



 作者: Katherine Reynolds Lewis    时间: 2011年05月16日    来源: 财富中文网
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    实际上,门罗创新公司(Menlo Innovations)就是这样规定的。这家位于美国密歇根州安阿伯市的软件公司对所有项目经理进行了培训,要求他们面带微笑,即使从员工那里听到的是坏消息,也要表示感谢。





    戴尔•卡耐基培训(Dale Carnegie Training)的董事长彼得•韩铎表示:“公司以及首席执行官和董事长都必须设定正确的基调。公司领导层最糟糕的,也是最致命的弱点,就是‘非我发明’的心态:‘如果不是我的主意,那就别讲给我听。’”







    而在环游旅行公司(Grand Circle ),员工将基于他们的开放式沟通获得评分,开放式沟通是这家旅游服务公司的六大核心价值之一。在波士顿召开的每月例会上,高管们会用半个小时回答员工的问题。对于提出突出问题的员工,公司将在内部新闻通讯中提出表扬。






    在面对面谈话和开会时,企业领导人可以创建一种安全的氛围,供员工提出批评性意见。谢弗咨询公司(Schaffer Consulting)高级合伙人罗恩•阿什肯纳斯建议,牢记在幼儿园学到的规矩:禁止大声叫喊或者辱骂,并且要坚持相互尊重的原则,以及基本的人类尊严。该公司位于美国康涅狄格州斯坦福德市。罗恩•阿什肯纳斯著有《简单有效》(Simply Effective)一书。












    Imagine going to your boss with news of a delayed project or cost overrun, and hearing "thank you" in response.

    That's the rule at Menlo Innovations, a software company based in Ann Arbor, Mich., which trains project managers to smile and thank employees even when they're bearing bad news.

    "My job is to say, 'Thank you for letting me know,' not 'I need you to work an extra 10 hours tonight,'" says Lisa Ho, 26, a Menlo project manager. "Sometimes it's hard to do because we have this deadline we're trying to meet. But I respect them for telling me and as long as we're very transparent… I can call the client."

    In corporate America, many employees are afraid to report bad news because they're essentially saying no to the boss -- telling her that a business goal hasn't been met. But companies that foster a fear-free culture enjoy better decision-making, more ethical behavior and the ability to truly harness the collective brainpower of the workforce, according to Menlo CEO Rich Sheridan and other business leaders.

    Encouraging employees to say no to the boss ensures that smart new ideas bubble to the top levels of an organization, Sheridan says. He sets such a high priority on healthy dissent that he's baked it into the corporate culture through training, procedures, regular communications to employees and a willingness to take risks based on staff suggestions.

    It's all too easy to fall into a yes-man culture, especially when workers feel insecure about their jobs. To create an environment of open communication, leaders must reward and publicize new ideas, encourage dissent from staff and even challenge employees when everyone seems too agreeable.

    "The company and the CEO and the chairman have to set the right tone," says Peter Handal, president of Dale Carnegie Training. "The worst, fatal flaw in the leadership of companies is the 'not invented here' mentality: 'If it's not my idea, I don't want to hear it.'"

    Employees will work harder and more efficiently because they feel listened to and invested in the venture, he says. "It really does help the morale and the spirit and the dedication of the people in the company because they feel like they're part of it; they've given their input," Handal says.

Mending a frayed company culture

    Jay Grinney faced an especially tough challenge when he took over as CEO of HealthSouth, a Birmingham-based health care company, in the wake of a massive fraud scandal that led to criminal and civil lawsuits.

    "One of the things that was important to me was to create a culture that would be in stark contrast to the culture that was here before I arrived," Grinney says. "That culture was characterized by fear, intimidation, favoritism, a very ego-centric CEO."

    On his first day, he called a company-wide employee meeting and presented his vision for the business and a plan to establish openness, honesty, mutual respect and integrity with patients, fellow HealthSouth employees and regulators. He began to hold quarterly town hall meetings that end with a question and answer session for employees. If no challenging questions emerge, top managers will ask about issues they know are raising concerns.

    "I don't think there's any single formula for proving your intent," he says. "It has to be demonstrated in every single thing that I do and has to be reflected in the people I surround myself with."

    At Grand Circle Corp., employees are graded on their open communication, one of the travel and cruise company's six key values. During a monthly meeting in Boston, executives answer staff questions for a half hour, and the people who ask outstanding questions are recognized in the company's newsletter.

    "They're viewed as the champions or the role models," explains Grand Circle CEO Alan Lewis. "The reason you want your associates to raise hot issues is that's where you'll learn about bottlenecks…. You'll see where you have organizational issues."

    Recently, Grand Circle overhauled its Amazon River itinerary based on feedback from employees that had vacationed with a competitor. The company eliminated a brand new, $12 million travel reservation system after associates complained that the custom-built software simply didn't work.

    "I believe 95% of corporate America doesn't try to listen to their associates, doesn't know how to get to the brainpower of their organization," Lewis says. "You have to be able to handle a lot of criticism."

    Of course, it's important to encourage constructive criticism rather than a culture of complaint. In fact, Dale Carnegie trains people to offer feedback in a friendly way.

    "In order to disagree agreeably, both sides need to handle things with respect and the proper interpersonal approach," Handal says. He recommends opening the conversation with a friendly approach and something positive, rather than beginning with the negative.

    Leaders can create a safe space for critical feedback during one-on-one interactions and meetings. Remember your kindergarten rules: no yelling or abuse, and stick to the principles of respect, and the basics of human dignity, says Ron Ashkenas, a senior partner at Schaffer Consulting, based in Stamford, Conn., and author of Simply Effective.

    When possible, build these values into managers' performance assessments and don't be afraid to make public firings when people hit their numbers but fail to meet cultural expectations, Ashkenas says. (See: Is it better to hire for cultural fit over experience?)

    You want to avoid the stagnation and time clock-punching that can result from a culture where the boss is always right. "It's draining and de-energizing when people are in an environment when they just have to salute and not be themselves," he says.

    Moreover, employees on the front lines often have better information about customer needs and concerns, and sales staff members do a better job selling when they feel like they are supported.

When you are being 'yessed to death'

    Looking for a warning sign that you're a boss with a yes-man problem?

    "If you're saying things that nobody disagrees with, people are afraid to disagree. Nobody is right all the time," Handal says. "I've seen companies get into very serious trouble by having a very closed mind at the top."

    Be conscious of your facial expressions, tone of voice and body language if you're a leader trying to encourage communication. Use an open stance rather than crossing your arms in front of your chest, Handal advises.

    Body language can work both ways. In late 2008 during the financial crisis, HealthSouth's Grinney was meeting with his acting chief financial officer about earnings guidance the company planned to give Wall Street. The acting CFO didn't disagree with Grinney's somewhat aggressive position, but something seemed off about his body language and facial expression.

    "I could just tell he wasn't entirely comfortable. I said, 'You're not comfortable with this position, are you?'" Grinney recalls. In the end, HealthSouth ended up going with more conservative guidance than Grinney initially proposed, due to the CFO's concerns, which was the right call.

    Employees work harder when they know they have their manager's backing. But the big payoff is in keeping the most talented executives, who would be the first to leave a stifling environment -- only to be replaced by people who are just in it for a paycheck, he says.

    Ultimately, you need people to say no to the boss sometimes, because nobody has all the answers. "One of the pitfalls of being the CEO is you can start believing your own press," Grinney says. "The business world is full of examples of hubris taking over."




@关子临: 自信也许会压倒聪明,演技的好坏也许会压倒脑力的强弱,好领导就是循循善诱的人,不独裁,而有见地,能让人心悦诚服。    参加讨论>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美国学者劳伦斯彼得在对组织中人员晋升的相关现象研究后得出的一个结论:在各种组织中,由于习惯于对在某个等级上称职的人员进行晋升提拔,因而雇员总是趋向于晋升到其不称职的地位。    参加讨论>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,应该可以解释为专注当下的事情,而不去想过去这件事是怎么做的,这件事将来会怎样。一方面,这种理念可以帮助员工排除杂念,把注意力集中在工作本身,减少压力,提高创造力。另一方面,这不失为提高员工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS们更看重的吧。    参加讨论>>

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