

Stephanie N. Mehta 2011年08月16日



    硅谷银行家弗兰克•夸特隆表示,企业科技正在走向复古。在80年代末,企业IT被专业公司所垄断——例如微软长于软件,思科长于网络设备。但近年来,许多专业公司都失去了市场价值,或是增长陷于停滞,行业也正在重返垂直整合的模式。“自从2007年以来,甲骨文(Oracle)和IBM是唯一两家市值还在增长的老牌公司。这毫不奇怪。”夸特隆说道:“这是由于这两家公司都采取了这种垂直整合战略。老式的微机模式又回来了。”那么业务较为单一的公司如何才能扩展他们的业务?最近宝开公司(PopCap)以13.5亿美元的价格被电子艺界(Electronic Arts)收购,美国国家半导体公司(National Semiconductor)以65亿美元的价格被德州仪器(Texas Instruments)收购,背后都离不开夸特隆的Qatalyst Partners咨询公司的帮助。所以如果你有这方面的疑问,夸特隆的公司一定可以帮到你。


Old School

    Silicon Valley banker Frank Quattrone says enterprise technology is going retro. In the late 1980s specialists -- Microsoft in software, Cisco in networking equipment -- dominated business computing. But in recent years many of those specialty companies have lost market value or stalled, and the industry is going back to a vertically integrated model. "There's no surprise why Oracle and IBM are the only two of the legacy companies on this list that have added market cap since 2007," he says. "It's because they both have embraced and put forth this vertical strategy. The old mini-computer mainframe model is coming back." So how can narrowly focused companies broaden their portfolio? Surely Quattrone, whose boutique advisory firm, Qatalyst Partners, has recently helped sell PopCap to Electronic Arts for $1.35 billion and National Semiconductor to Texas Instruments for $6.5 billion, would be happy to help.


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