
每年,《财富》杂志(Fortune)都会发布“最佳雇主100强”名单(the 100 Best Companies to Work For)。这份名单以津贴、福利、多元化和工资为评价指标来评选“最佳美国公司”。如今,《财富》数据合作伙伴最佳工作场所组织(Great Place to Work)根据大量相同的评价指标独立发布了自己的全球最佳雇主排名名单。 点击这家公司发布的首份“全球最佳跨国工作场所”名单,查看排名前25的公司,了解它们成就卓越的重要原因。此次入围公司排名不分先后,而公司所在地遍布全球,分布在从列支敦士登、美国到丹麦的广大地区。正式排名和最高荣誉奖项将于周四晚在纽交所举行的盛典上公布。 哪些公司有资格入选呢?必须符合以下条件:至少五次入选“Great Place to Work”的各类名单,在全球拥有至少五千名员工,全体员工中至少有40%在公司母国之外工作。 |
Every year, Fortune publishes its list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For (here's the 2011 list), which features the top U.S. companies to work for based on things like benefits, perks, diversity, and pay. Now Fortune's data partner for that list, Great Place to Work, is launching its own list of the best global companies to work for based on many of the same metrics. Click through to find out the top 25 companies in its inaugural list, "The World's Best Multinational Workplaces," along with some highlights about what makes them so great. Who qualifies? Companies must have appeared on at least five national Great Place to Work lists, have at least 5,000 employees worldwide, and at least 40% of their global workforce must work outside of the company's home country. |

3M公司 一名3M员工表示,“在3M,你可以感受到(一贯的)积极工作氛围和公平待遇。”公司也很关注健康的生活习惯,比如经理们每周都要给员工带水果;公司还为员工的“挑战计步器”活动提供赞助,该活动旨在通过每天行走一万步为慈善募捐。 位于奥地利的分公司则通过员工创新竞赛来保持活跃的创新能力。该竞赛为优胜者提供500欧元现金奖励,以及去美国、伦敦和柏林旅游的机会。这位员工还表示,“3M是我工作过的最有职场伦理和最透明的公司。” |
3M "There is a [constant] sense of positivity and fairness," at 3M, says an employee. And it seems there's also a focus on healthy habits: Managers bring in fruit every week, and the company sponsors an employee "pedometer challenge" -- 10,000 steps per day -- to raise money for charity. In Austria, the company keeps creativity alive with an Innovation Competition for employees, which boasts €500 cash awards and trips to the United States, London, and Berlin. "3M is the most ethical and transparent company that I've ever worked for," says the employee. |