

Courtney Subramanian 2014年03月19日



    开设旗舰店之后,谷歌这家高科技巨头或许可以少担心点如何推动手机销量,转而把更多心思放在如何用谷歌眼镜和谷歌智能手表这样的产品,以及谷歌光纤(Google Fiber)和无人驾驶汽车这样的创新举措吸引公众上面,同时也可以建立一个类似苹果天才吧( Apple Genius Bar )那样的信息服务中心,并在纽约市人气最旺的奢华街区创建一个体验目的地。

    事实上,就连三星公司( Samsung)也开始在百思买商场( Best Buy)建立工作室。为了继续生存下去,百思买正在孤注一掷地突出店中店概念。这家仓储式零售商第四季度的财报显示,百思买目前经营着1,400家三星快闪店,600家Windows快闪店。百思买创造的与其说是一家电子产品商店,倒不如说是一个展馆。








    Google has little worry about Android claiming the biggest market share of handset operators, which sends customers back into its operating system and shares the information and data that Google thrives on.

    "Google has had more success than Microsoft in penetrating with their hardware devices and going at it from a different route," Morningstar analyst Peter Wahlstrom says. "If you have a touch-point within a particular environment, that could lend itself to a very good user experience."

    By creating a flagship store, the tech giant could worry less about pushing units of phones and more about engaging the public in products like Google Glass and Google smartwatches, initiatives like Google Fiber and driverless cars while also setting up an information service akin to the Apple Genius Bar and creating an experience destination in one of NYC's most well-tread, posh neighborhoods.

    Indeed, even Samsung is creating studios within Best Buy (BBY), which is desperate to keep afloat by maximizing the store-within-a-store concept. According to the warehouse retailer'sfourth-quarter results, Best Buy currently operates 1,400 Samsung and 600 Windows pop-up stores, creating more of an exhibition hall than an electronics store.

    Jan Dawson, chief analyst at independent tech research firm Jackdaw, imagines a similar concept for the possible Google flagship.

    "It makes a bit more sense the store would be around telling the Google story," he says. "Like Samsung studios, it might be more about absorbing their vibe and evangelizing the way of doing things instead of shifting a lot of boxes."

    As Apple demonstrates, creating your own space allows a brand to control the messaging and delivery of products and services. Regardless of whether the alleged NYC flagship is successful, the value is in the marketing and public relations aspect for the rest of the company.

    "You have all these different facets of Google that people think about, but never actually put together," Wahlstrom says.

    Opening a shop amid some of NYC's most expensive real estate may help Google customers put all the pieces in place.

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