

Scott D. Anthony 2012年04月19日


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    斯科特•安东尼是创新和策略咨询公司Innosight的亚太董事总经理,著有《创新黑皮书》(The Little Black Book of Innovation)一书(哈佛商业评论出版社,2012年)。


    For example, noted entrepreneur Jeff Stibel created a "failure wall" in his company. The wall combined memorable quotes about failure with personal examples describing individual failures and lessons learned. Stibel himself detailed three of his most memorable failures -- and signed his name to those failures. You don't get clearer signals from leadership than that.

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    Innovation is the challenge, and the opportunity, of our times. Developing a common language, framing pertinent innovation challenges, and role modeling desired behaviors are straightforward ways to help make innovation a more widespread capability in your organization.

    Scott D. Anthony is Managing Director, Asia-Pacific, of Innosight, an innovation and strategy consulting firm. He is the author of The Little Black Book of Innovation (Harvard Business Review Press, 2012).

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