

Christopher Jasper, 彭博社 2021-05-17

作为在城区发展无人飞行“空中道路”计划(aerial roads)的一部分,英国考文垂市将在年底之前开始试运行飞行出租车和货运无人机。

该项目的地面基础设施运营商Urban-Air Port公司的创始人瑞奇•桑德胡表示,政府将为该项目出资120万英镑(约合170万美元),用于建设一座中央交通枢纽,将在这座近40万人口的城市开展试飞。

虽然世界各地都在加快开发飞行出租车和物流运输无人机,但大部分项目最初都会避开高度城市化的区域,例如Volocopter将在新加坡推出的海岸飞行项目,以及Lilium在佛罗里达州建设10个航空港的计划等。英国计划利用Altitude Angel公司开发的空中交通管理系统,帮助运营商保证城市运输的安全。

Altitude Angel公司的首席商务官理查德•埃利斯于5月13日在一份声明中称,这项技术“将确保所有空域用户,从飞行出租车和无人机运营商到通用航空以及应急服务直升机等,能够安全共用整个空域。”

美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)的局长史蒂夫•迪克森在5月12日召开的众议院拨款小组委员会上表示,他预计美国将在2023年之前批准高级城市航空器,首飞时间可能在明年。

考文垂的项目将采用Malloy Aeronautics和SkyFarer的无人机,无人机将沿多条线路飞行,以验证无人机运输冷冻医疗用品等货物的可行性。此外,韩国的现代汽车公司(Hyundai Motor Co.)将展出一款飞行出租车,预计将在2028年之前商业化,并展示起降、零售和娱乐设施。

与此同时,Safeguard Vertiports将开发一个符合英国民用航空管理局(U.K. Civil Aviation Authority)安全运营规定的认证项目。该项目为期三至四个月,但双方正在进行谈判,计划将其延期一年,以便于开展更多试飞项目。


英国皇家邮政(Royal Mail Plc)在上周的早些时候宣布,将试飞一款由Windracers公司(Windracers Ltd.)开发的快递无人机,从英国本岛出发飞往锡利群岛(Scilly Isles),飞行距离超出可视距离数英里。包裹被运送至锡利群岛的机场后,将由更小型号的无人机在岛内配送。(财富中文网)



作为在城区发展无人飞行“空中道路”计划(aerial roads)的一部分,英国考文垂市将在年底之前开始试运行飞行出租车和货运无人机。

该项目的地面基础设施运营商Urban-Air Port公司的创始人瑞奇•桑德胡表示,政府将为该项目出资120万英镑(约合170万美元),用于建设一座中央交通枢纽,将在这座近40万人口的城市开展试飞。

虽然世界各地都在加快开发飞行出租车和物流运输无人机,但大部分项目最初都会避开高度城市化的区域,例如Volocopter将在新加坡推出的海岸飞行项目,以及Lilium在佛罗里达州建设10个航空港的计划等。英国计划利用Altitude Angel公司开发的空中交通管理系统,帮助运营商保证城市运输的安全。

Altitude Angel公司的首席商务官理查德•埃利斯于5月13日在一份声明中称,这项技术“将确保所有空域用户,从飞行出租车和无人机运营商到通用航空以及应急服务直升机等,能够安全共用整个空域。”

美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)的局长史蒂夫•迪克森在5月12日召开的众议院拨款小组委员会上表示,他预计美国将在2023年之前批准高级城市航空器,首飞时间可能在明年。

考文垂的项目将采用Malloy Aeronautics和SkyFarer的无人机,无人机将沿多条线路飞行,以验证无人机运输冷冻医疗用品等货物的可行性。此外,韩国的现代汽车公司(Hyundai Motor Co.)将展出一款飞行出租车,预计将在2028年之前商业化,并展示起降、零售和娱乐设施。

与此同时,Safeguard Vertiports将开发一个符合英国民用航空管理局(U.K. Civil Aviation Authority)安全运营规定的认证项目。该项目为期三至四个月,但双方正在进行谈判,计划将其延期一年,以便于开展更多试飞项目。


英国皇家邮政(Royal Mail Plc)在上周的早些时候宣布,将试飞一款由Windracers公司(Windracers Ltd.)开发的快递无人机,从英国本岛出发飞往锡利群岛(Scilly Isles),飞行距离超出可视距离数英里。包裹被运送至锡利群岛的机场后,将由更小型号的无人机在岛内配送。(财富中文网)



Trial operations of flying taxis and cargo drones will begin in Coventry, England, before the end of the year as part of a plan to develop “aerial roads” for unmanned flights in urban areas.

The project, backed by 1.2 million pounds ($1.7 million) of government funds, involves construction of a centrally located hub that will host demonstration flights across the city of almost 400,000 people, according to Ricky Sandhu, founder of Urban-Air Port, which will operate the ground infrastructure.

While plans for flying taxis and logistics drones are gathering pace around the world, most will initially avoid heavily urbanized areas, such as Volocopter’s bid to provide coastal flights around Singapore and Lilium’s push to serve 10 boutique hubs across Florida. The U.K. plan will tap an air-traffic-management system devised by Altitude Angel to allow operators to safely transit cities.

The technology “will allow all users of the sky, from air-taxis and drone operators to general aviation and emergency service helicopters, to share the airspace safely and securely,” Altitude Angel Chief Business Officer Richard Ellis said in a statement on May 13.

Federal Aviation Administration head Steve Dickson told a House appropriations subcommittee hearing on May 12 that he expects advanced urban aircraft to be approved in the U.S. by 2023, with the first flights taking place the next year.

The Coventry project will see drones from Malloy Aeronautics and SkyFarer ply a number of routes to demonstrate the viability of carrying cargoes such as refrigerated medical supplies, while South Korea’s Hyundai Motor Co. will exhibit a flying taxi it’s seeking to commercialize by 2028 alongside demonstrations of arrival, departure, retail and entertainment facilities.

Safeguard Vertiports will meanwhile develop a certification program that meets U.K. Civil Aviation Authority regulations for safe operational turnarounds. The project will run for three or four months but talks under way to extend it by a year to allow a wider range of demonstration flights.

The hub, known as Air-One, will also function as a recharging center for ground-based electric transport including cars, bicycles and scooters. Sandhu said other U.K. cities have requested similar projects.

Royal Mail Plc earlier last week announced trial flights of a Windracers Ltd. delivery drone from the British mainland to the Scilly Isles that will take the craft miles beyond visual range. Parcels will be flown to the archipelago’s airport, with a smaller drone delivering them throughout the islands.
