

Claire Zillman 2014-01-09

    再过一个月,索契冬季奥运会(Sochi Olympics)就要开幕了。本周一,旗下拥有汰渍(Tide)、帮宝适(Pampers)、吉列(Gillette)、金霸王电池(Duracell)、邦蒂纸巾(Bounty)等知名大众品牌的宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)发布了索契冬季奥运会期间的宣传广告,同时也是宝洁公司“感谢妈妈”系列广告中的最新一则。这段时长两分钟的广告讲述了运动员们从蹒跚学步的婴儿变成奥运赢家的过程,结尾的广告词是:“您教会了我们,跌倒只会让我们更强大。谢谢你,妈妈。”





    美国雪城大学(Syracuse University)广告学教授爱德华•罗素说,赚人热泪的广告虽然不会立即提升销量,却会在公司与顾客之间创造一条情感纽带,激励消费者购买这家公司更多的产品。罗素说,以宝洁为例,如果其广告传达出了它对消费者及他们经历的深切理解,观众很可能会得出结论:宝洁的产品比其它公司的产品更适合他们。




    感性广告在奥运会期间尤为普遍。观众们被奥运会 “战胜重重困难终获成功”的主题所感染,这时候会更喜欢看一些感人的小故事,即使只是一些销售纸尿裤和纸巾的小广告。很多商家在奥运会期间的广告都有这种 “让人起鸡皮疙瘩”的风格,如全球支付技术公司Visa的“Go撼动世界(Go World)”,耐克(Nike)的“活出你的伟大(Find Your Greatness)”,百威淡啤(Bud Light)为1984年夏季奥运会制作的“中心地带(Heartland)”广告等等。

    On Monday, a month before the start of the Sochi Olympics, Procter & Gamble, the company behind household brands like Tide, Pampers, Gillette, Duracell, and Bounty, released the latest commercial in its Thank You Mom campaign. It's a two-minute spot that follows athletes from their childhood tumbles to their triumphs at the Games and ends with the tagline, "For teaching us that falling only makes us stronger. Thank you, Mom."

    By Tuesday morning, viewers had watched the ad about 1.3 million times on YouTube, and the reaction was nearly unanimous: It's an emotional roller coaster. "Tissues at the ready," tweeted AdNews when it linked to the spot. Other tweets called the ad "touching" and a "guaranteed tearjerker."

    Yet a quick search on social media yielded no responses that indicated that it had moved someone to immediately run to the store and buy some Tide.

    Everyone loves a warm-and-fuzzy now and then, but from a business perspective, does it pay to make your consumers teary-eyed?

    In a word: definitely.

    Ads that turn on the waterworks don't translate directly to increased sales, but they create an emotional bond between a company and its customers, says Edward Russell, an advertising professor at Syracuse University. That bond encourages consumers to pay more for a company's products. In P&G's (PG) case, if the ad communicates that the company understands its consumers and what they're going through, viewers are likely to conclude that the company's products fit them better than others, Russell says.

    Tugging at consumers' heartstrings is also a way for companies with somewhat run-of-the-mill products to stand out. "Look at Hallmark," Russell says. Its emotional ads "bring a bond to a particular brand that's fairly generic in its category. It's a friggin' card," Russell says. "But consumers feel that bond to that brand and are willing to pay more for it." The same could be said for P&G and its stable of household products like laundry detergent, razors, and batteries.

    P&G has estimated that its Thank You Mom campaign for the 2012 summer Olympics in London resulted in a $500 million sales lift. When asked about sales projections for the Sochi campaign, Jodi Allen, P&G vice president of North American Marketing and Brand Operations, told Fortune she wasn't prepared to discuss the company's goals.

    P&G says that the Sochi ad was created to tell the story of all moms in their quest to teach their children resiliency and determination. The company is supplementing its P&G ads with individual brand ads that tell "authentic stories" consistent with "the equity of the brand," like the Vicks ads featuring U.S. skier Ted Ligety, Allen says. "We have learned that consumers have a positive association when products are made by P&G," Allen says.

    Emotional ads are especially prevalent during the Olympics -- an against-all-odds-themed television event that primes viewers for sentimental stories, even if they're aimed at selling diapers and paper goods. Visa's Go World campaign, Nike's Find Your Greatness ad, andBud Light's 1984 Heartland commercial have all struck a similarly goose bump-inducing tone.
