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加拿大一家赌场公司的首席执行官,因为违反规定、擅自前往加拿大北部一个偏远小镇接种新冠疫苗而受罚。此前该公司被阿波罗全球管理公司(Apollo Global Management Inc.)收购。目前,该首席执行官已经辞职。

加拿大领土内阁办公室发言人马修•卡梅伦表示,自2011年以来一直担任加拿大赌场运营商Great Canadian Gaming Corp.的首席执行官的罗德•贝克,被控违反育空地区的《民事紧急措施法案》(Civil Emergency Measures Act)。加拿大广播公司(Canadian Broadcasting Corp.)和BNN彭博电视台(BNN Bloomberg Television)早些时候证实,贝克和他的妻子叶卡捷琳娜•贝克均已被起诉。


1月25日,Great Canadian宣布贝克辞职,公司战略成长总裁兼首席合规官特伦斯•多伊尔将暂任首席执行官一职。


“Great Canadian董事会绝不容忍任何违背公司目标和价值观的行为。”公司发言人查克•基林在一份电子邮件声明中说。该公司拒绝就贝克的辞职是否与违规行为直接相关发表评论,仅表达了公司严肃对待卫生安全规定的态度。


Great Canadian公司已经同意以25亿加元(约合20亿美元)的价格被总部位于纽约的阿波罗全球管理公司收购。去年12月底,私募公司阿波罗提高了收购报价,赢得了此前呈抗拒态度的投资者的支持,随后Great Canadian的股东批准了收购要约。

Great Canadian方面表示,预计在监管机构批准之后,收购交易将在今年第二季度完成。






加拿大一家赌场公司的首席执行官,因为违反规定、擅自前往加拿大北部一个偏远小镇接种新冠疫苗而受罚。此前该公司被阿波罗全球管理公司(Apollo Global Management Inc.)收购。目前,该首席执行官已经辞职。

加拿大领土内阁办公室发言人马修•卡梅伦表示,自2011年以来一直担任加拿大赌场运营商Great Canadian Gaming Corp.的首席执行官的罗德•贝克,被控违反育空地区的《民事紧急措施法案》(Civil Emergency Measures Act)。加拿大广播公司(Canadian Broadcasting Corp.)和BNN彭博电视台(BNN Bloomberg Television)早些时候证实,贝克和他的妻子叶卡捷琳娜•贝克均已被起诉。


1月25日,Great Canadian宣布贝克辞职,公司战略成长总裁兼首席合规官特伦斯•多伊尔将暂任首席执行官一职。


“Great Canadian董事会绝不容忍任何违背公司目标和价值观的行为。”公司发言人查克•基林在一份电子邮件声明中说。该公司拒绝就贝克的辞职是否与违规行为直接相关发表评论,仅表达了公司严肃对待卫生安全规定的态度。


Great Canadian公司已经同意以25亿加元(约合20亿美元)的价格被总部位于纽约的阿波罗全球管理公司收购。去年12月底,私募公司阿波罗提高了收购报价,赢得了此前呈抗拒态度的投资者的支持,随后Great Canadian的股东批准了收购要约。

Great Canadian方面表示,预计在监管机构批准之后,收购交易将在今年第二季度完成。






The chief executive officer of a Canadian casino company that’s being bought by Apollo Global Management Inc. has resigned after being ticketed for breaking emergency rules to travel to a remote town in northern Canada to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

Rod Baker, who had served as Great Canadian Gaming Corp.’s CEO since 2011, has been charged for violating Yukon’s Civil Emergency Measures Act, said Matthew Cameron, a spokesman for the cabinet office of the Canadian territory. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. and BNN Bloomberg Television earlier confirmed that Baker and his wife, Ekaterina Baker, were charged.

The couple arrived in Whitehorse, Yukon’s capital city, on Jan. 19 and traveled to the community of Beaver Creek two days later, violating a 14-day self-isolation rule, Cameron said. There, they received the Moderna vaccine after claiming to be new employees at an area motel, the CBC reported.

Great Canadian announced Baker’s resignation on January 25 and said Terrance Doyle, the company’s president for strategic growth and chief compliance officer, will take the CEO position in the interim.

“No Tolerance”

“Great Canadian’s board of directors has no tolerance for actions that run counter to the company’s objectives and values,” Chuck Keeling, a spokesman, said in an emailed statement. The company declined to comment on whether Baker’s resignation was directly related to the violations but said it takes health and safety protocols seriously.

“Since the onset of the pandemic our overriding focus as a company has been on doing everything we can to keep our people healthy, and to enable our communities to combat the spread of Covid-19,” Keeling said. A representative of Apollo declined to comment because the firm wasn’t involved in the matter.

Great Canadian has agreed to be bought by New York-based Apollo for about C$2.5 billion ($2 billion). Apollo’s offer was approved by shareholders in late December after the private equity firm boosted the price to win over a group of holdout investors.

Great Canadian has said it expects the deal, which still requires regulatory approvals, to be completed in the second quarter.

A slow rollout of vaccines in Canada has strained national nerves, leading some residents to head to the U.S. to get their jabs. However, the public has shown little sympathy for those jumping queues or breaking government guidelines. A number of public officials, including Ontario’s finance minister, were forced to step down after traveling abroad over the Christmas holidays.

Potentially risking the health of residents in Canada’s remote, largely indigenous, territories is seen as particularly fraught given a long history of disease transmission from the south. Entire northern villages were wiped out in the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, which arrived in the country with returning World War I soldiers.

Beaver Creek has fewer than 125 people and is near the Alaska border.

“I am outraged by this selfish behavior,” John Streicker, Yukon’s Community Services Minister, said in a statement.



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