

Miguel Helft 2013年03月18日
谷歌Chrome和App业务高级副总裁将同时接管安卓部门,而安卓部门的创始人将就此退任。谷歌地图、商务和支付业务的主管将调入公司的特别团队Google X。这样一来,地图部门就并入了搜索集团,而商务和支付业务将被整合到广告产品部。同时,谷歌的产品团队从七支缩编到了五支。


    当我问起支付业务时,佩奇称,谷歌在一个鲜为人知、但极其重要的领域已经取得了突出业绩:从它遍布全球的广告客户那里收取付款。他说:“我们有大量的小广告客户。我们也很好地运用了Play on Android收取许多国家大量用户的付款,不管是通过无线、运营商计费还是其他各种形式的付费,都能应付自如。可能在这一领域我们还有很多尚不为人所知的潜能。”因此,不难理解,为什么谷歌的支付业务团队现在并入了沃西吉掌管的广告产品集团。不过,此举对谷歌的电子钱包会有多大帮助,目前还不得而知。(财富中文网)


    In contrast, Huber's group was a bit of mishmash. Google has invested billions in maps over the past seven years, and the results show. The company is the overwhelming leader in digital maps, an increasingly important area as computing shifts from PCs to mobile devices. But Google has faced major challenges in commerce, where last year it shifted its product search to a paid model, and in payments. The company's high-profile mobile wallet product appears to be stuck in neutral, even as those of competitors like Square are gaining traction.

    When I asked Page about payments, he said Google has been doing exceedingly well in a little known, but vitally important area: accepting payments from its millions of advertisers worldwide. "We have very many small advertisers," he said. "We're also getting very good with Play on Android at accepting payments from users in many, many different countries, wireless, carrier billing and all sorts of other forms of payment. We have probably a non-understood set of capabilities there." That helps explain why Google's payments team now works in Wojcicki's advertising products group. Whether the move will help Google Wallet gain any momentum remains to be seen.

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