

Erin Griffith 2014年02月11日
传统媒体日渐迟暮之际,网络媒体却一派欣欣向荣,而BuzzFeed则是其中的佼佼者。成立刚七年,它已经成为病毒式内容领域的巨擎。BuzzFeed成功的秘诀是什么?它如何拓展海外市场? GIF是不是已经成为了国际通用的网络语言?BuzzFeed国际业务负责人一一为你解答。













    Scott Lamb joined BuzzFeed in 2007, when the company was more of a goofy user-generated link-sharing site than the viral powerhouse it is today. Now, the company, backed by $46.3 million in venture funding, employs 150 journalists who attract more than 130 million unique visitors per month. Last year, BuzzFeed began overseas expansion, a rarity for any digital-first publication that's not run by Arianna Huffington. BuzzFeed now publishes in French, Portuguese, and Spanish, and has a growing stable of correspondents and freelancers in countries like Russia and the Middle East, as well as newly opened regional offices in London and Sydney.

    Fortune spoke with Lamb, who last year became the company's VP of international, about how BuzzFeed's international growth was spurred by a gimmicky job application, why GIFs are the universal language, and how the French don't share cat photos.

    Why did BuzzFeed decide to expand internationally?

    The first office we opened was in London last year. We were expanding a lot and trying to figure out which areas to expand in. We had a really great applicant for a night editor who was based in London. It was one of those kinds of applications we get a fair amount of, as you'd expect, like "23 Reasons You Should Hire Me." But he (Luke Lewis) really blew it away, and that's not an easy thing to do.

    What made it so good?

    It was just a good, funny list. A lot of people just make 90s GIF jokes. The bar for those is pretty high at this point. But his was both idiosyncratic, and it really felt like his voice. It was really informative and told us a lot about who he was.

    So now you have correspondents in different countries, as well as international editions that you translate into a three different languages. How does that break down?

    We have foreign correspondents in Cairo, Instanbul, and Moscow and starting soon, a woman in Nairobi, and that is a very particular part of our growth. They're all reporting to Miriam Elder, who is the foreign editor. That came out of us wanting to do some international coverage. That was a bit of a separate push.

    [When we launch new offices], we start with a very small team, just three people, and we have them focus on the social shareable content. They make the lists and quizzes that people share at a really high volume. That's the first push and the natural place to start. It's core to what BuzzFeed does. If that is working -- if people in this new market are really sharing the content the same way that readers in the U.S. do -- then we expand and figure out which venues we want to push more in.

    Can you explain how you're working with Doulingo (an app for learning languages) to translate BuzzFeed content into different languages?

    We have a partnership with Duolingo where their users translate some of BuzzFeed's content for the French, Spanish, and Portuguese sites. But we also know translations will only take us so far. We have two editors in New York (who run our French- and Spanish-language sites) and freelance writers in all those countries.

    Buzzfeed is not a humor site per se, but a lot of what we do is based in humor. You really can't translate humor or jokes. They don't hit the same way in other languages, which is partly why we're so interested in hiring and developing local talent and letting them experiment and figure it out. BuzzFeed Brazil is going to be very different than it is in the U.S.

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