

Caroline Fairchild 2013年12月11日

黑水公司更名为Xe Services(2009年),随后更名为Academi(2011年)

    官司缠身迫使安全承包公司黑水公司先后两次更名。2007年,因涉嫌屠杀十多名伊拉克平民,黑水公司保安人员遭起诉。两年后,这家公司更名为Xe Services。2010年它被一组私人投资者收购,再次更名,改成Academi。前任首席执行官泰德•莱特对《华尔街时报》表示,第二次更名是为了让公司听起来更“无聊”。


    媒体头条上可能看不到创始人史密斯的消息。但是新闻机构,例如《纽约时报》(The New York Times)和《经济学人》(The Economist)依然坚持用黑水这个老名字来指代公司。

Blackwater to Xe Services to Academi (2009, 2011)

    A series of hazardous events forced the security contractor formerly known as Blackwater to change its name not once, but twice. In 2007, Blackwater guards were accused of manslaughter in connection with a shooting that killed more than dozen civilians in Iraq. Two years later, the company changed its name to Xe Services. After the company was sold in 2010 to a group of private investors, its title was changed once again to Academi. Then-chief executive Ted Wright told The Wall Street Journal that the second name change was an attempt to make the company more "boring."

    "You're not going to see me in headlines," he added.

    You might not see Smith in headlines anymore, but you do still see Blackwater. News organizations such as The New York Times and The Economist

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