最新研究为早晨喝咖啡提供了有力依据,表明喝咖啡的具体时间或许会对人的寿命产生影响。在发表于《欧洲心脏杂志》(European Heart Journal)的一项研究中,研究人员观察了两种喝咖啡的时间模式:早上喝咖啡的人和全天喝咖啡的人。在对其他潜在因素进行调整后,研究人员发现,与不喝咖啡的人相比,早上喝咖啡的人在研究期间死于任何原因的可能性降低了16%,死于心血管疾病的风险降低了31%。然而,与不喝咖啡的人相比,全天喝咖啡的人并没有降低风险。
据克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic)称,尽管存在自然差异,但专家表示,上午9点半到11点这一时间段可能是喝咖啡的最佳时间。
咖啡因效果的强弱可能取决于你摄入的时间,这是因为人体的昼夜节律,即生物钟会发出何时入睡和何时醒来的信号。克利夫兰诊所人类营养中心的注册营养师朱莉娅·祖姆帕诺(Julia Zumpano)表示,人体内的皮质醇(一种有助于维持清醒状态的压力激素)在起床后约30至45分钟会上升。
充足的睡眠对维护身心健康至关重要,它能让人的大脑和身体得到恢复,从而抵御疾病。咖啡因会扰乱睡眠,尤其是在临近就寝时间摄入的情况下。祖姆帕诺说:“它或许会在你毫不知情的情况下,于半夜时分影响你的睡眠。” 咖啡因在人体血液中停留的时间最长可达8小时。专家建议睡前6到8小时应避免饮用咖啡。例如,如果你的就寝时间是晚上9点,那么最后一杯咖啡就不应晚于下午3点饮用。
最新研究为早晨喝咖啡提供了有力依据,表明喝咖啡的具体时间或许会对人的寿命产生影响。在发表于《欧洲心脏杂志》(European Heart Journal)的一项研究中,研究人员观察了两种喝咖啡的时间模式:早上喝咖啡的人和全天喝咖啡的人。在对其他潜在因素进行调整后,研究人员发现,与不喝咖啡的人相比,早上喝咖啡的人在研究期间死于任何原因的可能性降低了16%,死于心血管疾病的风险降低了31%。然而,与不喝咖啡的人相比,全天喝咖啡的人并没有降低风险。
据克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic)称,尽管存在自然差异,但专家表示,上午9点半到11点这一时间段可能是喝咖啡的最佳时间。
咖啡因效果的强弱可能取决于你摄入的时间,这是因为人体的昼夜节律,即生物钟会发出何时入睡和何时醒来的信号。克利夫兰诊所人类营养中心的注册营养师朱莉娅·祖姆帕诺(Julia Zumpano)表示,人体内的皮质醇(一种有助于维持清醒状态的压力激素)在起床后约30至45分钟会上升。
充足的睡眠对维护身心健康至关重要,它能让人的大脑和身体得到恢复,从而抵御疾病。咖啡因会扰乱睡眠,尤其是在临近就寝时间摄入的情况下。祖姆帕诺说:“它或许会在你毫不知情的情况下,于半夜时分影响你的睡眠。” 咖啡因在人体血液中停留的时间最长可达8小时。专家建议睡前6到8小时应避免饮用咖啡。例如,如果你的就寝时间是晚上9点,那么最后一杯咖啡就不应晚于下午3点饮用。
A cup of coffee is the quintessential staple of a morning routine—at least in the U.S. The number of American adults who said they had coffee in the past day has reached its highest level in more than 20 years, according to the National Coffee Association (NCA)—and the majority of coffee-drinking adults (81%) have their cup of joe with breakfast. Still, others wait until they’ve settled into their day to drink java—19% of U.S. adults enjoy coffee in the afternoon, and 10% in the evening, according to the NCA.
But Is there a best time to drink coffee for maximum benefits?
New research makes a strong case for morning joe, indicating that the timing may impact your longevity. In a study published in the European Heart Journal, researchers looked at two patterns of coffee timing: people who drank their coffee in the morning, and people who were all-day drinkers. After adjusting for other potential factors, researchers found that morning coffee drinkers were 16% less likely to die of any cause during the study period, and 31% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease, compared to people who didn’t drink coffee. However, there was no reduction in risk for all-day coffee drinkers compared to non-coffee drinkers.
The authors speculate that drinking caffeinated coffee later in the day could disrupt circadian rhythm and melatonin levels, leading to inflammation and sleep disturbances. A second potential explanation is that inflammation is at its highest in the morning, and the natural anti-inflammatory properties of coffee may have a greater impact when consumed earlier in the day.
Of course, the primary reason many reach for a morning cuppa is the caffeine, which kicks in about 30 minutes to an hour after consumption, depending on a person’s genetics, and whether or not they have eaten. For some, the effects appear 10 to 15 minutes after consumption, while it can take a couple of hours for others.
Despite natural variability, experts say that the window of 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. may be the best time to consume coffee, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Still, there are a few key considerations about when you consume coffee.
Remember your body clock
The intensity of caffeine’s effects can depend on the time of day you consume it because of the body’s circadian rhythm, or the natural body clock that signals when it’s time to sleep and rise. The body’s cortisol, known as the stress hormone that aids in helping you feel awake, rises about 30 to 45 minutes after you wake up, says Julia Zumpano, a registered dietitian with the Cleveland Clinic Center for Human Nutrition.
If you consume coffee first thing in the morning, you may have a more intense response because you feel the effects on top of the body’s natural alert response. While some may need that extra push, others may feel some of the coffee’s more unpleasant side effects, like shakiness, an elevated heart rate, and dizziness, due to the stimulant effects on the nervous system, which block the chemical adenosine.
“Everybody has been at that point where their eyes are bugging out of their head, and they are jittery and unfocused,” says Zumpano. “That stimulates levels of anxiety. Ideally, if you could wait one to two hours [after you wake up] and after cortisol levels rise and start to come back down, that would be the best time to have coffee.” This is also aligned with Huberman’s approach and may also help lengthen the feeling of alertness into the early afternoon when many face the dreaded midday slump.
If you cannot wait until mid-morning or don’t feel bothered by the effects of coffee first thing, don’t worry. There’s limited research to suggest that delaying caffeine is ideal for everyone.
For those who need to brew their cup promptly post-alarm, Zumpano also offers certain tips that can help reduce the potential side effects. For example, sipping coffee slowly versus gulping it or drinking it alongside a meal can slow the absorption of caffeine into the bloodstream. Adding a bit of milk can also counter some of the effects. Still, experts say to stay clear of artificial sweeteners and added sugars, which can elevate blood sugar and increase the risk of diabetes and obesity.
The morning workout
Studies have shown that coffee can improve exercise performance. One analysis of 46 studies found moderate caffeine consumption improved endurance. If a quick cup of coffee first thing gives you a boost at the gym, then Zumpano says to stick with what works.
For people who prefer to exercise later in the day but still want that extra feeling of alertness, Zumpano suggests other forms of caffeine that are less concentrated to not interfere with sleep, like green tea.
Give yourself a cutoff
Proper sleep is critical for physical and mental health, allowing people to recover so their brains and bodies can fight off disease. Caffeine can disrupt sleep, especially when taken too close to bedtime. “It could be hitting you in the middle of the night. You just don’t know,” says Zumpano. Caffeine can also take up to eight hours to leave the bloodstream. Experts say to stop coffee six to eight hours before bed. If your bedtime is 9 p.m., for example, your last cup should be no later than 3 p.m.
“For a lot of people, it’s trial and error as to what is ideal,” says Zumpano. “It’s all about what you are looking for out of your caffeine intake.”