

JP Mangalindan 2013年05月17日


    亚马逊在2006年发布Web服务,此举令人费解。杰夫•贝佐斯为什么带领他的在线零售公司进入网络基础设施服务领域?(“这是经过深思熟虑的重大决策。”亚马逊Web服务产品管理和开发者关系副总裁亚当•塞里普斯基在去年对《财富》杂志说。)7年后,完全或部分依靠亚马逊Web服务的很多公司,从网飞(Netflix)和美国宇航局到Pinterest,可能都会感谢贝佐斯。亚马逊Web服务使很多公司摆脱了安装服务器和管理数据库等昂贵耗时的任务,把精力集中于他们的产品。亚马逊Web服务极具价值,加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets)董事总经理马克•马哈尼估计,去年该服务带来了15亿美元的收入。

Amazon Web Services

    The launch of Amazon Web Services in 2006 seemed a puzzling one. Why was Jeff Bezos pushing his online retail company into Web infrastructure services? ("It was a big soul-searching decision," Adam Selipsky, Amazon Web Services Vice President of Product Management and Developer Relations, told Fortune last year.) Seven years later, many companies that wholly or partly operate off AWS -- from Netflix and NASA to Pinterest -- are probably grateful he did. AWS lets many companies to offload costly, time-consuming tasks like setting up servers and managing databases, and focus on their products. Indeed, AWS may be so valuable, RBC Capital Markets managing director Mark Mahaney estimated that it generated $1.5 billion in revenues last year.

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