

Rupali Arora 2014年06月24日



    •全球最具影响力商界女性排名: 38

    威科集团(Wolters Kluwer)首席执行官南希•麦肯斯基13岁的时候就找到了她的第一份工作,在她成长的康涅狄格州波特兰小镇上的夏令营厨房里工作。“每天早上6点,我帮助厨师做早餐,然后步行回家。然后回来帮忙做午餐,然后是晚餐。这份工作让我体会到强烈的工作热情,认真考虑我想做什么;饮食服务似乎并不适合我。”

    Nancy McKinstry

    • Company: Wolters Kluwer

    • Global MPW rank: 38

    Wolters Kluwer CEO Nancy McKinstry got her first job at the age of 13, working at a summer camp kitchen in the small town of Portland, Connecticut, where she grew up. "At 6:00 am I would help the cook make breakfast, then walk back home, and return to help with lunch and later dinner. The job helped me appreciate a strong work ethic and to really think about what I wanted to do; food services didn't seem a good fit."

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