

Anne VanderMey 2012年11月14日
家居装饰公司Judy George International的首席执行官朱迪·乔治是一名家庭主妇,也是四个孩子的母亲。她没有经验,却一步步成长为热门家居装饰公司的掌门人。她说,被人炒鱿鱼是开始追求自己梦想的最好起点。今天,她依然在奋斗。今年,她已经70出头。


    我决定在这个消息发布时离开一周,和我的姐姐、姐夫暂时住一阵。登机时,有人在给每个人分发《环球》(The Globe)周日刊。当我沿着过道走向座位时,人们抬头看着我,就像他们认出了我一样。我的照片登在《环球》的头版,并附有全文。


    我离开了一周,回来后就创立了Judy George International——我的新品牌和设计公司。回来时我已经做好了努力工作的准备。








    I tried to go out and buy it back, but no banks were open to anything like that. It was the second time in my life I felt shame -- disappointing manufacturers who cared about me, disappointing customers who cared about me. I worked tirelessly from my home trying to get goods and furniture to people, begging everybody who would help to get me trucks.

    I decided to go away for a week and stay with my sister and brother-in-law when the news broke. As I'm getting on a plane, somebody's handing everybody The Globe, the Sunday newspaper. And as I'm walking down the aisle, people were looking up at me as if they recognized me. I was on the front page of The Globe, with the whole story.

    I just slunk down in my seat. And the guy opposite me says, "Is this you?" And it was so amazing. He said, "I'm so sorry. I know, judging from reading this article, how hard this must be for you."

    I went away for a week and came back and started on Judy George International, my new branding and design company. By the time I came back, I was ready to go to town.

    Now, I'm working on the biggest deal of my life, which is Sleepy's. You know, people say, "What's so exciting about selling mattresses?" But we're creating more than mattresses. We're creating the whole top of the bed. They're allowing us to do headboards, something Sleepy's has never done. We'll be in 800 stores.

    So I look back, I look at my age -- I'm 72 -- and I don't want to change who I am. I don't want people to think I'm younger. I'm not going to get a face-lift  I have more energy than I've had in 25 years. I've been given a Sleepy's management team. I love them. They love me. And they're giving me, along with my partner Kim, the chance of a lifetime to do something people only dream about. 


    Research everything. I do huge amounts of background research before every meeting. With investors and potential partners, I find something they've said and I quote it back to them. I'll even pay researchers a lot of money to find out whatever I can about the people I'm talking to and their company.  When I started Domain, I took a loan out on my house so I could hire a company to do market research that I could present at investor meetings.

    Look at failure as an opening. I used to tell people they've got to get uncomfortable with their situation. If you're making too much money, if you're not taking enough risks, you can put off really great ideas with the notion, "I'll do it later," and it just doesn't happen. There's nothing like getting fired to get you uncomfortable enough to go out and live your dream.

    Take the kids. My secret weapon was my family always. My whole life of work I've brought my kids everywhere with me. I needed to do that to prevent guilt and burnout, but it also taught me organization and people management. Now, it's my grandchildren that I go everywhere with.

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