

《财富》 2012年02月03日






    如果员工们不想在山景市谷歌总部的室外地滚球场上打地滚球,谷歌园区中还有保龄球等其他运动项目供其选择,谷歌总部共有4条保龄球道供用户预定。谷歌舞蹈工作室(Google Dance Studio)共有31种每周一次的课程供员工选择,其中包括卡泼卫勒舞(Capoeira)以及实用的“聚会舞蹈入门”,授课的老师既有专业的教练,也谷歌员工中经验丰富的志愿者。


    谷歌一向不吝为员工提供免费美食,并因此而享有盛誉。尽管公司规模不断壮大,但这项政策迄今仍然没有改变。谷歌曾于2007年荣登《财富》评选出的最适宜工作的公司榜首。此后,这家公司员工数量增长了3倍多。为了适应员工的增长速度,公司在烹饪方面也下了大功夫。在位于山景市的谷歌总部,职工食堂的数量已经由11家增加到了25家。新增的食堂中包括专门供应亚洲美食的Cafe Gia和Cafe 150,后者供应的食物原材料全部来自于方圆150英里内的地方。


    久坐不利于健康。美国癌症学会(American Cancer Society)指出,每天坐着的时间超过6个小时的妇女英年早逝的几率比每天坐着的时间不足3小时的妇女高出37%(男性的相应的数字是18%)。也许这就是为何一些谷歌员工宁愿站着工作的原因所在。去年开始,用立式办公桌代替标准的坐式办公桌在谷歌蔚然成风。谷歌员工只需使用公司的Ergolab软件下单,从众多的办公桌类型中任意选择一款,然后就能收到一台与其身高相配的办公桌。据非官方数字统计,目前谷歌已有数百人在使用立式办公桌。

    Even in Silicon Valley, Google is a giant. It has nearly 32,000 employees cranking on everything from cell phone software to search algorithms. "People have a tendency in larger organizations to create their own hierarchy, so we do a lot of things to counteract that and make it feel more intimate," says Laszlo Bock, Senior Vice President of People Operations at Google.

    Part of those efforts include setting the bar high when it comes to keeping Googlers happy with benefits few other companies can match, whether it's free gourmet food, on-site laundry, dry-cleaning, and alterations, an outdoor sports complex, or the star-studded lineup of speakers. Here, check out some of the newer perks that help make Google Fortune's best company to work for.

Outdoor fitness

    Google spares no expense when it comes to making sure its employees are in good shape. Last summer, the company opened a large outdoor sports facility. Named after the street it is on, the Garfield sports complex includes a soccer field, basketball court, two tennis courts, two bocce ball courts, two horseshoe pits, a putting green and a roller hockey rink.

Indoor recreation

    When employees aren't hitting the bocce ball courts in Mountain View, they're kicking back at other on-campus options like the bowling alley, where users can reserve one of four lanes. At the Google Dance Studio, they can choose from one of 31 weekly classes like Capoeira or the utilitarian "How to dance at a party," taught by professional instructors and experienced volunteer Googlers.

Food for all

    Google is legendary for being generous with free food and, as the company has expanded, that policy hasn't changed. Since the company last topped Fortune's Best Companies to Work for in 2007, the number of Googlers has more than tripled. The company has scaled its culinary efforts to match, more than doubling the number of cafeterias from 11 to 25 at its Mountain View headquarters. Options continue to include the Asian-themed Cafe Gia and Cafe 150, a restaurant that only uses ingredients sourced from within 150 miles.

Sit or stand

    Sitting could be hazardous to your health. According to the American Cancer Society, women who sit more than six hours a day are 37% more likely to die earlier than women who sit less than three hours a day. (Men are 18% more likely.) That may be why some Googlers are opting to stand at work instead. One option that became increasingly popular last year was swapping out the standard sit-down desk for a standing desk. Googlers place an order with the company's Ergolab, choose from a number of desk models, and have their desk measured to their height. An unofficial tally has standing desks at Google now numbering in the hundreds.

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