
英特尔 英特尔公司(Intel)的马宏升计划在2013年退休的消息,引发了外界对公司首席执行官保罗•欧德宁接班人的猜测。马宏升已在英特尔工作了30年,极具个人魅力,无疑是欧德宁的头号接班人。2010年,他罹患严重中风,经过治疗后重回工作岗位,负责价值80亿美元的中国业务。56岁的马宏升离职之后将时间用于陪伴家人。欧德宁在这家芯片公司工作多年之后,2005年成为公司CEO。但他今年已经62岁,马上就要到公司规定的65岁的退休年龄。首席运营官布莱恩•克尔扎尼奇也有机会继任。(欧德宁、克雷格•贝瑞特和安迪•格罗夫在成为CEO之前,都担任过首席运营官。)首席财务官史黛西•史密斯和首席产品官浦大地也有很大机会。但浦大地已经58岁,等到欧德宁退休时,他自己也将接近退休年龄。 |
Intel The planned retirement of Intel's Sean Maloney in 2013 has ignited speculation over who might replace Paul Otellini, the firm's chief. Maloney, a charismatic 30-year Intel (INTC, Fortune 500)vet, came back to run the company's $8 billion China business after surviving a massive strokein 2010 and seemed the obvious candidate. The 56-year-old stepped down to spend time with family. As for Otellini, he became CEO in 2005 after a long stint at the chipmaker. But at 62, he now is close to the firm's mandatory retirement age of 65. COO Brian Krzanich, 52, seems a likely successor. (Otellini, Craig Barrett, and Andy Grove were all COO before taking the top job.) CFO Stacy Smith, 50, and chief product officer David "Dadi" Perlmutter are also possibilities. But Perlmutter, 58, will himself be close to retirement age by the time Otellini leaves. |