

Jonathan Vanian 2021-08-31



此次收购凸显了苹果一面积极迎战Spotify和亚马逊音乐(Amazon Music)等竞争对手,一面也在努力打造更具吸引力的音乐流媒体服务。该交易还表明,苹果希望更好地迎合一些音乐品味更“小众”的群体,因为目前的流行音乐类流媒体服务很少照顾到这部分受众的需求。

苹果计划在9月7日关闭目前的Primephonic应用程序,并将其播放列表和其他未归类的“独家音频内容”添加到自家的Apple Music音乐服务中。在苹果开发新的应用程序期间,Primephonic的订户能够免费使用六个月的Apple Music服务。

正如《纽约时报》(New York Times)在2019年报道的那样,Primephonic和竞争对手、另一家古典音乐平台Idagio建立了非常全面的古典音乐数据库,其中包含了作曲家、演奏家、管弦乐队和指挥家的相关信息。收购两家服务中的一个为苹果提供了宝贵的数据,可以用来改进Apple Music应用程序中现有的搜索和音乐推荐功能。

Apple Music的副总裁奥利弗•舒赛在一份声明中说:“我们热爱、并深深尊重古典音乐,而Primephonic已经成为古典乐发烧友的心头好。我们会共同为Apple Music打造更出色的古典音乐新功能,在不久的将来,我们将提供真正称得上是‘全世界最好’的专属古典乐体验。”






此次收购凸显了苹果一面积极迎战Spotify和亚马逊音乐(Amazon Music)等竞争对手,一面也在努力打造更具吸引力的音乐流媒体服务。该交易还表明,苹果希望更好地迎合一些音乐品味更“小众”的群体,因为目前的流行音乐类流媒体服务很少照顾到这部分受众的需求。

苹果计划在9月7日关闭目前的Primephonic应用程序,并将其播放列表和其他未归类的“独家音频内容”添加到自家的Apple Music音乐服务中。在苹果开发新的应用程序期间,Primephonic的订户能够免费使用六个月的Apple Music服务。

正如《纽约时报》(New York Times)在2019年报道的那样,Primephonic和竞争对手、另一家古典音乐平台Idagio建立了非常全面的古典音乐数据库,其中包含了作曲家、演奏家、管弦乐队和指挥家的相关信息。收购两家服务中的一个为苹果提供了宝贵的数据,可以用来改进Apple Music应用程序中现有的搜索和音乐推荐功能。

Apple Music的副总裁奥利弗•舒赛在一份声明中说:“我们热爱、并深深尊重古典音乐,而Primephonic已经成为古典乐发烧友的心头好。我们会共同为Apple Music打造更出色的古典音乐新功能,在不久的将来,我们将提供真正称得上是‘全世界最好’的专属古典乐体验。”




Apple has acquired classical music streaming service Primephonic and plans to debut a new classical music app next year.

The iPhone maker, which announced the acquisition on August 30, didn’t disclose the deal’s financial terms.

The acquisition underscores Apple’s efforts to create a more compelling music streaming service as it fends off competitors like Spotify and Amazon Music. It also shows that Apple hopes to better cater to a niche audience whose music tastes are generally underserved by popular music streaming services.

Apple plans to shut down Primephonic's app on Sept. 7 and add its playlists and other unspecified “exclusive audio content” to Apple Music. Primephonic's subscribers will get six months of free access to Apple Music while the new app is being developed.

As the New York Times noted in 2019, Primephonic and rival Idagio have built comprehensive classical music databases of information about composers, soloists, orchestras, and conductors. Acquiring one of those services gives Apple that valuable data, which it can use to improve the search and music recommendation features of its existing Apple Music app.

In a statement, Oliver Schusser, vice president of Apple Music, said, “We love and have a deep respect for classical music, and Primephonic has become a fan favorite for classical enthusiasts. Together, we’re bringing great new classical features to Apple Music, and in the near future we’ll deliver a dedicated classical experience that will truly be the best in the world.”

Meanwhile, Primephonic said that as a startup, it would have been unable to “reach the majority of global classical listeners,” and that it needed to partner with a larger music streaming company.

“We felt compelled to develop a streaming service that truly gets classical right—so that’s what we did over the last three years,” the company said. “But to fully achieve the next phase of our mission, we need to bring our classical streaming expertise to millions of listeners worldwide.”
