
斯科特•汤普森 雅虎(Yahoo)前任CEO卡罗尔•巴茨离开之后,斯科特•汤普森填补空缺,结果一脚踏进了泥潭。汤普森于今年早些时候走马上任雅虎CEO,并计划对公司进行精简。 可惜,汤普森惹恼了一位权势滔天的维权投资者——对冲基金第三点(Third Point)的CEO丹尼尔•勒布。起因是汤普森拒绝任命勒布提议的人选加入雅虎董事会,结果很快公司就发现了汤普森个人简历中“明显的”造假行为。他声称自己有计算机科学学位,结果却只有会计学位。汤普森从雅虎辞职后不久,在线服务公司ShopRunner就聘请他担任CEO。和运营一家科技巨头相比,现在汤普森肩上的担子倒是轻了不少。 |
Scott Thompson Scott Thompson stepped into a snake pit when he filled the vacuum left by the departure of Yahoo's previous CEO, Carol Bartz. Thompson started the job early this year and planned to streamline the company. But Thompson managed to tick off powerful activist investor Daniel Loeb, CEO of the hedge fund Third Point. After Thompson refused to appoint some of Loeb's suggested personnel to the Yahoo board, the firm dug up a glaring inaccuracy on Thompson's resume -- he had claimed to have a computer science degree, but only had one in accounting. Quickly after his resignation from Yahoo, online services company ShopRunner hired Thompson as CEO, which is a much smaller undertaking than running the tech goliath. |