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Jennifer Alsever







1. 网球明星选手大阪直美(Naomi Osaka):耐克、尤尼克斯以及日本航空总计价值为120万美元的赞助

2.美国篮球选手达米恩•利拉德(Damian Lillard):阿迪达斯、耐克以及奥克利总计价值110万美元的赞助

3.巴西滑板选手蕾莎•李尔(Rayssa Leal):耐克、魔爪能量、卡西欧G-Shock手表总计价值84.7万美元的赞助




举个例子,美国体操运动员苏妮莎•李(Sunisa Lee)在Instagram上发布的一张自己和队员的照片,背景是欧米茄手表的标志,获得了大约10.49万个赞和526条评论。欧米茄的潜在赞助价值可能是1.6万美元。但照片中该品牌的标志很小,在标题中也没有推广,所以Hookit将赞助价值调整为7600美元。(奥运选手通常会创建自己的Instagram和TikTok帖子,而不是雇佣中间推手。)


2019年,企业广告预算首次从传统电视广告投放向社交媒体上的网红倾斜——前者46.8%后者54.2%——而赞助费是赢得这些社交媒体认可的一种方式。Hookit的联合创始人兼首席执行官斯科特•蒂尔顿(Scott Tilton)说,过去一年,公司在这类赞助上花费了约650亿美元,其中包括音乐家、名人和运动员,在广告和营销上花费了1,430亿美元。“作为一名运动员,你必须担心的不仅仅是你的表现,”蒂尔顿说,“还有你的赞助、出席媒体活动以及你发出帖子的参与度。”

值得关注的是,24岁的体操运动员西蒙•拜尔斯(Simone Biles),作为美国奥运代表队的门面担当,赢得了四枚奥运金牌。她的职业生涯中积累的赞助来自阿仕利塔、美国联合航空公司、维萨和奥利奥。即便如此,她也没能入选Hookit评选的五大最具社交媒体价值的运动员,因为她没有积极在社交媒体推广她的赞助商。当她以心理健康为由退出周四的个人体操全能比赛时,她的赞助商依旧支持她。“成为最好的运动员还意味着知道如何照顾自己,”体育竞技队的一位女发言人说。(财富中文网)






1. 网球明星选手大阪直美(Naomi Osaka):耐克、尤尼克斯以及日本航空总计价值为120万美元的赞助

2.美国篮球选手达米恩•利拉德(Damian Lillard):阿迪达斯、耐克以及奥克利总计价值110万美元的赞助

3.巴西滑板选手蕾莎•李尔(Rayssa Leal):耐克、魔爪能量、卡西欧G-Shock手表总计价值84.7万美元的赞助




举个例子,美国体操运动员苏妮莎•李(Sunisa Lee)在Instagram上发布的一张自己和队员的照片,背景是欧米茄手表的标志,获得了大约10.49万个赞和526条评论。欧米茄的潜在赞助价值可能是1.6万美元。但照片中该品牌的标志很小,在标题中也没有推广,所以Hookit将赞助价值调整为7600美元。(奥运选手通常会创建自己的Instagram和TikTok帖子,而不是雇佣中间推手。)


2019年,企业广告预算首次从传统电视广告投放向社交媒体上的网红倾斜——前者46.8%后者54.2%——而赞助费是赢得这些社交媒体认可的一种方式。Hookit的联合创始人兼首席执行官斯科特•蒂尔顿(Scott Tilton)说,过去一年,公司在这类赞助上花费了约650亿美元,其中包括音乐家、名人和运动员,在广告和营销上花费了1,430亿美元。“作为一名运动员,你必须担心的不仅仅是你的表现,”蒂尔顿说,“还有你的赞助、出席媒体活动以及你发出帖子的参与度。”

值得关注的是,24岁的体操运动员西蒙•拜尔斯(Simone Biles),作为美国奥运代表队的门面担当,赢得了四枚奥运金牌。她的职业生涯中积累的赞助来自阿仕利塔、美国联合航空公司、维萨和奥利奥。即便如此,她也没能入选Hookit评选的五大最具社交媒体价值的运动员,因为她没有积极在社交媒体推广她的赞助商。当她以心理健康为由退出周四的个人体操全能比赛时,她的赞助商依旧支持她。“成为最好的运动员还意味着知道如何照顾自己,”体育竞技队的一位女发言人说。(财富中文网)


Olympic sponsorships aren't just for television commercials anymore. Increasingly they extend to tweets, TikToks, and Instagram posts. But just how much is a social post worth from an Olympian?

Hookit, a San Diego–based analytics firm that specializes in sports sponsorships, has put a value to all the sponsored social media posts from Olympians. Hookit analyzed the social media of 3,000 of the most well-known Olympians who are competing in Tokyo this year and found that it wasn’t just big-name athletes who were driving the most sponsorship value.

It came up with a list of the top five Olympians who generated the most value for their sponsors online—based on how well the athletes lit up social media for sponsors from January to July. Here’s how they stacked up:

1.Tennis star Naomi Osaka: $1.2 million in value for Nike, Yonex, and Japan Airlines.

2.American basketball player Damian Lillard: $1.1 million in value for Adidas, Nike, and Oakley.

3.Brazilian skateboarder Rayssa Leal: $847,000 in value for Nike, Monster Energy, and Casio G-Shock Watch.

4.Brazilian soccer player Richarlison: $835,800 in value for Nike, Mastercard, and Puma.

5.U.K. skateboarder Sky Brown: $672,900 in value for Nike, GoPro, and Almost Skateboards.

Hookit calculates those athletes’ sponsorship values by analyzing the individual’s social media content that includes a brand’s text or logo. Each post is then assigned an ad value based on the cost per engagement rates that a company might have to pay for an ad on social media platforms. Hookit scores each tweet, using its software to analyze the promotion quality for each post.

For instance, an Instagram photo posted by USA gymnast Sunisa Lee of herself and team members with the Omega watch logo in the background had around 104,900 likes and 526 comments. The potential sponsorship value to Omega might be $16,000. But the logo is small and the brand isn’t promoted in the caption, so Hookit adjusted the value to $7,600. (Olympians typically create their own Instagram and TikTok posts, instead of employing an agency.)

Olympic sponsorships of individuals can run from $50,000 to millions of dollars, depending on a variety of factors, including whether they appear in a commercial with the Olympic rings and whether it’s a one-off appearance or a yearlong commitment. With sinking online and TV viewership and empty stands at the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, anxious advertisers may increasingly look to individual athletes to make their sponsorship dollars pay off. This year’s Games are absent fans, and opening ceremonies viewership was down 36% from the 2016 broadcast of the Summer Games in Rio, according to Nielsen.

Corporate ad budgets for the first time in 2019 shifted to favor social media influencers over traditional TV ads—54.2% to 46.8%, respectively—and sponsorships are one way to get those social nods. Companies spent an estimated $65 billion this past year on such sponsorships—including musicians, celebrities, and athletes—and $143 billion more on advertising and marketing to promote those relationships, said Scott Tilton, Hookit’s cofounder and chief executive. “It’s not just your performance you must worry about as an athlete,” Tilton said, “but your sponsorships, media appearances, and getting engagement from your posts.”

Notably, 24-year-old gymnast Simone Biles—the face of the U.S. Olympic team who has won four Olympic gold medals over the course of her career and has large sponsorships from Athleta, United Airlines, Visa, and Oreo—didn’t make Hookit’s top five for social media value, because she didn’t actively promote her sponsors on social media. When she pulled out of Thursday's individual all-around gymnastics competition, citing a need to care for her mental health, her sponsors continued to support her. “Being the best also means knowing how to take care of yourself,” said an Athleta spokeswoman.



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