Courtesy of Mariner Books

《病痛缠身:制药巨头拖累了美国的医疗保健事业,如何堵上漏洞?》(Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It),作者:约翰·艾布拉姆森(John Abramson)



图片来源:Courtesy of St. Martin’s Press

《罗曼诺夫王朝覆灭之后:巴黎的俄罗斯流亡者》(After the Romanovs: Russian Exiles in Paris From the Belle Époque Through Revolution and War),作者:海伦·拉帕波特(Helen Rappaport)



图片来源:Courtesy of Europa Editions

《爬格子:阅读与写作的乐趣》(In the Margins: On the Pleasures of Reading and Writing),作者:埃琳娜·费兰特(Elena Ferrante)


毫无疑问,埃琳娜·费兰特是意大利最受赞誉(也最神秘的)当代作家,她也是备受欢迎的《那不勒斯四部曲》(Neapolitan Novels)、《失去的女儿》(The Lost Daughter)和《成人的谎言生活》(The Lying Life of Adults)的作者,本书通过四篇介绍其文学影响、挣扎和文风形成过程的文章,为读者一窥其生活提供了难得的机会。

图片来源:Courtesy of Simon & Schuster

《女人谈钱:打破禁忌》(Women Talk Money: Breaking the Taboo edited ),编者:丽贝卡·沃克(Rebecca Walker)



图片来源:Courtesy of Harper Perennial

《着装规范:解锁时尚》(Dress Code: Unlocking Fashion From the New Look to Millennial Pink),作者:维罗尼克·海兰(Véronique Hyland)



图片来源:Courtesy of William Morrow & Co.

《封面故事》(Cover Story ),作者:苏珊·里盖蒂(Susan Rigetti)



图片来源:Courtesy of St. Martin’s Press

《色彩世界:一部文化史》(The World According to Color: A Cultural History),作者:詹姆斯·福克斯(James Fox)



图片来源:Courtesy of Harper Voyager

《记忆图书管理员:其他有关Dirty Computer的故事》(The Memory Librarian: And Other Stories of Dirty Computer ),作者:詹妮尔·莫奈(Janelle Monáe)


通过一系列探讨种族、古怪性、性别多元化和爱情的故事,歌手兼词曲作者詹妮尔·莫奈将自己获得格莱美提名的专辑Dirty Computer带到了全新高度。

图片来源:Courtesy of Riverhead Books

《明天这个时候》(This Time Tomorrow),作者:埃玛·斯特劳布(Emma Straub)



图片来源:Courtesy of MCD

《异教经典》(Cult Classic),作者:斯隆·克罗斯利(Sloane Crosley)


斯隆·克罗斯利以其幽默文集而闻名,比如她2008年的处女作《听说会有蛋糕》(I Was Told There’d Be Cake)便颇具盛名。这一次,她将带着自己的第二部小说重返读者视野,这是一部以纽约文坛为背景的神秘小说,在这部小说中,读者可以感受到克罗斯利标志性的、带有超现实主义色彩的滑稽风格。

图片来源:Courtesy of Amistad Press

《人们不了解黑人及其他》(You Don’t Know Us Negroes and Other Essays), 作者:佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿(Zora Neale Hurston)



图片来源:Courtesy of Simon & Schuster

《追求正义:黑人检察官为公正奋斗》(Just Pursuit: A Black Prosecutor's Fight for Fairness), 作者:劳拉·科茨(Laura Coates)



图片来源:Courtesy of Scribner Book Co.

《十日谈项目:疫情期间29篇新故事》(The Decameron Project: 29 New Stories From the Pandemic selected), 作者:《纽约时报》杂志编辑精选



图片来源:Courtesy of Simon & Schuster

《最后的运奴船:克洛蒂尔达号被发现,幸存者后代,以及特别清算的真实故事》(The Last Slave Ship: The True Story of How Clotilda Was Found, Her Descendants, and an Extraordinary Reckoning ),作者:本·雷恩斯(Ben Raines)







《如何吃:勇敢的饮食新世界》(How We Eat: The Brave New World of Food and Drink), 作者:帕科·安德希尔(Paco Underhill)



《菲奥娜与简》(Fiona and Jane), 作者:吉恩·陈·何(Jean Chen Ho)



《鲁莽女孩》(Reckless Girls), 作者:蕾切尔·霍金斯(Rachel Hawkins)


去年《纽约时报》(New York Times)畅销小说家蕾切尔·霍金斯凭借《楼上的妻子》(The Wife Upstairs)同时赢得惊悚和经典小说粉丝的喜爱,该书相当于《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)的现代版。新的一年里,她将推出一群Z世代冒险游客前往神秘岛探险的新作,瞄准了著名侦探小说家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的粉丝群或喜欢HBO《白莲花度假村》(The White Lotus)的人。当然了,冒险肯定会失控,最终会有人死在乐园岛上。

《快钱之王:美联储如何破坏美国经济》(The Lords of Easy Money: How the Federal Reserve Broke the American Economy), 作者:克里斯托弗·伦纳德(Christopher Leonard)



《崛起:我的故事》(Rise: My Stor), 作者:林赛·沃恩(Lindsey Vonn)



《知足常乐:自我接纳之路》(Already Enough: A Path to Self-Acceptance),作者:丽莎·奥利维拉( Lisa Olivera)



《平民理财法:将财务掌握在自己手中》(Finance for the People: Getting a Grip on Your Finances ),作者:帕科·德·莱昂(Paco de Leon)



《美国黑人难民:逃离对美国梦的自我陶醉》(Black American Refugee: Escaping the Narcissism of the American Dream),作者:蒂凡妮·德雷顿(Tiffanie Drayton)



《病痛缠身:制药巨头拖累了美国的医疗保健事业,如何堵上漏洞?》(Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It),作者:约翰·艾布拉姆森(John Abramson)



《罗曼诺夫王朝覆灭之后:巴黎的俄罗斯流亡者》(After the Romanovs: Russian Exiles in Paris From the Belle Époque Through Revolution and War),作者:海伦·拉帕波特(Helen Rappaport)



《爬格子:阅读与写作的乐趣》(In the Margins: On the Pleasures of Reading and Writing),作者:埃琳娜·费兰特(Elena Ferrante)


毫无疑问,埃琳娜·费兰特是意大利最受赞誉(也最神秘的)当代作家,她也是备受欢迎的《那不勒斯四部曲》(Neapolitan Novels)、《失去的女儿》(The Lost Daughter)和《成人的谎言生活》(The Lying Life of Adults)的作者,本书通过四篇介绍其文学影响、挣扎和文风形成过程的文章,为读者一窥其生活提供了难得的机会。

《女人谈钱:打破禁忌》(Women Talk Money: Breaking the Taboo edited ),编者:丽贝卡·沃克(Rebecca Walker)



《着装规范:解锁时尚》(Dress Code: Unlocking Fashion From the New Look to Millennial Pink),作者:维罗尼克·海兰(Véronique Hyland)



《封面故事》(Cover Story ),作者:苏珊·里盖蒂(Susan Rigetti)



《色彩世界:一部文化史》(The World According to Color: A Cultural History),作者:詹姆斯·福克斯(James Fox)



《记忆图书管理员:其他有关Dirty Computer的故事》(The Memory Librarian: And Other Stories of Dirty Computer ),作者:詹妮尔·莫奈(Janelle Monáe)


通过一系列探讨种族、古怪性、性别多元化和爱情的故事,歌手兼词曲作者詹妮尔·莫奈将自己获得格莱美提名的专辑Dirty Computer带到了全新高度。

《明天这个时候》(This Time Tomorrow),作者:埃玛·斯特劳布(Emma Straub)



《异教经典》(Cult Classic),作者:斯隆·克罗斯利(Sloane Crosley)


斯隆·克罗斯利以其幽默文集而闻名,比如她2008年的处女作《听说会有蛋糕》(I Was Told There’d Be Cake)便颇具盛名。这一次,她将带着自己的第二部小说重返读者视野,这是一部以纽约文坛为背景的神秘小说,在这部小说中,读者可以感受到克罗斯利标志性的、带有超现实主义色彩的滑稽风格。

《人们不了解黑人及其他》(You Don’t Know Us Negroes and Other Essays), 作者:佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿(Zora Neale Hurston)



《追求正义:黑人检察官为公正奋斗》(Just Pursuit: A Black Prosecutor's Fight for Fairness), 作者:劳拉·科茨(Laura Coates)



《十日谈项目:疫情期间29篇新故事》(The Decameron Project: 29 New Stories From the Pandemic selected), 作者:《纽约时报》杂志编辑精选



《最后的运奴船:克洛蒂尔达号被发现,幸存者后代,以及特别清算的真实故事》(The Last Slave Ship: The True Story of How Clotilda Was Found, Her Descendants, and an Extraordinary Reckoning ),作者:本·雷恩斯(Ben Raines)





How We Eat: The Brave New World of Food and Drink by Paco Underhill

Available January 4

One thing that can be counted on every January: the deluge of content from books to how-to guides to think pieces on new year diets. How We Eat isn’t one of those books, but it might get you thinking (and changing) how you eat as more urban communities try to bring the farm not just to the table but to community gardens, rooftops, or just about any patch of unused, open space to cut back on mass-produced groceries harming not only ourselves but also the environment in the era of climate change.

Courtesy of Viking

Fiona and Jane by Jean Chen Ho

Available January 4

Set across Los Angeles, Taiwan, and New York, Jean Chen Ho’s debut novel explores a friendship between two Taiwanese American women as they break apart in their twenties and find their way back to each other 10 years later, their story told alternately from each woman’s point of view. While an intimate portrait of friendship, Fiona and Jane also tackles themes around sexuality, social class, immigration, family secrets, mental health, and Asian American identity.

Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins

Available January 4

New York Times bestselling novelist Rachel Hawkins scored with both lovers of thrillers and the classics last year with The Wife Upstairs, a modern retelling of Jane Eyre. This year, she’s going for the Agatha Christie fan base (or anyone who enjoyed HBO’s The White Lotus) with an island mystery involving a set of Gen Z adventure travelers. Naturally, the adventure spins out of control—and someone ends up dead in paradise.

The Lords of Easy Money: How the Federal Reserve Broke the American Economy by Christopher Leonard

Available January 11

Business journalist Christopher Leonard investigates the U.S. Federal Reserve to reveal how the mysterious agency’s policies over the past decade have accelerated income inequality, putting our country’s economic stability at risk.

Rise: My Story by Lindsey Vonn

Available January 11

Lindsey Vonn is the most decorated female skier of all time and one of the most celebrated female American athletes of this century. In her first memoir, Vonn shares information never before disclosed in interviews, including little-known details about her struggles with mental and physical health.

Already Enough: A Path to Self-Acceptance by Lisa Olivera

Available January 25

Lisa Olivera, a practicing therapist with more than 467,000 followers on Instagram, might seem like someone who has it all figured out. But like anything on Instagram, looks can be deceiving, and it took a lot of work for Olivera to get onto the path to self-acceptance, starting from when she was abandoned in the woods by her birth mother at just a few hours old.

Finance for the People: Getting a Grip on Your Finances by Paco de Leon

Available February 1

Taking a more hands-on approach to personal finance, Finance for the People asks readers to reflect on their beliefs and experiences with money in a variety of exercises and includes more than 50 illustrations and diagrams to make the concepts accessible.

Black American Refugee: Escaping the Narcissism of the American Dream by Tiffanie Drayton

Available February 8

Expanding on her New York Times feature of the same name, journalist Tiffanie Drayton reflects on her mother’s move to the U.S. in pursuit of the American dream, and how through personal experience and examination of race culture, the American dream has been repeatedly unrealistic for people of color.

Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It by John Abramson

Available February 8

Dr. John Abramson, who has been a member of the faculty at Harvard Medical School for 25 years, has compiled multiple patient stories to demonstrate how the pharmaceutical industry’s financial interests have corrupted and diminished the American health care system, costing not only many Americans their entire bank accounts but also, for many, their lives.

After the Romanovs: Russian Exiles in Paris From the Belle Époque Through Revolution and War by Helen Rappaport

Available March 8

There is no shortage of books about the last royal family of Russia, and while many modern historical works still focus on the murders of the last tsar and his family, After the Romanovs focuses on extended family members and courtiers who managed to escape—specifically to Paris, where some finished out their aristocratic lifestyle and others rebuilt their lives from the ground up.

In the Margins: On the Pleasures of Reading and Writing by Elena Ferrante

Available March 15

Quite arguably Italy’s most lauded (and mysterious) contemporary writer, Elena Ferrante—author of the beloved Neapolitan Novels, The Lost Daughter, and The Lying Life of Adults—offers a rare peek into her life with four new essays about her literary influences, struggles, and formation as both a reader and a writer.

Women Talk Money: Breaking the Taboo edited by Rebecca Walker

Available March 15

This anthology of essays, edited by prominent feminist and writer Rebecca Walker, explores how money can impact women’s lives, from the power structures of their relationships to the kind of health care they can expect to receive, or lack thereof.

Dress Code: Unlocking Fashion From the New Look to Millennial Pink

by Véronique Hyland

Available March 15

This essay collection challenges a number of standards and practices within the fashion industry—from dressing like a Frenchwoman as the epitome of style to what female politicians should wear—but whether or not you care about fashion, your wardrobe will always say something about you.

Cover Story by Susan Rigetti

Available April 5

Shonda Rhimes’s long-awaited Netflix miniseries about convicted scam artist Anna Delvey is set to debut in February, but for those viewers who can’t get enough of grifters in true crime stories, this epistolary novel follows a familiar trope in thrillers (aspiring young writer befriends magnetic but mysterious person without a past) and is set in some of the most glamorous hotspots in New York City.

The World According to Color: A Cultural History by James Fox

Available April 12

Art historian James Fox explores our connection to color—specifically the meanings and associations we have attached to color through culture and language over thousands of years.

The Memory Librarian: And Other Stories of Dirty Computer by Janelle Monáe

Available April 19

Singer and songwriter Janelle Monáe takes her Grammy-nominated album Dirty Computer to the next level with stories exploring race, queerness, gender plurality, and love.

This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub

Available May 17

The New York Times bestselling author of The Vacationers is back with another witty travel-themed novel just in time for summer—except this one involves time travel.

Cult Classic by Sloane Crosley

Available June 7

Sloane Crosley is well known for her anthologies of humorous essays such as her 2008 debut, I Was Told There’d Be Cake. She is back with a second novel—a mystery set in the New York literary world—in which readers can expect Crosley’s signature droll style with a touch of surrealism.

You Don’t Know Us Negroes and Other Essays by Zora Neale Hurston

Available January 18

Drawn from three decades of her work, this anthology traces Zora Neale Hurston’s development as a writer as she covered topics such as race, gender, and politics as well as African American art and culture from the height of the Harlem Renaissance to the early years of the Civil Rights movement. Celebrated literary critic, filmmaker, and professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. provides the introduction to this collection from one of America’s most legendary authors.

Just Pursuit: A Black Prosecutor's Fight for Fairness by Laura Coates

Available January 18

Recounting her time as a Black female prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice, CNN senior legal analyst Laura Coates investigates the bias in the justice system. Just Pursuit also serves as a memoir of a woman repeatedly torn between upholding her oath as a public servant and her lived experience as a Black woman and mother in the United States.

The Decameron Project: 29 New Stories From the Pandemic selected by the editors of the New York Times Magazine

Available January 18

For many readers, it might feel as if it’s too soon to read any books—fiction or nonfiction—about the pandemic lockdown, especially as the pandemic is ongoing. But this collection of short stories, including works by Margaret Atwood and National Book Award winner Charles Yu, commissioned at the start of the pandemic, will likely serve as a very precise time capsule years from now about a very chaotic moment in history.

The Last Slave Ship: The True Story of How Clotilda Was Found, Her Descendants, and an Extraordinary Reckoning by Ben Raines

Available January 25

Fifty years after the Atlantic slave trade was outlawed, the Clotilda was the last ship in history to traffic kidnapped Africans to the United States. Journalist Ben Raines, who discovered the ship’s remains, tells the true story of the ship’s harrowing voyage, the town founded by survivors after emancipation, and the legacy their descendants carry with them to this day.



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