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但在亚洲,外出旅行的前景似乎并没有那么遥不可及。许多国家已经成功地遏制了新冠病毒的传播。中国内地、香港、日本、新加坡、越南正在积极讨论通过向其他低感染率国家的游客重新开放边境来形成所谓的“旅游气泡”(travel bubbles)。

与此同时,《经济学人》在本周敲响警钟,声称这些后疫情时代的“旅游气泡”可能会带来一种完全不同的危险。在一篇题为“平坦的白色世界”的文章中,该杂志警告称:“一种新的设计美学正在席卷全球,它的传播途径不是品牌或外国直接投资,而是社交媒体和互联网。即使贸易放缓,什么都无法阻止品味的全球化。星巴克可能还没有到达世界上的大部分地区,但无论游客光临世界上哪座大城市,他或她几乎都能够在外露实木和复古灯泡点缀的氛围下点一杯拿铁咖啡。阿富汗首都喀布尔或许没有一家麦当劳餐厅,但你仍然可以在汉堡屋(Burger House)吃到像样的汉堡和薯条。”

这里提及的“外露实木和复古灯泡”,意在呼应美国作家凯尔•查伊卡在2016年发表于网站The Verge的长篇哀诉。查伊卡认为,Instagram、Foursquare和Airbnb等科技平台的扩散,正在有意无意地催生一种他称之为“空域”(Airspace)的统一风格。这种风格在世界各地大行其道,几乎成为咖啡馆、酒吧、初创公司办公场所和联合办公空间的“标配”装饰。


就我个人而言,今年我对旅行的想念远没有想象中那么强烈。昨天,我偶然在《建筑文摘》上看到一篇关于京都三井酒店(Hotel the Mitsui Kyoto)的特写报道。这家酒店在本月开业,就坐落于令人惊叹的二条城(Nijo Castle)对面。三井酒店出自四位杰出的设计师(他们分别是宮城俊作、赤尾洋平、栗生明和香港的傅厚民)之手,看起来一点也不平庸。有那么一瞬间,我几乎忍不住要去找我的手提箱了。(财富中文网)






但在亚洲,外出旅行的前景似乎并没有那么遥不可及。许多国家已经成功地遏制了新冠病毒的传播。中国内地、香港、日本、新加坡、越南正在积极讨论通过向其他低感染率国家的游客重新开放边境来形成所谓的“旅游气泡”(travel bubbles)。

与此同时,《经济学人》在本周敲响警钟,声称这些后疫情时代的“旅游气泡”可能会带来一种完全不同的危险。在一篇题为“平坦的白色世界”的文章中,该杂志警告称:“一种新的设计美学正在席卷全球,它的传播途径不是品牌或外国直接投资,而是社交媒体和互联网。即使贸易放缓,什么都无法阻止品味的全球化。星巴克可能还没有到达世界上的大部分地区,但无论游客光临世界上哪座大城市,他或她几乎都能够在外露实木和复古灯泡点缀的氛围下点一杯拿铁咖啡。阿富汗首都喀布尔或许没有一家麦当劳餐厅,但你仍然可以在汉堡屋(Burger House)吃到像样的汉堡和薯条。”

这里提及的“外露实木和复古灯泡”,意在呼应美国作家凯尔•查伊卡在2016年发表于网站The Verge的长篇哀诉。查伊卡认为,Instagram、Foursquare和Airbnb等科技平台的扩散,正在有意无意地催生一种他称之为“空域”(Airspace)的统一风格。这种风格在世界各地大行其道,几乎成为咖啡馆、酒吧、初创公司办公场所和联合办公空间的“标配”装饰。


就我个人而言,今年我对旅行的想念远没有想象中那么强烈。昨天,我偶然在《建筑文摘》上看到一篇关于京都三井酒店(Hotel the Mitsui Kyoto)的特写报道。这家酒店在本月开业,就坐落于令人惊叹的二条城(Nijo Castle)对面。三井酒店出自四位杰出的设计师(他们分别是宮城俊作、赤尾洋平、栗生明和香港的傅厚民)之手,看起来一点也不平庸。有那么一瞬间,我几乎忍不住要去找我的手提箱了。(财富中文网)


November 9's announcement that a vaccine developed by Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech is more than 90% effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19 bouyed sentiment throughout the global economy. Cheers were especially enthusiastic from the travel industry, which has been devastated by the pandemic.

Airlines, hotels and travel agencies, and the hundreds of millions of workers whose livelihoods depend on serving tourists and business travelers, are praying the industry will begin to rebound in the second half of 2021. That looks likely, but the strength of any recovery is unclear.

In the meantime, industry leaders are grappling with a host of challenges they'll need designers to help them solve: How will they reassure travelers it's safe to take to the skies and stay in hotels again? What kind of experience will those travelers demand once they get back out on the road? And what will it take for all of us to rediscover the magic of unfamiliar people and places?

Travel in a post-pandemic world may be hard to envision in places like Europe where, in many countries, daily new cases of the virus have spiked to record highs, or the United States, which reported its 10 millionth coronavirus case on November 8 and where new cases have soared above 100,000 a day.

But the promise of travel seems less distant here in Asia, where many countries have succeeded in containing the spread of the coronavirus. China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, are actively discussing forming "travel bubbles" by reopening borders to visitors from other countries with low infection rates.


Meanwhile, The Economist this week sounds the alarm that travel in those post-pandemic bubbles may involve an altogether different peril. In an essay entitled "Flat White World," it warns: "A new design aesthetic is taking over the world, spread not via brands or FDI, but through social media and the Internet. Even as formal trade slows, the globalization of taste is rampant. Starbucks may not have reached large chunks of the world, but there are very few large cities in the world now in which a visitor cannot order a latte surrounded by exposed wood and vintage light bulbs. Kabul boasts no McDonalds, but you can get a decent burger and fries at Burger House, a restaurant that would not be out of place in San Francisco."

The reference to "exposed wood and vintage light bulbs" is an echo of a jeremiad penned by American writer Kyle Chayka for The Verge in 2016. Chayka argued that the proliferation of tech platforms like Instagram, Foursquare, and Airbnb are, wittingly or not, producing a uniform style he calls "Airspace" that is replicating itself in coffee shops, bars, startup offices, and co-working spaces everywhere in the world.

Edwin Heathcote, the Financial Times' architecture critic, lamented the spreading sameness of this new design aesthetic in an August essay that found particular fault with Airbnb, a company born of the desire to make travel more diverse and authentic. He wrote: "The irony is that in looking for a trip, a change of scenery, we have found anonymity repackaged as cool and now we aspire at home to the placelessness of a reimported banality."


Personally, I have missed traveling this year far less than I thought I would. Then yesterday I stumbled upon Architectural Digest's write-up of the new Hotel the Mitsui Kyoto, which opened this month right across from the amazing Nijo Castle. It features the work of four brilliant designers—Shunsaku Miyagi, Yohei Akao, Akira Kuryu and Hong Kong's Andre Fu—and looks anything but banal. For a moment, I was almost tempted to search for my suitcase.



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