



 作者: Reena Jana    时间: 2011年09月16日    来源: 财富中文网
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    “尚品”二字在中文里别有深意。“尚”是“时尚”的简写,“品”代表“品味”。同时“品”也有“品质”的意思。尚品网2010年7月面世,主要面向中国消费者进行欧洲顶级奢侈品品牌(如Gucci等)的限时在线销售。据该公司介绍,尚品网推出仅仅四个月,注册会员就超过了100万人,销售额也达到了156万美元,增势令人瞩目。一年前尚品刚刚创业时只有三名员工,但现在已经拥有300多名员工。2010年11月,尚品在第二轮融资中从晨兴创投(Morning Side Ventures)融到1,000万美元的资金。在今年七月的第三轮融资中,尚品更是从成为资本(Chenwei Capital)那里募得5,000万美元巨资。

    尽管尚品令投资者和消费者兴奋不已,但其实它的理念和欧美、日本的时尚购物网站大同小异,比如近年在欧美兴起的Gilt Group和Vente-Privee等网站,消费者可以在上面购买各种时尚商品。另外尚品网现在正打算在网站里专门开辟出一块空间,全价销售刚从T台上下来的最新款时尚商品。这种模式有点像奢侈品巨头历峰集团(Richemont)旗下的时尚购物网站Net-a-Porter。当然,尚品网之所以在众多购物网站中鹤立鸡群,主要还是归功于它拥有大量富有且购买意愿强劲的中国消费者。尚品对这部分中国人消费需求的了解得可谓细致入微,这一点可能让世界许多知名奢侈品品牌羡慕不已。

    尚品网之所以得以迅速发展,部分原因是由于现阶段中国消费者很难在除了上海以外的城市买到高档奢侈品。尚品CEO赵世诚称:“中国消费者在奢侈品消费上存在很多不便之处,大多数奢侈品品牌只在北京和上海等一线城市开设了实体店。而在美国,奢侈品的分销渠道根本不是问题。”赵世诚补充道:“中国奢侈品消费的独特之处,在于中国的二三线城市里也存在强劲的奢侈品消费需求和很大的消费潜力。”比如现在正在举办“夏季达沃斯”全球经济论坛(the summer Davos,9月14日至16日举行)的大连,以及南京和深圳等其它城市。这些城市在国际上不如北京和上海知名,但它们也有牢靠的基础设施和不断增长的产业。

    不少管理咨询公司的研究都表明,这些城市里到处都是潜在的奢侈品消费者,他们不仅急于提高自己的生活条件,也急于改善自己的生活方式。波士顿咨询集团(The Boston Consulting Group)2010年对全球消费者的消费意愿进行了调查,结果37%的中国受访者称打算购买更高档的商品,即有购买奢侈品的愿望。这个比例在俄罗斯和印度为25%,在美国为18%,在欧洲更是低至13%。

    尚品销售的奢侈品多种多样,涵盖手提包、鞋、时装、内衣、配饰、珠宝和手表等,销售的品牌包括杜嘉班纳(Dolce & Gabbana)、万宝龙(Mont Blanc)和范思哲(Versace)等。尚品网上销售的商品都被这些品牌“授权”为正品。由于中国盛行山寨文化,因此这种“正品授权”对于在中国销售奢侈品来说非常重要。


    数不胜数的外部数据和分析显示,尚品的推出和增长正逢其时,恰好能够利用中国日益增长的奢侈品消费趋势来盈利。管理咨询机构贝恩公司(Bain & Company)今年五月发表的一份报告显示,今年中国大陆的奢侈品市场将比去年增长25%。另外大中华区(包括港澳台及新加坡)的奢侈品消费有望在今年首次超过日本(不过值得的注意的是,日本奢侈品消费的下降可能与今年的日本地震有关)。麦肯锡公司2011年3月的一份报告也预测道,中国的奢侈品消费将从2010年的160亿美元增长到2015年的270亿美元,

    Despite global economic turmoil, the Chinese luxury market is still expanding at a dizzying rate -- by 16% in 2010 according to McKinsey. Not surprisingly, Shangpin -- a new Beijing-based, members-only e-commerce site -- is growing dramatically too.

    The company's name refers to the Chinese characters for "fashion" ("shang" is a shortened version of "shi shang," the full character for "fashion") and "taste" ("pin"). Considering the nuances of the second character, the name also translates as "quality." Shangpin launched in July 2010, and offers top European labels, such as Gucci, to Chinese consumers during limited-time online sales. In the first four months of operation, the start-up had signed up 1 million members and reached $1.56 million in sales, according to the company. Growth has been startlingly quick. Shangpin started with 3 employees a year ago; now it has more than 300. In November 2010, it got $10 million in Series B funding by Morning Side Ventures, and this July, Chenwei Capital put in a stunning $50 million in Series C funding.

    Despite all of the early investor and consumer excitement surrounding Shangpin, the site's concept might seem very familiar to Web-savvy fashionistas in the United States, Europe and Japan, where stylish shoppers can order and receive designer fashions from the sites Gilt Groupe and Vente-Privee. Shangpin is also planning to offer a section of its site that offers full-price, just-off-the-runway goods as well, more parallel to the e-commerce site Net-a-Porter, which is owned by luxury conglomerate Richemont. What sets Shangpin apart, though, is of course its affluent, ambitious Chinese clientele. Its intimate understanding of those customers could become the envy of established luxury brands around the world.

    Shangpin has scaled so quickly, in part, because it's still hard for Chinese consumers to buy designer goods outside of major cities such as Shanghai. There are many "inconveniences for Chinese luxury shoppers," Says David Shi Cheng Zhao, Shangpin's Chinese-born CEO. "Most luxury brands run brick-and-mortar stores just in tier-one cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, while in the USA, the distribution channel is not an issue." Zhao adds that "the uniqueness of Chinese luxury shoppers lies in strong demand or high potential from second or third cities." He's referring to urban areas such as Dalian, which is getting some attention this week as the site of a World Economic Forum meeting known as "the summer Davos" (taking place from September 14-16) and other cities such as Nanjing or Shenzhen. They aren't as well-known or populous as Shanghai or Beiing, but have reliable infrastructure and growing industries in place.

    These cities are filled with potential luxury customers hungry to improve not only their lives but their lifestyles, suggests research from management consulting firms. The Boston Consulting Group surveyed consumers' intentions worldwide for a 2010 report and found that 37% of their survey's respondents in China planned to "trade up," or buy according to aspirations. That's compared to 25% of respondents in Russia and India, and only 18% in the U.S. and 13% in Europe.

    Shangpin offers plenty of aspirational offerings. The site sells its members handbags, shoes, clothing, lingerie, accessories, jewelry and watches by brands such as Dolce & Gabbana, Mont Blanc and Versace. They're all "authorized" by these labels as authentic -- an important aspect to selling designer products in China, known for its rampant culture of believable knockoffs.

    But the company's service is what might be the most luxurious aspect of the Shangpin experience. Goods arrive in elegant black shopping bags with sumptuous gold lettering and logos. There are offline shopping and networking events only for Shangpin members. There's free FedEx two-day delivery anywhere in China. And if anything goes wrong, there's in-house customer service available, seven days a week. Customer service phone lines operate for 12 hours a day each day, and will soon expand to 24 hour service, Zhao told Fortune.

    Numerous outside data and analyses suggest that Shangpin's launch and growth are timed well to cash in on increasing luxury sales in China. Management consulting firm Bain & Company published a report in May noting that the luxury goods market in Mainland China will see 25% year-over-year growth this year. The report added that Greater China, which includes Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, is positioned to possibly exceed luxury sales in Japan for the first time (it should be noted that diminished sales in Japan could be due to the 2011 earthquake). And a March 2011 report from McKinsey predicts that by 2015, luxury sales in China will reach $27 billion, up from $16 billion in 2010.



@关子临: 自信也许会压倒聪明,演技的好坏也许会压倒脑力的强弱,好领导就是循循善诱的人,不独裁,而有见地,能让人心悦诚服。    参加讨论>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美国学者劳伦斯彼得在对组织中人员晋升的相关现象研究后得出的一个结论:在各种组织中,由于习惯于对在某个等级上称职的人员进行晋升提拔,因而雇员总是趋向于晋升到其不称职的地位。    参加讨论>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,应该可以解释为专注当下的事情,而不去想过去这件事是怎么做的,这件事将来会怎样。一方面,这种理念可以帮助员工排除杂念,把注意力集中在工作本身,减少压力,提高创造力。另一方面,这不失为提高员工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS们更看重的吧。    参加讨论>>

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