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宝马公司(BMW AG)表示,在加入电动汽车竞争对手的行列之后,其将于十年内实现电动汽车销量的大幅增长。该公司预计,今年的利润将至少翻一番。

3月17日,宝马在一份声明中说,今年其汽车产品的回报率将回升到6%至8%——这一数字高于去年的2.7%,也高于分析师的预期。该公司表示,十年之内旗下电动汽车的销量将占到总销量的一半左右,在此期间,宝马还会将其城市迷你(urban Mini)子品牌转化为仅销售电池驱动汽车的品牌。


疫情冲击了汽车制造商们的改造工作,它们正在加速转型,努力成为软件能力更强、效率更高的电动汽车制造企业。本周,大众汽车(Volkswagen AG)详细阐述了其从欧洲最大的汽车制造商到主要电池制造商的转型计划。沃尔沃(Volvo Cars)和通用汽车(General Motors Co.)都为完全电动化设定了时间期限。戴姆勒(Daimler AG)旗下的卡车业务在商用车和轿车领域存在了长达一个世纪,现在该公司已经计划剥离这一业务。



宝马表示,到2023年,将推出大约12款纯电池车型,从2025年开始将推出一套名为“新级别”(New Class)的新车型,与20世纪60年代宝马生产系列车型名字相同。该公司称,生产这一车型的目的是回收尽可能多的材料,以供新车使用,并通过预订数字功能的客户增加收入。





此外,宝马将提前三个月推出i4电动汽车,并且在电池驱动的iX SUV上安装新的操作系统,还计划于今年年底前实现全球最大的车组无线软件升级。(财富中文网)


宝马公司(BMW AG)表示,在加入电动汽车竞争对手的行列之后,其将于十年内实现电动汽车销量的大幅增长。该公司预计,今年的利润将至少翻一番。

3月17日,宝马在一份声明中说,今年其汽车产品的回报率将回升到6%至8%——这一数字高于去年的2.7%,也高于分析师的预期。该公司表示,十年之内旗下电动汽车的销量将占到总销量的一半左右,在此期间,宝马还会将其城市迷你(urban Mini)子品牌转化为仅销售电池驱动汽车的品牌。


疫情冲击了汽车制造商们的改造工作,它们正在加速转型,努力成为软件能力更强、效率更高的电动汽车制造企业。本周,大众汽车(Volkswagen AG)详细阐述了其从欧洲最大的汽车制造商到主要电池制造商的转型计划。沃尔沃(Volvo Cars)和通用汽车(General Motors Co.)都为完全电动化设定了时间期限。戴姆勒(Daimler AG)旗下的卡车业务在商用车和轿车领域存在了长达一个世纪,现在该公司已经计划剥离这一业务。



宝马表示,到2023年,将推出大约12款纯电池车型,从2025年开始将推出一套名为“新级别”(New Class)的新车型,与20世纪60年代宝马生产系列车型名字相同。该公司称,生产这一车型的目的是回收尽可能多的材料,以供新车使用,并通过预订数字功能的客户增加收入。





此外,宝马将提前三个月推出i4电动汽车,并且在电池驱动的iX SUV上安装新的操作系统,还计划于今年年底前实现全球最大的车组无线软件升级。(财富中文网)


BMW AG said profitability will at least double this year as the luxury carmaker joined rivals in targeting a steep rise in electric-vehicle sales by the end of the decade.

Returns from automaking will recover to between 6% and 8%, BMW said on March 17 in a statement. That’s up from 2.7% last year, and higher than analysts’ expectations. The automaker plans for about half of total sales to be electric by the end of the decade, and will switch its urban Mini brand to only sell battery-powered cars around that time, it said.

“We have started the new year with strong momentum and are aiming to return to pre-crisis levels as swiftly as possible,” Chief Executive Officer Oliver Zipse said. “We have a clear road map for making the transformation of our industry a real competitive advantage for BMW in the coming years.”

While carmakers’ revamp efforts have been jolted by the pandemic, they’re accelerating the shift to become efficient EV-making operations with greater software capabilities. Volkswagen AG this week detailed plans that effectively will turn Europe’s biggest automaker into a major battery-cell maker, as well. Volvo Cars and General Motors Co. have set dates to go fully electric, while Daimler AG is spinning off its trucks unit after a century of making commercial vehicles and cars.

BMW rose 1.1% in early Frankfurt trading, valuing the Munich-based company at 52.7 billion euros ($62.7 billion)

“Neue Klasse”

The manufacturer said it will have around a dozen battery-only models by 2023, followed by EV and software underpinnings from 2025 for a new set of vehicles dubbed “New Class,” reminiscent of a range of models made in the 1960s. The cars will be built to recycle as much material as possible for use in new vehicles, and boost revenues from customers booking digital features, BMW said.

“We are intent on ensuring that the ‘greenest’ electric car on the market is made by BMW,” Zipse said.

The automaker has come through last year’s health crisis better than expected and so far has dodged a global semiconductor shortage. Its shares have still trailed gains achieved by rivals with ambitious EV targets. VW sees 1 million EV and plug-in hybrid sales this year, and its namesake brand this month doubled a goal for EV sales in Europe to 70% share by the end of the decade.

BMW’s group profit before tax will be significantly higher, based on a “solid” rise in deliveries, after pretax profit slumped 35% to 4.8 billion euros last year as the pandemic shook the industry.

The carmaker may have 2 million electric vehicles on the road by 2025, rising to 10 million by 2030 for at least half of global deliveries. BMW previously said it expects 20% of sales to be battery or plug-in hybrid vehicles by 2023.

The company will unveil its i4 electric sedan three months early and install a new operating system in the battery iX SUV with a plan to have the world’s biggest car fleet enabled for over-the-air software upgrades by the end of the year.



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