

Chloe Berger 2022-08-29

据估计,有200万人至400万人因为长期新冠肺炎而退出劳动力市场。图片来源:JOHN FEDELE—GETTY IMAGES


布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)此前估计,今年1月因为长期新冠肺炎而失业占劳动力短缺的15%,由此计算出约有160万名全职员工因为长期新冠肺炎而失业。现实情况要严重得多:布鲁金斯学会在回应6月美国人口普查局(Census Bureau)发布的新数据时估计,有200万人至400万人因为长期新冠肺炎而退出劳动力市场。

长期新冠肺炎患者经常会出现长时间的疲劳、脑雾和肌肉酸痛。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins)的肺部和危重病护理医学部助理教授帕纳伊斯·加利亚特萨托斯博士对《财富》杂志表示,长期新冠肺炎患者的康复过程就像从自行车上摔下来后从受伤中恢复一样。


众所周知,许多美国人都有疫情导致的“自行车摔伤疤痕”;根据美国人口普查局在2022年6月至7月的家庭脉搏调查(Household Pulse Survey),目前约有1,600万处于工作年龄的美国人患有长期新冠肺炎。根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的数据,这意味着近五分之一处于工作年龄的美国人患有长期新冠肺炎。


去年7月,长期新冠肺炎被认定为残疾,受《美国残疾人法案》(Americans With Disabilities Act)保护。自那时以来,许多人站出来解释患有长期新冠肺炎和照顾长期新冠肺炎患者带来的影响。由于脑雾和其他症状,人们不得不请假,照顾孩子的任务有时也需要额外的个人时间。









布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)此前估计,今年1月因为长期新冠肺炎而失业占劳动力短缺的15%,由此计算出约有160万名全职员工因为长期新冠肺炎而失业。现实情况要严重得多:布鲁金斯学会在回应6月美国人口普查局(Census Bureau)发布的新数据时估计,有200万人至400万人因为长期新冠肺炎而退出劳动力市场。

长期新冠肺炎患者经常会出现长时间的疲劳、脑雾和肌肉酸痛。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins)的肺部和危重病护理医学部助理教授帕纳伊斯·加利亚特萨托斯博士对《财富》杂志表示,长期新冠肺炎患者的康复过程就像从自行车上摔下来后从受伤中恢复一样。


众所周知,许多美国人都有疫情导致的“自行车摔伤疤痕”;根据美国人口普查局在2022年6月至7月的家庭脉搏调查(Household Pulse Survey),目前约有1,600万处于工作年龄的美国人患有长期新冠肺炎。根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的数据,这意味着近五分之一处于工作年龄的美国人患有长期新冠肺炎。


去年7月,长期新冠肺炎被认定为残疾,受《美国残疾人法案》(Americans With Disabilities Act)保护。自那时以来,许多人站出来解释患有长期新冠肺炎和照顾长期新冠肺炎患者带来的影响。由于脑雾和其他症状,人们不得不请假,照顾孩子的任务有时也需要额外的个人时间。








Any boomer will tell you that no one wants to work these days. But the truth is more complicated. Workers in sectors with labor shortages are notoriously stressed and underpaid. And not everyone can even work these days.

Brookings previously estimated that long COVID accounted for 15% of the labor shortage in January, calculating that about 1.6 million full-time workers were out of work because of long COVID. The reality is much graver: 2 million to 4 million individuals are out of the workforce because of long COVID, estimates Brookings in response to new Census Bureau data released in June.

Patients with long COVID often suffer from extended periods of fatigue, brain fog, and muscle aches. Long COVID is like healing from injuries after falling off a bike, Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos, assistant professor at Johns Hopkins’s division of pulmonary and critical care medicine, told Fortune.

“The initial impact of the scrape is gone, but the scar is going to take time to heal,” he said. “Patients who are still coughing at two months—that’s part of healing,” Galiatsatos said.

And many Americans have proverbial bike scars from the pandemic; about 16 million working-age Americans currently have long COVID, according to the Census Bureau’s June to July 2022 Household Pulse Survey (HPS). That’s also nearly one in five working-age Americans, per the CDC.

Long COVID is impacting the economy, too. The lost wages resulting from those with long COVID being out of the workforce amount to nearly $170 billion a year, calculates Brookings. In measuring the average U.S. wage, Brookings found that the amount could reach up to $230 billion lost if 4 million people had long COVID.

Last July, long COVID was named a disability protected under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Since then, many have come forward to explain the effects of having and taking care of people with long COVID. Owing to brain fog and other symptoms, people have had to take time off, and the task of caretaking also sometimes requires extra personal days.

“Not only am I seeing patients who are requiring disability due to their long COVID, but because of their severe symptoms—severe fatigue, brain fog, inability to drive, inability to remember all their correct medications—their significant others are needing to either cut back on either their workload or request time off,” Dr. Nisha Viswanathan, director of the long COVID program at UCLA, told Fortune.

It doesn’t need to be this way

Long COVID takes a toll on the economy and personal finances of patients. But the devastation of the pandemic’s long-term effects isn’t inevitable, according to analysis from Brookings.

The Brookings report outlines five policy actions that could potentially mitigate the economic impact of long COVID. This includes better prevention and treatment of COVID; more paid sick leave; better workplace accommodations for those with disabilities; expanded access to disability insurance; and better data collection to understand how many have long COVID.

Working from home highlighted the lack of accommodations in offices as some with disabilities benefited from avoiding the commute in. Indeed, the nation’s lack of guaranteed paid sick leave has become more evident as the pandemic swept the country, yet sick leave was left to the discretion of employers.

As long COVID continues to affect millions of people, employers must catch up with more accommodating policies.
