

ELAINE POFELDT 2012年06月26日





    2011年4月,当地一位天使投资人表示有兴趣为基于网络的项目管理软件Planning Pod提供资金支持,商业合伙人杰夫•基尔和共同创始人史蒂芬•费恩格茨非常激动。当时他们正在与Basecamp等等已经形成气候的竞争者进行较量,真好用得上外部投资。但他们后来发现,这些投资者其实只愿意投资20,000美元,但却希望获得公司20%的股权,外加年收益的20%。此外,这些投资者还想拥有4次额外的机会,每次以5,000美元换取5%的股权。这两位合伙人的直觉告诉他们,不能接受这个交易。基尔说:“它肯定会搞垮我们。”


When investors get greedy

Company: My Wedding Workbook

Location: Denver, Colo.

Annual sales: "Low six figures."

    When a local angel investor expressed interest in funding the development of their web-based project management software called Planning Pod in April 2011, business partners Jeff Kear and his co-founder Steven Feingertz got excited. They were taking on well-established competitors like Basecamp and could have used the money. But it turned out that the investors, who were going to pony up $20,000, wanted a 20% the company in exchange, plus 20% of annual revenues; the investor would have four additional opportunities to buy 5% of the firm for about $5,000. Their instincts told them to back away. "It would really cripple us," says Kear.

    The two entrepreneurs had been investing revenues from their first successful product, My Wedding Workbook, into building the new one. "I would rather bootstrap it and use the revenue we're already bringing in to bump it along," he says. And that's what they did, offering their tech contractors equity instead of paying development fees. "Our developers now have a vested interest in the success of the company and have shown great initiative," says Kear. Plus, the four-employee firm has freed up cash for marketing.

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