

Aaron Grunfeld, Brennan Spellacy 2021-03-29

包括比特币在内的加密货币产业存在能源问题——节能减排、碳中和问题亟待关注。图片来源:ANDREY RUDAKOV—BLOOMBERG/GETTY IMAGES

今年3月初,比尔·盖茨告诉《纽约时报》(New York Times):“在每笔比特币交易中消耗的电力,比人类已知的任何其他方式都要多。”人们已经愈发关注到加密货币所消耗的环境成本,而他的评论进一步增加了这场讨论的热度。加密货币技术需要花费大量的能源来“挖矿”和处理——仅比特币就占了全球电力消耗总量的0.5%。






去年7月的一项研究发现,79%的消费者购物偏好正在发生变化,他们更关注商家的社会和环保责任。《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)也在2019年就发现,“可持续产品”正受到热捧,其市场规模和那些不具可持续性产品的相比,增长了5.6倍。因而如果加密货币能够更有“环保责任感”,该行业就有机会扩大其用户基础。






今年3月初,比尔·盖茨告诉《纽约时报》(New York Times):“在每笔比特币交易中消耗的电力,比人类已知的任何其他方式都要多。”人们已经愈发关注到加密货币所消耗的环境成本,而他的评论进一步增加了这场讨论的热度。加密货币技术需要花费大量的能源来“挖矿”和处理——仅比特币就占了全球电力消耗总量的0.5%。






去年7月的一项研究发现,79%的消费者购物偏好正在发生变化,他们更关注商家的社会和环保责任。《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)也在2019年就发现,“可持续产品”正受到热捧,其市场规模和那些不具可持续性产品的相比,增长了5.6倍。因而如果加密货币能够更有“环保责任感”,该行业就有机会扩大其用户基础。






In early March, Bill Gates told the New York Times, “Bitcoin uses more electricity per transaction than any other method known to mankind.” His comments added to a growing conversation around the environmental cost of cryptocurrency, a technology that requires significant energy to mine and process. Bitcoin alone accounts for 0.5% of total global electricity consumption.

Two days after Gates' remarks, Christie's auction house announced the sale of a digital piece of art for nearly $70 million. Often called non-fungible tokens (NFT), such artwork exists only within the blockchain and has rapidly grown in popularity over the past two years. One French sculptor, who is also an environmentalist, was horrified to learn that the sale of one of his projects had consumed as much energy as his studio normally used over the span of two years.

There is some disagreement over the most accurate way to define and measure the carbon footprint of cryptocurrencies. What is clear is that the decentralized nature of crypto requires each transaction to be logged on the blockchain and distributed to and processed by tens of thousands of computers—resulting in significant energy use for every transaction. Not all cryptocurrencies are as energy-consumptive as Bitcoin, but each has its own unique carbon footprint, and they all contribute to the climate crisis to varying degrees.

To answer the crypto environmental problem, we need to look at ways to make crypto fit better into a world whose number one priority should be mitigating climate change. (As a company that helps businesses embed carbon removal into their products, Patch stands to benefit from the advice offered in this article.)

There are already signs that the crypto industry could pivot to be a driver of positive environmental change. Crypto mining can, over time, accelerate a transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, as miners will naturally seek out lower-cost renewable energy sources and provide an avenue for renewable projects to offload supply.

If the industry takes the lead in the carbon removal field as well, it can alter its reputation from being an embattled major emitter to a responsible, carbon-neutral space. Businesses can now easily purchase carbon removal from a broad set of projects or use an API to embed negative emissions into their products.

A July study found 79% of consumers are changing their purchasing preferences to align with a company’s social and environmental responsibility. Meanwhile, the Harvard Business Review found in 2019 that products touted as sustainable can grow market size 5.6 times faster than those that are not. By making crypto more environmentally responsible, the industry has an opportunity to grow its user base.

Opting not to take decisive action could also invite categorical bans by regulators. Industries that compare with crypto on the emissions front are currently subject to government regulations mandating decarbonization. Dutch economist Alex De Vries, one of the scholars involved in recent efforts to quantify the carbon footprint of Bitcoin and other currencies, has already suggested that policymakers around the world could follow regions like Quebec, which has enacted a moratorium on new currency mining. Avoiding such regulations will likely hinge on voluntary action to address emissions.

Efforts to make crypto less energy-intensive are already underway, but in the meantime, carbon removal should be an urgent priority. A broad range of initiatives, from reforestation programs to direct air capture and other sequestration methods, are available today. Crypto leaders should invest in these technologies.

Major players in all industries nowadays are expected to incorporate climate change into their business plans. Crypto is no different—so let’s hope there’s no further delay in its commitment to carbon neutrality.

Aaron Grunfeld and Brennan Spellacy are cofounders of Patch.
