

Brandon Southward 2014年01月22日


    • 2014年最适宜工作的公司榜单排名:92

    • 员工总数:33,618

    • 年度收入:18亿美元

    全服务连锁餐厅芝士蛋糕工厂(Cheesecake Factory)引以为荣的是它对当地社区的回馈。这家公司还与慈善机构“消除美国饥饿组织(Feeding America)”合作,为当地食品银行提供支持。从2008年开始,芝士蛋糕工厂发起了一个计划,“卖一片蛋糕,捐25美分”,至今总计捐款已经超过200万美元。每年的“全国芝士蛋糕日”(National Cheesecake Day,7月30日),每卖出一片特色芝士蛋糕,芝士蛋糕工厂就会向慈善机构捐出25美分。公司的善举也延伸到了符合条件的员工身上——亲友去世的员工可以请多达三天的带薪丧假;担任陪审员的员工每12个月中也可以拿到1-5天作陪审员期间的全额薪水。


    Cheesecake Factory

    • 2014 Best Companies rank: 92

    • Number of employees: 33,618

    • Annual revenue: $1.8 billion

    The full-service restaurant chain prides itself on giving back to local communities. The company partners with Feeding America, the hunger-relief charity, to help support local food banks. Since 2008, the Cheesecake Factory has donated more than two million dollars through their "25 cents a slice" program. On National Cheesecake Day (July 30), for every slice of a featured cheesecake it sells, 25 cents is donated to the charity. Acts of kindness extend to eligible staff, who can request up to three paid days of bereavement leave and receive their full salary during any period of jury duty between one to five workdays every 12 months.


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