

Alexander Sazonov, 彭博社 2022-09-03

2022年4月20日,在印度加尔各答举办的第六届孟加拉全球商业峰会(6th Bengal Global Business Summit)上,阿达尼集团主席高塔姆·阿达尼发表讲话。图片来源:DEBAJYOTI CHAKRABORTY—NURPHOTO/GETTY IMAGES


这是亚洲人首次跻身彭博亿万富翁指数(Bloomberg Billionaires Index)的前三名——他的同胞穆克什·安巴尼和中国的马云从未进入前三名。阿达尼以1,374亿美元的财富超过了法国的伯纳德·阿诺特,现在仅次于美国的埃隆·马斯克和杰夫·贝佐斯。

现年60岁的阿达尼在过去几年时间里一直在扩张他的煤炭到港口集团,涉足从数据中心到水泥、媒体和氧化铝的各个领域。该集团目前拥有印度最大的私营港口和机场运营商、城市燃气分销商和煤矿公司。尽管该集团在澳大利亚的卡迈克尔煤矿(Carmichael Mine)一直受到环保人士的诟病,但该集团在11月承诺将在绿色能源领域投资700亿美元,以成为世界上最大的可再生能源生产商。


一些议员和市场观察人士还对阿达尼集团(Adani Group)不透明的股东结构和缺乏分析师报道表示担忧。然而,由于这位大亨专注于印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪认为对实现印度长期目标至关重要的领域,该集团的股价飙升,其中一些股票自2020年以来涨幅超过1,000%,估值达到收益的750倍。

转向绿色能源和基础设施的战略赢得了包括华平投资集团(Warburg Pincus)和道达尔能源公司(TotalEnergies SE)在内的公司的投资,帮助阿达尼进入了此前由美国科技巨头主导的梯队。近几个月煤炭价格的飙升进一步加速了他的崛起。

总而言之,仅2022年一年,阿达尼的财富就增加了609亿美元,是其他人的五倍。他在2月首次超越安巴尼成为亚洲首富,在4月成为亿万富翁,并在7月超越微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)的比尔·盖茨,成为全球第四富有的人。

阿达尼之所以能够超越美国一些世界上最富有的亿万富翁,部分原因是他们最近加大了慈善事业投资力度。盖茨在7月表示,他将向比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)划转200亿美元,而沃伦·巴菲特已经向该慈善机构捐赠了超过350亿美元。

两人和盖茨的前妻梅琳达·弗兰奇·盖茨在2010年发起了“捐赠誓言”(Giving Pledge)倡议活动,发誓在有生之年捐出大部分财产。在慈善事业上花费的数十亿美元使他们在彭博财富榜上的排名下降。盖茨现在排名第五位,巴菲特排名第六位。




这是亚洲人首次跻身彭博亿万富翁指数(Bloomberg Billionaires Index)的前三名——他的同胞穆克什·安巴尼和中国的马云从未进入前三名。阿达尼以1,374亿美元的财富超过了法国的伯纳德·阿诺特,现在仅次于美国的埃隆·马斯克和杰夫·贝佐斯。

现年60岁的阿达尼在过去几年时间里一直在扩张他的煤炭到港口集团,涉足从数据中心到水泥、媒体和氧化铝的各个领域。该集团目前拥有印度最大的私营港口和机场运营商、城市燃气分销商和煤矿公司。尽管该集团在澳大利亚的卡迈克尔煤矿(Carmichael Mine)一直受到环保人士的诟病,但该集团在11月承诺将在绿色能源领域投资700亿美元,以成为世界上最大的可再生能源生产商。


一些议员和市场观察人士还对阿达尼集团(Adani Group)不透明的股东结构和缺乏分析师报道表示担忧。然而,由于这位大亨专注于印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪认为对实现印度长期目标至关重要的领域,该集团的股价飙升,其中一些股票自2020年以来涨幅超过1,000%,估值达到收益的750倍。

转向绿色能源和基础设施的战略赢得了包括华平投资集团(Warburg Pincus)和道达尔能源公司(TotalEnergies SE)在内的公司的投资,帮助阿达尼进入了此前由美国科技巨头主导的梯队。近几个月煤炭价格的飙升进一步加速了他的崛起。

总而言之,仅2022年一年,阿达尼的财富就增加了609亿美元,是其他人的五倍。他在2月首次超越安巴尼成为亚洲首富,在4月成为亿万富翁,并在7月超越微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)的比尔·盖茨,成为全球第四富有的人。

阿达尼之所以能够超越美国一些世界上最富有的亿万富翁,部分原因是他们最近加大了慈善事业投资力度。盖茨在7月表示,他将向比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)划转200亿美元,而沃伦·巴菲特已经向该慈善机构捐赠了超过350亿美元。

两人和盖茨的前妻梅琳达·弗兰奇·盖茨在2010年发起了“捐赠誓言”(Giving Pledge)倡议活动,发誓在有生之年捐出大部分财产。在慈善事业上花费的数十亿美元使他们在彭博财富榜上的排名下降。盖茨现在排名第五位,巴菲特排名第六位。



Few outside of India had heard of Gautam Adani just a few years ago. Now the Indian businessman, a college dropout who first tried his luck as a diamond trader before turning to coal, has become the world’s third-richest person.

It’s the first time an Asian person has broken into the top three of the Bloomberg Billionaires Index—fellow citizen Mukesh Ambani and China’s Jack Ma never made it that far. With a $137.4 billion fortune, Adani has overtaken France’s Bernard Arnault and now trails just Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos of the US in the ranking.

Adani, 60, has spent the past few years expanding his coal-to-ports conglomerate, venturing into everything from data centers to cement, media and alumina. The group now owns India’s largest private-sector port and airport operator, city-gas distributor, and coal miner. While its Carmichael mine in Australia has been criticized by environmentalists, it pledged in November to invest $70 billion in green energy to become the world’s largest renewable-energy producer.

As his empire has expanded to one of the world’s largest conglomerates fueling the remarkable wealth gains, concerns have grown over the rapid growth. Adani’s deals spree has been predominantly funded with debt and his empire is “deeply over-leveraged,” CreditSights said in a report in August.

Some lawmakers and market watchers have also raised concerns over opaque shareholder structures and a lack of analyst coverage at Adani Group companies. Yet the shares have soared—some of them more than 1,000% since 2020, with valuations hitting 750 times earnings—as the tycoon focused on areas that Prime Minister Narendra Modi deems crucial to meeting India’s long-term goals.

The pivot to green energy and infrastructure has won investments from firms including Warburg Pincus and TotalEnergies SE, helping Adani enter the echelons previously dominated by U.S. tech moguls. The surge in coal in recent months has further turbocharged his ascent.

All told, Adani has added $60.9 billion to his fortune in 2022 alone, five times more than anyone else. He first overtook Ambani as the richest Asian in February, became a centibillionaire in April and surpassed Microsoft Corp.’s Bill Gates as the world’s fourth-richest person in July.

Adani was able to move past some of the world’s richest U.S. billionaires partly because they’ve recently boosted their philanthropy. Gates said in July he was transferring $20 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, while Warren Buffett has already donated more than $35 billion to the charity.

The two, along with Gates’s ex-wife Melinda French Gates, started the Giving Pledge initiative in 2010, vowing to give away most of their fortunes in their lifetimes. The billions of dollars spent on philanthropy has pushed them lower on the Bloomberg wealth ranking. Gates is now fifth and Buffett is sixth.

Adani, too, has increased his charitable giving. He pledged in June to donate $7.7 billion for social causes to mark his 60th birthday.
