
世界经济论坛举办地、达沃斯国会中心屋顶悬挂的国旗,2017年1月14日,瑞士。 2016年,政府、公司和媒体的受信任程度大幅下降,原因是美国、英国和菲律宾的投票活动冲击了政治建制派以及企业爆出丑闻。 本周一,也就是1月17-20日的世界经济论坛开幕前,传播营销公司爱德曼发布的信任度调查报告显示,大部分人现在都认为经济和政治制度让他们感到失望。 爱德曼公司是这项调查的受托人,其负责人理查德·爱德曼对路透社表示:“感觉就像这些制度崩坏了一样。” “在受过高等教育、充分掌握信息的高收入人群中,也有一半人相信这些制度不管用,这是整个调查中最令人震惊的一项数据。” 本周在瑞士阿尔卑斯地区会晤的3,000名商业、政治和学术领导人发现,他们和许多选民以及世界各地不信任精英的民粹主义首脑渐行渐远。 目前,政府和媒体的受信任程度分别只有41%和43%;在这个牛津词典把“后真相”定为年度词的年份过后,对新闻机构的信任流失的尤为迅猛。 企业的受信任程度为52%,略高一些,但它同样因为丑闻而下滑,其中包括大众汽车的“排放门”和三星电子频频起火的智能手机。 在所有开展调查的国家和地区,公司负责人的受信任程度全面下滑。在日本,这个数字触及18%的低点,在德国和美国,调查结果分别为28%和38%。 政府受信任程度下降的国家有14个,其中一直面临腐败指控的南非总统、世界经济论坛常客雅各布·祖马排名在末,他的支持率只有15%。 中国政府的受信任程度最高,为76%,这会让首位出席世界经济论坛的中国国家主席习近平感到欣慰。 此项调查始于2001年。2016年10月13日到11月16日,28个国家和地区的33,000名受访者参加了本次年度调查。(财富中文网) 译者:Charlie |
National flags hang above the Congress Center, the venue for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Jan. 14. 2017. Trust in governments, companies and the media plunged last year as ballots from the United States to Britain to the Philippines rocked political establishments and scandals hit business. The majority of people now believe the economic and political system is failing them, according to the annual Edelman Trust Barometer, released on Monday ahead of the Jan. 17-20 World Economic Forum (WEF). "There's a sense that the system is broken," Richard Edelman, head of the communications marketing firm that commissioned the research, told Reuters. "The most shocking statistic of this whole study is that half the people who are high-income, college-educated and well-informed also believe the system doesn't work." The 3,000 business, political and academic leaders meeting in the Swiss Alps this week find themselves increasingly out of step with many voters and populist leaders around the world who distrust elites. Governments and the media are now trusted by only 41% and 43% of people respectively, with confidence in news outlets down particularly sharply after a year in which "post-truth" become the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year. Trust in business was slightly higher, at 52%, but it too has declined amid scandals, including Volkswagen's rigged diesel emission tests and Samsung Electronics' fire-prone smartphones. The credibility of chief executives has fallen in every country surveyed, reaching a low of 18% in Japan, while the German figure was 28% and the U.S. 38%. Trust in governments fell in 14 of the countries surveyed, with South Africa, where Davos regular President Jacob Zuma has faced persistent corruption allegations, ranked bottom with just 15% support. As the first Chinese president to attend the WEF's annual forum in Davos, Xi Jinping may be reassured to learn that his government was ranked as the most trusted, with a 76% rating among those questioned. The annual survey, which has been running since 2001, took the opinions of 33,000 people in 28 countries from Oct. 13 to Nov. 16 last year. |