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但在今年,数万名选手再也无法汇集一堂,他们的出发点也由斯塔顿岛的维拉扎诺-纳罗斯大桥变为了世界各地的各个角落。没错,一场“云上马拉松”要来了。在11月1日前的两周内,选手们可以在网上自由选择自己的参赛时间,分批次地参与到这场“云上马拉松”中来。值得注意的是,塔塔咨询服务公司(Tata Consultancy Services)于10月17日起将会为选手提供全程的连接支持。塔塔为此推出了一款专门的APP,该款应用程序能够对选手运动轨迹进行追踪,同时还用到了AR技术模拟纽约街道。当选手跑到某一特定点时,APP内就会显示出相应的鼓励字样,如“你的左边是59街大桥的入口”、“再跑半英里你就进入中央公园了”,以此带给选手一种宛如置身纽约的沉浸式体验。


与纽约路跑协会类似的还有波士顿马拉松的主办方——波士顿体育协会。9月初,波士顿体育协会举办了一场线上版的竞走比赛。“2019年的时候,很多主办方就意识到了线上赛事的重要性。”Running USA的董事会主席杰夫•马洛感慨道:“后来,全球疫情爆发了。我们因此别无选择。”

正如线上购物已经成为了实体零售的一种有效补充形式,疫情正在催化线上赛事,越来越多的跑步爱好者开始接受虚拟比赛。尽管在Running USA去年的一项民意调查中只有7%的跑步爱好者认为虚拟比赛的效果与真人比赛“不相上下”,但在如今这般无奈的形势之下,越来越多人开始“妥协”。纽约路跑协会表示,截至10月初,在2020年的虚拟竞赛中,已经有9.6万名选手完成比赛,几乎是去年同期的两倍。



当然,除去激发跑步爱好者“持续性”的运动热情以外,线上马拉松也有利于赞助商在现时的萧条期“持续性”的开展产品推广。“这也是为赞助商提供价值的一种方式”伯克说道。以纽约马拉松为例,其第一赞助商新百伦(New Balance)能够在此期间向运动员们推销它的新鞋,而食品商Honey Stinger也可以借此契机推销自己的新能量棒。




但在今年,数万名选手再也无法汇集一堂,他们的出发点也由斯塔顿岛的维拉扎诺-纳罗斯大桥变为了世界各地的各个角落。没错,一场“云上马拉松”要来了。在11月1日前的两周内,选手们可以在网上自由选择自己的参赛时间,分批次地参与到这场“云上马拉松”中来。值得注意的是,塔塔咨询服务公司(Tata Consultancy Services)于10月17日起将会为选手提供全程的连接支持。塔塔为此推出了一款专门的APP,该款应用程序能够对选手运动轨迹进行追踪,同时还用到了AR技术模拟纽约街道。当选手跑到某一特定点时,APP内就会显示出相应的鼓励字样,如“你的左边是59街大桥的入口”、“再跑半英里你就进入中央公园了”,以此带给选手一种宛如置身纽约的沉浸式体验。


与纽约路跑协会类似的还有波士顿马拉松的主办方——波士顿体育协会。9月初,波士顿体育协会举办了一场线上版的竞走比赛。“2019年的时候,很多主办方就意识到了线上赛事的重要性。”Running USA的董事会主席杰夫•马洛感慨道:“后来,全球疫情爆发了。我们因此别无选择。”

正如线上购物已经成为了实体零售的一种有效补充形式,疫情正在催化线上赛事,越来越多的跑步爱好者开始接受虚拟比赛。尽管在Running USA去年的一项民意调查中只有7%的跑步爱好者认为虚拟比赛的效果与真人比赛“不相上下”,但在如今这般无奈的形势之下,越来越多人开始“妥协”。纽约路跑协会表示,截至10月初,在2020年的虚拟竞赛中,已经有9.6万名选手完成比赛,几乎是去年同期的两倍。



当然,除去激发跑步爱好者“持续性”的运动热情以外,线上马拉松也有利于赞助商在现时的萧条期“持续性”的开展产品推广。“这也是为赞助商提供价值的一种方式”伯克说道。以纽约马拉松为例,其第一赞助商新百伦(New Balance)能够在此期间向运动员们推销它的新鞋,而食品商Honey Stinger也可以借此契机推销自己的新能量棒。



Over the next two weeks, some 25,000 runners will line up to run the New York City Marathon—hearing Sinatra croon “New York, New York” before the boom of the cannon and listening to the race director’s final instructions that herald the start of the 26.2 mile race—as they have for almost every year since 1976.

But in 2020, the year of COVID, these runners will be scattered all over the world, running separately at a time of their choosing within a two-week window ending Nov. 1, instead of being gathered at the foot of the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge on Staten Island. They will be connected via an app, supported by TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) and available as of October 17. The app uses augmented reality and tracks runners, feeding them information such as a description of the course as they progress. (Think “On your left is the entrance to the 59th Street Bridge!” when they near mile 15, regardless of where in the world they really are. Or “Half a mile more and you’ll be entering Central Park!” soon after they’ve run their 23rd mile).

As every major marathon, from Berlin to Chicago to New York, along with the vast majority of small local ones, has grappled with cancellations since March, and no guarantees that 2021 will be better, runners and event organizers alike have turned to virtual events to fill the void. Runners need their fix, and organizers like New York Road Runners (NYRR) want to avoid athletes drifting away while the pandemic halts in-person events. “The primary benefit for NYRR is providing runners with motivation and ways to stay engaged,” says Christine Burke, senior vice president of strategic partnerships and runner products at NYRR. While NYRR, the largest amateur road racing organization in the U.S. with revenue of $113 million last year, started offering virtual races in 2018 to get a jump on a new trend, many other organizers didn’t jump in until they had to.

That includes Boston Marathon organizer, the Boston Athletic Association (BAA), which in early September offered a virtual version of its legendary footrace. “In 2019, race organizers realized they should have virtual experiences,” says Jeff Matlow, president of the board of Running USA, an industry group. “Then we get a global pandemic, and nobody has any choice anymore.”

In a development akin to how e-commerce has emerged as a big part of shopping without replacing in-store shopping, the pandemic is speeding up adoption of virtual races, as more runners come around to the idea. In a Running USA poll last year, only 7% of runners saw virtual races as being on par with in-person events. But in the absence of much choice, runners are taking to it. NYRR for one says that as of early October, there had been 96,000 finishers in its virtual races in 2020, almost twice the tally at the same time last year.

Boston has added a series of virtual races this autumn, building on the success of its virtual marathon in which 18,000 runners participated. The BAA limited participation to those who’d been registered for the canceled in-person race and still got more than half to take part. “You can’t replicate it, but you provide the accoutrements to people who trained hard,” says BAA CEO Tom Grilk.

That includes goodies to entice runners such as medals and a shirt, swag runners of the in-person race also get. At $50 a pop, the virtual New York and Boston race registration fees are at best a small financial consolation prize for the two organizers, which normally rake in tens of millions of dollars from their marquee marathons.

But on top of making sure people don’t lose interest in their events during the hiatus, lest they not come back when the pandemic recedes, the virtual marathons are key to offering corporate sponsors something too during the downtime. “It’s also a way to offer sponsors value,” says Burke. So New Balance, a major NYRR sponsor, for instance, can still promote its new shoes to runners in the interim, or Honey Stinger can push a new food item.

Even if big-scale races resume next year, we might not be heading to events with 50,000-plus runners for a while. So as technology gets better, as Burke says it already has, big marathons might mitigate some of that pain by eventually having thousands of runners take part remotely in a race at the same time as the athletes competing in person. The marathon industry’s leaders expect virtual events to become a fixture of the racing calendar well after COVID has receded. “There will always be folks who want the experience of the finish line at the location of the race, and folks that can stay challenged by virtual events,” says Tim Hadzima, executive director of the Abbott World Marathon Majors, a group that works for six of the biggest marathons. “It can all live together.”



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