

Catherine Dunn 2014年06月27日







    2008年,戴维•普伦德加斯特的女儿贝丝被诊断出患有白血病。从那之后,他才知道,有类似遭遇的家庭应该得到更好的临终关怀。在贝丝生命的最后六天负责照顾她的家庭病房护理人员更习惯照顾成年人,“尽管付出了最大的努力,但贝丝还是在经历过许多痛苦之后离开了我们,”普伦德加斯特说。很快,他便与珍妮•麦金纳合作,帮助她成立爱尔兰第一家临终患儿关怀医院(上图中右侧为普伦德加斯特,左侧为麦金纳)。麦金纳曾经失去过两个孩子。普伦德加斯特曾多次在媒体中露面,寻求政府对这项事业的支持。仅从英特尔的同事那里便募得了100,000美元。英特尔为新大楼捐赠了专业IT服务,而为了接纳患者家庭,普伦德加斯特与建筑师们对细节进行了大量修改。2011年,劳拉林恩,爱尔兰临终儿童关怀医院(LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice)成立,一举开创了爱尔兰儿童护理领域的先河。

    Dr. David Prendergast

    Age 41

    Occupation Anthropologist

    Company Intel

    Location Leixlip, Ireland

    After leukemia claimed David Prendergast’s toddler daughter, Beth, in 2008, he knew the end-of-life experience could be better for families in similar situations. The home-care aides that tended to Beth during her final six days were more used to dealing with adults, and “despite best efforts, Beth died in quite a lot of pain,” Prendergast says. He immediately teamed up with Jane McKenna, a mother who had lost two children of her own, to help her establish Ireland’s first hospice for terminally ill children (Prendergast is pictured above, left with McKenna). Prendergast made multiple media appearances to drum up national support for the cause and raised just under $100,000 with his fellow Intel employees. Intel donated specialized IT services for the new building, and Prendergast worked with architects on myriad details to accommodate families. LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice, opened in 2011, setting a new precedent for children’s care in the country.

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