最近,《财富》杂志(Fortune)公布了高管梦之队阵容,其中每个队员都是重量级人物。从海尔集团(Haier Group)CEO张瑞敏到思科(Cisco)CIO瑞贝卡•雅各比,这些队员在过去一年都表现出了最佳状态。 而另一方面呢?最终谁会是这场“躲避球”比赛中的幸运儿呢?当然,个别《财富》500强公司高管的表现并没有达到预期。我们列出了几位发挥失常的高管,原因可能是重大失误,或者在错误的时间来到了错误的地点,也可能是出于综合原因。 |
Fortunerecently posted its Executive Dream Team, and we had a lineup of heavy hitters. From Haier Group CEO Zhang Ruimin to Cisco CIO Rebecca Jacoby, these are people who have been on the top of their game this past year. But what about the flip side? Who would be the last picked in Dream Team dodgeball? Certainly, several top executives at Fortune 500 companies have not panned out as expected. Whether that's due to major missteps, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or some combination, we found a few players who didn't quite perform up to par. |

鲍勃•戴蒙德 公平地说,鲍勃•戴蒙德执掌的银行麻烦缠身,而且应对监管当局的措施让人心生疑虑。此外,戴蒙德担任CEO期间,在涉嫌伦敦银行间拆借利率(Libor)丑闻的银行中,巴克莱银行(Barclays)是首家坦白交代的银行。所有受到指控的银行均涉嫌操纵银行间拆借利率。 丑闻最初爆发时,戴蒙德及其团队曾经试图保住他的CEO职位。戴蒙德在声明中试图将Libor操纵案的责任归咎于其他银行和监管部门。但无论是公众还是调查人员都不接受这样的说辞,最终,戴蒙德被迫辞职。现在他或许得保持低调,因为巴克莱银行已经成为此次丑闻的反面典型,而身为该公司的负责人,戴蒙德可能一时无法入选高管梦之队。 |
Bob Diamond To be fair to Bob Diamond, he helmed a bank with big problems and that had what looks like a fishy setup with regulators. Still, Diamond was CEO of Barclays when it became the first of many accused banks to come clean about the Libor scandal, which basically involved banks manipulating the rate at which they lend to one another. Diamond and his board tried to keep him in the CEO seat when the scandal first broke. In statements, Diamond tried to shift the blame for the Libor manipulation to other banks and regulators. But neither the public nor investigators were satiated, and Diamond ultimately resigned. He may lay low for now -- as the man in charge of the institution that's become the poster child for this particular scandal, Diamond probably won't make the top talent list for a spell. |