

Erika Fry 2013-05-16





John R. Strangfeld, Jr.

    Company: Prudential Financial

    Fortune 500 rank: 29

    Strangfeld became CEO in 2008, three decades after he began his career with Prudential as an investment analyst. While he's proud of his 35 years with the financial giant, it's not a fact he touts to staff: "I don't want mid-career hires to think they are somehow less valued than those who join us earlier in their careers," he says, adding that successful companies—Prudential included— tend to have a mix of internally developed and externally hired talent. He says he became a lifer by accident rather than design: "Evaluating my career, my criteria have always been: Do I like what I am doing? Am I learning? Do I like and respect my colleagues? I feel I have had a series of careers under the umbrella of a single company. And, I find that success in one area can give you the confidence to try another."
