

Colleen Leahey 2013-11-26


    Possessing both intellectual and supernatural faculties, television's leading ladies and their complex personalities are slowly but surely dominating their individual universes. Loosely (note: very loosely) using Fortune's Most Powerful Women metrics -- the size and importance of the woman's business, the health and direction of the business, the arc of the woman's career, and her social and cultural influence -- we've ranked the most prominent women currently gracing the small screen.

    1. 卡丽熙•丹妮莉丝•坦格利安

    • 头衔:(合法的)安达尔人和先民的女王

    • 电视剧:《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏》

    • 扮演者:艾米莉亚•克拉克


    1. Khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen

    • Title:(Rightful) Queen of the Andals and the First Men

    • Show:Game of Thrones

    • Played by:Emilia Clarke

    As the last living Targaryen, Daenerys fiercely believes it's her birthright to control the Seven Kingdoms, formerly ruled by her late father. Surviving the loss of her family and her king husband, she's grown from a timid girl into a dragon-wielding woman. Daenerys is building a massive swarm of fighters to help her regain the Iron Throne, winning over the warriors with her firm but caring demeanor. She's the ultimate CEO -- a chief who inspires her followers. And should naysayers interfere with her grand strategy? One whisper of "dracarys" and they'll be toast.
