



 作者: Kevin Kelleher    时间: 2011年07月08日    来源: 财富中文网
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最近几个星期,关于科技界是否再度出现了泡沫的争论稍有降温,但随着Zynga的IPO为Facebook IPO的重磅登场铺平了道路,这一争论今年秋天还会尘嚣再起。
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    社交游戏公司Zynga不久前向美国证监会提交了IPO招股计划书,让世界得以一窥这家游戏新锐的财务状况。简要地说,这家社交游戏公司的营收入为5.97亿美元,净利润为9,000万美元。除非它的增长显著减缓,否则今年Zynga的营收入将轻松突破10亿美元大关。相比之下,传统游戏巨头电子艺界公司(Electronic Arts)今年的营收入有望达到40亿美元,由此可见Zynga的增长前景有多广阔。



    Zynga不太可能在美国劳动节(每年九月的第一个星期一——译注)之前上市,因为七八月份投资人们都在度假,这时的IPO市场过于沉闷。不过如果Zynga真的上市了,它的估值会让我们直观地感受到科技IPO泡沫已经膨胀到多大了。此外承销商们也有推动Zynga的IPO大获成功的动力,因为Zynga的IPO会给IPO市场加温,这样市场就充分做好了迎接Facebook IPO隆重登场的准备。




    这些都为Facebook IPO的重磅登场铺平了道路。如果Facebook的招股计划书也像Zynga的一样健康,没有亮起很多危险信号,那么可能整个市场都会为之疯狂。人们会对初创公司的创始人们大献谀词,而像合广投资(Union Square Ventures)和安德森霍洛维茨公司(Andreessen-Horowitz)这些最早资助Facebook的风投机构的形象也会变得光辉起来。届时市场并不会重演1999年的悲剧,但它离理性市场又远了几步,离集体疯狂又近了几步。



    The debate that has raged for most of the year over whether we're in a new tech bubble has grown quiet in recent weeks. But don't worry, it's just taken the summer off. It will be back this fall.

    That much seems clear now that Zynga filed its IPO prospectus and given the world a peek at its financials. To recap, the social gaming company had revenue of $597 million and a net profit of $90 million. Unless its growth slows dramatically, Zynga's revenue will easily top $1 billion this year. Contrast that with traditional gaming giant Electronic Arts (ERTS), which is expected to see $4 billion in revenue this year, and you get an idea of Zynga's promise.

    Zynga isn't the perfect IPO candidate – operating margins have been erratic, and there's the issue of its dependence on Facebook – but it's by far the strongest web startup to file this year. It has none of the red flags that plagued Groupon's prospectus. In fact some are calling it the anti-Groupon. Proceeds from Zynga's offering will go to the company, not insiders. Yet the company has $1 billion in cash. Even more impressive, it's been generating cash since the fall of 2007: $326 million in 2010 and $103 million last quarter alone. This is a well-run, financially healthy company.

    The big remaining question for Zynga is how underwriters and investors value its IPO. Initial reports valued the company at $10 billion. It would be very considerate of Zynga to list at that price and leave money on the table, but it's not going to happen. Remember that LinkedIn, which is expected to make $420 million this fiscal year, was worth $9 billion on its first day of trading. By that measure, Zynga could debut and see its value rise above $20 billion.

    Zynga is unlikely to debut before Labor Day. With investors on vacation in July and August, the IPO market is too sleepy. But when Zynga does list, its valuation will measure just how big the tech IPO bubble is getting. And underwriters have an incentive to make Zynga's IPO a success: The market is being orchestrated perfectly for a big Facebook IPO.

    In fact, Wall Street has been priming the IPO pipeline for a Facebook IPO for months. First, there was RenRen (RENN), the so-called Facebook of China. Then followed LinkedIn (LNKD), a niche social network focused on professionals. Now comes Zynga, with its games built largely for the social platform that is Facebook.

    But RenRen and LinkedIn have stumbled. RenRen rose as high as $24 on its first day and sank as low as $6.23 on June 24. LinkedIn rose as high as $122 on its first day then dropped as low as $60. Those declines poured cold water on talk of a tech bubble, suggesting that if investors were willing to lose their heads over web 2.0 startups, they'd come to their senses soon enough.

    But Zynga is different. It doesn't have the weakness of those earlier IPOs. Its financial health and promise of growth could, perversely, spur speculative buying that could spill over into other web stocks. In fact, this is already happening. On Friday, after Zynga filed its prospectus, LinkedIn rallied, rising as much as 6%. RenRen rose 5%, while other recent web IPOs also rose between 5% and 10%. Pandora (P) rose 12%.

    All of this would set the stage for a spectacular IPO for Facebook. And if Facebook's prospectus, like Zynga's, doesn't hold many red flags, things could get crazy. There will be adulatory profiles of startup founders and VC firms who first backed them – firms like Union Square Ventures and Andreessen-Horowitz. It won't be 1999 all over again, but it will be a few steps away from a rational market and toward a mania mindset.

    Of course, there are reasons why a mania might not come. There remain clouds on the economic horizon that could rain on the tech parade, or investors could simply insist on a reasonable valuation from Zynga. But given the pent-up demand for hot web stocks, that's unlikely to happen. Zynga is on track to have a red-hot offering. That will be very good for Zynga and Facebook, but it may not be so good for the stock market at large.




@关子临: 自信也许会压倒聪明,演技的好坏也许会压倒脑力的强弱,好领导就是循循善诱的人,不独裁,而有见地,能让人心悦诚服。    参加讨论>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美国学者劳伦斯彼得在对组织中人员晋升的相关现象研究后得出的一个结论:在各种组织中,由于习惯于对在某个等级上称职的人员进行晋升提拔,因而雇员总是趋向于晋升到其不称职的地位。    参加讨论>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,应该可以解释为专注当下的事情,而不去想过去这件事是怎么做的,这件事将来会怎样。一方面,这种理念可以帮助员工排除杂念,把注意力集中在工作本身,减少压力,提高创造力。另一方面,这不失为提高员工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS们更看重的吧。    参加讨论>>

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