

Shelley DuBois 2012年11月12日


    弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)达顿商学院(Darden School of Business)商业管理教授克里斯廷·贝法尔表示,他们可以低调处理先前的分歧。“讨论一个分歧很大的总统大选时,或许可以转向其他国家进行比较,它们的大选存在一些我们所没有的问题,”她说。“这样,可以让这里的流程和行为看起来比‘完全不同的那个国家’要好。”




    But America cannot wait for a sports event or another storm to get us to work together. Unfortunately, according to Rock, forming a new in-group often requires a visceral common goal -- something that taps into our gut instinct rather than our intellect. Political ads and public jabs work well because they trigger an emotional response. It's strange to say, but to get political parties to work together, leaders may have to continue to use alarmist language, but shift it away from each other and direct it a common threat.

    They can also play down previous disagreements, says Kristin Behfar, a professor of business administration at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business. "When talking about a very divisive campaign, you might change the comparison to what happens in countries where elections and campaigns are fraught with problems we don't have," she says. "Therefore, you make the process and behavior here look better than a 'different other.'"

    President Obama brought the point home early on Wednesday, arguing in his acceptance speech that tough economic conditions will always create controversy. "We can never forget that as we speak, people in distant nations are risking their lives right now just for a chance to argue about the issues that matter, the chance to cast their ballots like we did today." In other words, this was an ugly race, but the alternative, a "different other," would be worse.

    Of course, speeches are just a first, small step towards reconnecting a polarized population. Now Congress needs to unfreeze. It might even be approaching that necessary thaw, if House Speaker John Boehner spoke honestly during a press conference Wednesday: "We're closer than many think to the critical mass needed legislatively to get tax reform done," he said. Time will tell if Congress' proximity to agreement will lead to action and, perhaps more importantly, if the public is ready to reward political leaders who are willing to redefine their adversaries as colleagues.

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